Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Cannot get pregnant by husband

How to get pregnant with the new technology

How to get pregnant with the new technology

Assalamualaikum sister,

We are married from 3 years and donot have children, recently we found out that my husband has some medical condition due to which there is no sperm produced in him.

Doctors say it is impossible for me to get pregnant from him and i should go for other options, but i believe firmly that Allah taala will make it possible, please suggest me some powerful duas and their meanings so that me and my husband can read it.


- mahek_khan

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5 Responses »

  1. Salaam My Sister,

    I am sorry for these troubles that you are facing.

    The condition that you are describing from your husband is called "Azoospermia" - when a man produces semen but no sperm. I would recommend that you read as much about it as you can.

    I am not an expert in this area, however I do know that there have been studies into this area, and there are specialists who deal specifically with this problem and can, in some cases, help. It's a long, expensive and emotionally agonising process.

    Regarding prayers and supplications, Sister Noorah gave some excellent advice in a previous post we had here:


    Editor, Islamic Answers

  2. Dear sister,
    Please pray and do the istgfar as much as you can and also nataural wild-bee honey (donot put in the friedge or heat, room temarature)
    There is one sheikh ( he did medications to several people who suffer the same) in Sudan

  3. Asak sister Mahek,

    One of my frnd is also sufferring from the same problem as yours,whose husband is azoospermic.

    Could you please let me know if U have been blessed children?

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