Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Forceful Marriage – Is there a du’a to avoid marrying this guy?

Forced marriage poster for people in the UK

Forced marriage

AOA all

I am 24 and my parents want me to marry this guy that they really like.

but I dont like him at all and dont want to marry him.

I have tried talking to them but they wouldnt listen to me instead insult me .

I even tried telling them I cant take him as my husband and that the nikkah would be haram but they wouldnt listen to me.

They keep saying you will be happy after getting married.

I keep praying everyday that this marriage doesnt happen.

Is there any specific Dua which I can recite.

I really need help and if possible can it be soon.

I really dont want to get married to this guy.

Please suggest some Dua.

- fatimak760

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7 Responses »

  1. Assalaamualaikam

    Islamically, nobody is allowed to force you to get married. If you do not wish to marry this man, it is your right to refuse him. Sadly, sometimes refusing can put a girl at risk of harm - if this is a possibility, I would advise you to seek help and protection as a priority.

    Why are your parents so keen on marrying this man? Maybe you could ask them what qualities he has that make them feel so strongly.

    What qualities does he have that mean you do not like him? When choosing a spouse, our primary considerations should be deen and character, and we also need to think about compatibility. If your parents aren't willing to listen to your concerns, maybe you could ask a trusted family member to come with you when you discuss it with your parents or to raise your concerns for you.

    Pray istikhara and ask for Allah's guidance; inshaAllah you will be guided to what is best for you.

    Midnightmoon editor

  2. Asalamu alikum,

    My dear sister, i dont know of any dua about marriage. But do istikhara, and do the dua for someone in distress:

    But if you still are not comfortable- then my dear you need to stand for yourself. some parents can be abusive and forcing you to marry someone is as bad as it gets. You need to tell that no matter what happens, no matter how much they plan, on the nikhah day you will not sign and you will say NO- NO -NO out loud to the man and his whole family. You let them know you will not be taken advantage off.

    You must respect your parents, but if they are making you do something impermissible, you have the right to stand up for yourself.

    May Allah make things easier for you my dear and hope that this situation ends well,


  3. Sister,

    No one can force you to marry anyone whom you do not see fit for marriage...not even your parents. They may like him however it is not your parents who will be marrying this man. It is you who must like him and that is what counts here...nothing else. Stand your ground and fear have religion on your side on this. Forced marriage in Islam is forbidden.


  4. Forceful marriages are not part of islam...

    You can read further here...IslamQA,forceful marriages in Islam

  5. Saying "islam does not allow forceful marriages" does not solve our problems guys!!
    We need powerful dua to save our lives!! Help!! please!!!!!

  6. Oh please someone post a dua!! I'm tired of fighting humans, I trust Allah to save me! Please give me a dua that will work inshallah. Help!

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