To Allah we belong and to HIM we will return.
Assalam O Alaikum dear brother and sisters,
I am really saddened to announce that father of Brother Wael's (Chief Editor) has passed away yesterday in Fresno, California (U.S.A). I will share with you all what brother Wael shared on his FB page.
"My father, Hesham Gawad, PhD, passed away this morning as a result of a heart attack. He was 72 years old. Dr. Gawad was a scientist, researcher and university professor in the field of plant science. He taught at the University of Riyadh for many years, worked for the FAO, did post-harvest research and most recently consulted with farmers in the Gaza Strip. His latest project - sadly still unfinished - was, in which he wrote articles comparing the nutritional values of various fruits and vegetables.
My father was dedicated to truth. Although he sometimes came across as cynical, I think he actually cared deeply about people and the world. One of my earliest memories as a child was a dinner at our home in which several Arab men were discussing the Israeli-Palestinian situation. This might have been around the time of the '73 war, or just before. The men talked about how to help the Palestinians, the possibility of war, etc. My father interrupted and said quite forcefully that all this talk was fruitless, that the Palestinian problem would never be solved unless all the Arabs and Muslims came together as one people, and that as long as we continued to harbor national and ethnic resentments we would be helpless before the world. Although I was a small child, I never forgot that.
My father loved my daughter Salma so much. He loved to recount things that she had said or done, sometimes repeating the story again and again, and laughing. My father actually had a heart attack six years ago, just days after Salma was born, and we thought he might die at that time without meeting his granddaughter. So I am grateful that he survived to see his granddaughter and get to know her. In that sense, the last six years have been a gift. Of course, every day of life is a gift, for every one one us.
He also loved his wife (my mother) deeply. He often said to me that she is the heart of our family, and that he would be lost without her. In recent years he felt his health failing, and he asked me many times to take care of my mother when he passes.
The strong support from my father's friends has been gratifying. He made an impression on many people in this world. He will be missed. May God rest his soul and grant him a fruitful spot in heaven, where he can continue his study of plants - the heavenly variety, this time, and with no supervisor except Allah 🙂 "
(O Allaah, forgive our living and our dead, those who are present among us and those who are absent, our young and our old, our males and our females. O Allaah, whoever You keep alive, keep him alive in Islam, and whoever You cause to die, cause him to die with faith. O Allaah, forgive him and have mercy on him, keep him safe and sound and forgive him, honour the place where he settles and make his entrance wide; wash him with water and snow and hail, and cleanse him of sin as a white garment is cleansed of dirt. O Allaah, give him a house better than his house and a family better than his family. O Allaah, admit him to Paradise and protect him from the torment of the grave and the torment of Hell-fire; make his grave spacious and fill it with light. O Allaah, do not deprive us of the reward and do not cause us to go astray after this).
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Salam everyone
Dear brother Wael,
May ALLAH welcome your father in the beautiful Firdaws.
Cherish his memories and the love he had for you, your daughter, your family and friends.
Ina li lahi wa ina ileihi rajicuun.
May Allah forgive him, have mercy on him, and
grant him jannah. Ameen
May Allah give you and your family patience, and faith
Through this insha'allah ...Ameen
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.
My condolences.
I'll surely pray for all of you.
O Allah ! Shower your mercy and peace on your servant Hesham Gawad. Let his grave be enlighten. Grant him jannah al firdaws. O Lord of the Universe, accept his good deeds and let it increase by many means and surely through his son. O Allah! Forgive him, elevate his status among the guided people and look after the family that he left behind. O Lord of the universe! Forgive us and him, comfort him in his grave and lighten his stay (in the grave). AMEEN.
Allahumma Ameen!
Dear brother Wael, may Allah grant you and your mother the strength of Imaan to face this temporary loss and separation, and may He reward you both bountifully for your patience.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.
Brother Wael, may Allah ease u and ur family's pain Inshallah. May Allah grant ur father Jannatul Firdous Inshallah
Asalamu alaikum brother wael
may Allah grand him jannah firdaus
And may allah make him answer the 3 question.
وَعَلَيْكُمْ السَّلاَمُ
May ALLAH keep his soul in peace and may ALLAH give him the highest place and rank in jannat-ul-firdous Ameen
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.
May Allah forgive his all sins and grant him the High rank in janna.
Ina li ALLAH wa ina ilyhi rajiun.
Brother Wael, sorry for your loss. May Allah grant your father paradise and may Allah help your family to overcome this loss.
Asalam Alaikum,
Its a sad news.May his soul rest in peace and he get place in jannat-ul firdaus.May Allah give the family member sabr to overcome the loss.Ameen.
My sincere condolences to you and your family dear brother Wael.
May Allah (SWT) grant your father a beautiful place in Jannat-Al-Firdous.
May He give you strength and patience throughout this difficult time.
inaillahi wa ina lilayhi rajioon.
May Allah grant him Jannah
Thank you all for your kind words. Allah reward you all.
Wael Editor
May Allah forgive all his sins and grant him best place in Jannat ul firdaus...Ameen
Inna lillahi wa inna illaihi raji'un,
my sincere coindolenses brother wael
Inna lillahi wa inna illaihi raji'un,
my sincere coindolenses brother wael.May Allah(s.w.t) forgive all our and his sins,and grant him aljannatul firdaus!
salaam my dear brother
my sincere prays are with you and your family, may allah ease the pain of the grave and open the doors of jannah for your father
allah hafiz
May his gentle soul rest in peace. Inna lillah wa inna ilai hi raji un. May Allah bless him with paradise
May Allah (swt) reunite us with our loved ones in Jannah Firdoza Ameen,Rabbi Rhamhuma kama rabbayanee sagheera,
Dear brother Wael,
May Allah have mercy on him and your whole family.
Mums feel really lonely when dads pass away. they feel that the protecting cover over them is gone. May Allah help you be the protecting and carring son.
when dads go, the kids, no matter how old they are , feel that a shade is lifted and and the person who had known them as a kid, as a son is gone and now they are among a generation who knows them as adult only. May Allah be with you, who knows you more than anyone else.
grandchildern feel that this always gentle and loving person, someone who made them feel 'iam the favourite one' ,and the heart that always melted at there tantrums is suddenly no longer there. For some it is their first experience of loosing a loved one, and the first experience of learning about the hereafter. its important for them to know that inshallah one day they will find them again and play with them in the garden that is being prepared for them.
inalillahi wa ina illaihi rajioon.
May he find Jannah waiting for him.ameen.
Dear Brother Wael
After reading your email on the loss of your father, I was deeply saddened.
Inna lillahi Wa inna ilaihi Rajioon
May Allah swt provide light and space in your father's resting place and to bless him into the highest ranks of Jannah, Ameen.
Love and peace to your mother, she will surely feel the loss of her husband...
Allah swt bless you and your family with love, patience, happiness and tranquility, Ameen.
Your sister, Anika
Brother Wael,
My condolences.
May Allah grant your father Jannah and give you and your family pateince and strength.