Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Can a husband divorce his wife for being short tempered and cynical?

Divorce leads to a broken homeCan a husband divorce his wife for his wife not being trustworthy after marriage, short tempered, cynical, and not commited enough to maintain marriage life?

And after divorcing can husband marry his wife's younger sister if her family agrees to?

As the younger sister is sympathetic to the husband for what his wife is doing.

So is it permissible to marry the sister in law?

- raqib

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5 Responses »

  1. Dear Brother Raqib,

    Is there any reason for her short temper? Are there any problems in your marriage life or in her past that make her this way? Have you tried to talking to your wife about this?

    Why would you marry your current sister-in-law? From what I know, it is discouraged on the basis that it can cause problems between sisters. Would it cause a problem in the family? How do you know of the sister-in-law's opinions about this matter?

    I would try settling things out with your wife, first. I wouldn't be so haste to divorce.

    Your Sister,


  2. Assalamu'alaikum Raqib,

    I agree with sister Anonymous. You are telling us you want to divorce your wife but you make no mention of why she is acting the way she does. If you haven't already done so you need to sit with your wife and try to find out why she is acting this way. Maybe it's something that you are doing.

    There are always two sides to a story and you haven't given us enough information.

    As for marrying your sister-in-law, what good will come of that? What about the devision within the family? Islamically I don't think it's permissible but you need to check with your Imam. Also, what parents in their right mind would allow that.

    Brother, you need to work things out with your wife and forget about trying to marry her sister.

    Your Brother in Islam

    Abdul Wali Editor

  3. Salamu Aleikum Brother,

    First of all: Divorce is the last resort and not a decision you make on a whim. You have to try everyhing

    before you divorce her, which is trying to create romance, talking to her, maybe even going to a marriage

    counsellor. Being cynical and short-tempered is not a valid reason for divorcing your wife. I have the

    impression that many people have lost their committment during marriage to endure problems and

    tolerate bad times with their partner. They have high expectations the other party doesn't fulfill.

    And then they get disappointed. You can't run away in life whenever you have problems

    Secondly: You mentioned that your sister in law is sympathetic. She isn't your mahram, this means

    you had conversations with her that made you think that way. That is not permissible, you're not

    supposed to talk to a non-mahram woman about your marital problems. Just imagine the following

    situation: Your wife faces problems with you and then talks to your brother about the problems which

    make her feel attracted to him. You even think of marrying her, this is zulm. Even if you are the unhappiest

    person on earth, you must be consistent in your decision and keep the problems inside the home.

    The Qu'ran tells women to keep the problems within the home and not to share them even with family

    members, please do the same. Everything you tell others can be used against you, one way or the other,

    keep it inside the home between you and your wife. Keep the option to divorce her as a last option.

    Sorry that I'm so straightforward, but even if your wife is a demon or the Shaitaan, she hasn't deserved

    that her husband flirts, talks, or simply discusses problems with her non-mahram sister.

    If you need someone to talk, you can choose an elder person, maybe a wise and experienced male

    person in your family.

    Jazakallah, Good luck

  4. Hello,
    Just got one question for you to answer yourself. Could it be your wife has turned this way because you covet her sister and she senses it? Women are not stupid. If it has gotten to the point that you wish to marry the sister then I can tell you she knows. Your wife knows.

    If your wife was coveting your brother how would you feel? Wouldn't that make you short tempered and cynical? As far as trustworthy, you're not that trustworthy either. It works both ways.

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