Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Istikhara marriage dream

dream fantasy

Asalam o Alaikum,

I want to marry someone. I got a proposal from out of my family, and hopefully they will be ready for marriage. My family is also ready. I am doing istikhara for the second time for the same proposal. The first time I didn't see anything, but in the last time I had a dream but I don't knows the result of my dreams:

After praying istakha prayer I saw myself in our village on cultivated land and cutting some green crops for pets. I also saw too much water in our open lands (where we stay). This water was quite useful for crops, so all the family was very happy. However that water was not from rain, it was from a lake that is laying near our house. Later on some people came over and started controlling the water.


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10 Responses »

  1. Salam brother

    i would recommend that you should seek guidance from some authentic well learned Islamic scholar about its meaning and further guidance.

    I hope that you would get a proper response here too.

    Your sister

  2. May Allah guide us to the right path.

    I am not scholar myself but I will try to tell you from what I read about seeing a dream after performing Istikhara prayer.

    There are many widespread misconceptions about the prayer for divine guidance(Istikharah).Some believe that it is not valid unless it is prayed by a person other then the one who seeks guidance;Others think that the one who prays it must see the answer in a dream when he or she sleeps afterwards.This is a misguidance that neither Allah or his Prophet(p.b.u.h) ordered, it is heresy that should be avoided.Some people keep following religious innovation until it makes them neglect the real sunnah of the Prophet(p.b.u.h).They deprive themselves of the prayer's proper rewards and blessings and of the taste of delight when performing it.

    Many people do not know to deprive benefits from the prayer for guidance.They have deserted the prescribed manner and invented many other ways that are not confirmed in the Noble Qur'an an Sunnah.

    After praying the Istikharah properly,follow what makes your heart feel at ease.Do not lean towards what your heart desired before the prayer, otherwise you will be asking for guidance from your own desires instead of Allah, and we seek refuge with Allah from that.Some people think that there must be a dream seen in their sleep after the prayer, some regard a green or white color as a sign that the matter should be done, while red or black color indicates that the matter should not be done.Others employ the 'prayer beads method' and some read the remains of the coffee, and some go to a fortune-teller such false ways has no place in Islam.

    Allah knows what is the best and bad for us.So, you should turned to Him and follow what your heart feel ease on and not your dreams.If you feel that you love this girl whom you are going to marry to and feel comfort about your decisions without any doubts then you can marry her Inshallah.The answer of istikharah is not been seen in dreams or other ways else but from the heart and from yourself if you feel comfortable about your decision and not your desires.

    Hope I have help you a bit and about your dream I really don't know its meaning but I pray for Allah to choose the best for you.

  3. Shafiq, wa alaykum as-salam,

    Red Rose is exactly right. Salat-al-Istikhara is not dependent on dreams. That is a common misconception. Rather, it is a prayer to Allah to guide you to what is best, and keep evil away from you. After praying, you should simply make the best choice you can - the one that feels right to you - and trust that Allah is guiding you.

    Wael Editor

  4. Asalamalikum, i have got engaged to my cousin on 6 march 2014 i m 15 years old . We both were arranged but eventually we were in love that now its impossible for us to be apart . My fiance parents are agree for our marriage but i dont know my parents mind changing on tuesday 21 oct i did istikhara n i had two dreams at a time one that i am shopping juices with my fiance nd other is he is laying on my bed n my mother in law is sitting next to him . Plz guide me .

    • Salaams,

      We do not interpret dreams nor advise it as a result of istikhara. Please see the article on istikhara on the main page. If you want to continue with the marriage, talk openly with your parents about how you feel about him and find out why they changed their mind. They may have had a good reason. You're very young, so don't worry about losing out on something. You've got plenty of time to secure a good match.

      -Amy Editor

  5. [Editor's note: Please submit your question as a new post for publication rather than as a comment on an existing post. That way it can be published and answered in turn, inshaAllah.]

  6. One day I dia an iatakhara abt marriage..I saw my czn which I really love her but I never understand the meaning of this dream

  7. assalam...

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