Islamic marriage advice and family advice

A dream about a girl I used to love

black magic sorcerer

Assalamualikum everyone. The other day I dreamt about a girl who I used to love reading suratul ikhlas backwards and I took it as black magic and I woke up from the dream and a few months back I told her if I can't get her I will learn black magic for her. JazakAllahkhair.

Mohammed Numan

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7 Responses »

  1. Waalaikumsalaam, Brother.

    I don't have any knowledge about dream interpretation, however if this dream is re-occuring, then perhaps you should find yourself an individual that can provide you with some insight into any meaning behind it.
    Note: This individual should be rightly guided and educated, on the path of Allah.

    Akhi, sincere advice I give to you is; I know you love her, but no one is worth committing sin over. Trust me if Allah- The best- does not bless you with this sister, by Halal means- then this Sister is not for you just now, or perhaps never for you. It seems you are so besowtted with this Sister that, you will do anything - even sin and go against Allah, for her- a mere human being.

    The shaitan uses your weakness and plays on it- in this case the love you have for a Sister- and convinces you that if Allah hasn't decreed her for you, you love her, so need to go against Allah's plan for your life to get her. But as a Muslim, we know if something is causing us to committ sin, in order to gain it - surely that is a red flag it isn't for us, or is bad for us.

    Let the Sister know you're feelings in a halal way, and if she doesn't feel the same- let her go- and if she does feel the same, then marry her, or look to.
    Inshallah , by the will of Allah, your affairs are solved.
    Always remember; 'Allah alone is sufficient for us, and he is the best disposer of our affairs'

    - Recited by many prophets when faced with trials and dilemmas.

  2. Walaikum As Salam

    You will learn Black Magic for her you mean to get her you will learn black magic ? How hilarious. Just make sure you learn it well because slightest of the blunder and it might repulse back on you in some or the other form. Pretty hazardous you see.

    If your intentions are good get her by right means and not by threatning about things like black magic and all. Would have that been practically possible no person on earth would have been left disheartened for just not getting those they love.

    Your thinking is weird and absurd so accordingly you get dreams also absurd. Think good and you shall INSHA ALLAH get good dreams.

    All the best.

  3. asalaam alaikum,

    spend your time concerning yourself with Salah and asking Allah for help. if you were meant to be together you would be. try standing in a pit of fire for half an hour, then think about doing that for eternity, learning 'black magic' for someone would never be worth it. also, do you really shaytaan would help you even if you did learn black magic? the problem with evil is, it never wins or works out 🙂

  4. Anyone that strays against Allah swt especially in the way of Magic, will suffer. If you decided to enter into the dark world of Magic, You have basically signed yourself into hellfire. May Allah swt guide us all Ameen.

  5. You love this girl and you want to do black magic on her if she does not like you. One can never harm some one they love. Your love is not love, it is lust. Stop thinking about black magic or harming others.

  6. You are playing with fire ..I font know too much about what is in your life but it is danger......You must keep away from all evils pray at mosque n most of all read quran daily and listen punctually so we can get the protection of Allah.....If we need manzil and listen you can read n blow into water n drink it.....The manzil is selected duas of the prophet Muhammad PBUH keep blk magic or other things that came on to you...just Google it or you tube it get the app ... but listen and read it morning n evening for about month just for safety because they can come back if someone is doing this....If you want to understand more just go to you tube and type diaries of an exorcist part 1.

  7. By learning black magic for her , you are only destroying your love's life.
    Do you know the consequences of this magic etc? Have you not seen such miserable people who are the victim of these things. Their life becomes hell, shayateens control their brain, thoughts , and all capabilities nd they have no life of their own. plz for Allah's sake do not destroy the life of the girl you lve rather giver her a respectable life by marrying in a halal way.

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