Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Fajr, School, Home, Quran, Salaah, Bed, Fajr… & no breaks. Death is better!

girl innocent

Trusted Muslim ladies please

Asalamualaykum I am an eleven year old girl and I am also finding life hard and I feel that death is better for me I am currently memorizing the holy Quran and allhamdulilah living with my family.

But what my problame is that every time I come back from school mama is always saying come in go memorize come on come on come on but this really stresses me because I am in grade seven and am shuved with homework assignments and many more.

I have tried speaking with mum but she just dosent understand me she is always saying yala yala go memorize and now my daily life is six hours of school have sone food pray duhr pray asr the memorise till mugrib prayer so I pray then I do my tons of homework and assignments then pray isha and brush my teeth and go to bed then wake up for fajir the next morning and on we go from there I am sooooooooo tierd and annoyed from the way I am living and now I just want to die I feel like my heart has ripped open that the fact that I have to post this note on the internet and not to my family. My heart is torn.

Please give me advice and help me.

Jazakumuallah, Wasalamualaykum

~11 yr old girl

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7 Responses »

  1. Asalaam alaikum,

    It's okay dear sister, it's okay. Everything will be alright as long as you put faith in Allah (swt) and keep communicating. Let's look at the Qur'an first so we can convince your mom that you need a break, shall we?

    'God desires ease for you, and desires not hardship' (2:185);
    'God desires to lighten things for you, for the human being has been created weak' (94:28).

    And also,

    'It is part of the mercy of Allah that you deal gently with them. If you were severe or hardhearted, they would have broken away from you' (3: 159).

    So we need to help you mom see that you need a break, as Allah (swt) commands that our religion should not be hard on you.

    There are several hadiths that say the people who were trying to be pious by refraining from the good work and the righteous enjoyment that Allah (swt) gives us in this life, are fooling themselves. Why? Due to the fact that the Holy Prophet played games and had fun! If the greatest human being to have ever been created can laugh and smile, then we are allowed to do so, too!

    Aisha (ra) told a story about how she and the Holy Prophet were having a foot race, and the first race she won, only for the Prophet to win the second time. This shows that the Holy Prophet enjoyed the time he had and shared in fun games and loved his family, too. There is a funny narration in which the Holy Prophet (saw) and Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) were eating dates together.

    Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) had a great sense of humor, and was very witty. He was once sitting with his cousin, Ali (as), eating dates out of a bag. The Prophet thought of playing a joke on his cousin. After eating a date, he would quietly slip its stone into the pile lying in front of Ali (as).

    When they had finished eating the dates, the Prophet (saw) remarked. “Let us see who has eaten most of the dates.” Surely the pile of date-stones lying in front of Ali (as) was bigger. On this the Prophet (saw) smiled. However Ali (as), realizing the joke, replied “Ah sure, it seems you were so hungry that you ate the dates along with the stones!” On this, both of them burst into laughter.

    So you see, Islam is not meant to be hard. We just show your mom that you're exhausted and need halal relaxation and fun, too. Sometimes, you just need a break to play and what not. Even the Prophet allows this, but how so?

    In yet another hadith, when two of his grandsons, Hasan (as) and Hussain (as) were playing in the masjid, they climbed atop the Holy Prophet (saw) as he was in sujood. Some people went to remove the children, but the Holy Prophet said not to do that. He did not want the children to be hurt and taken away from enjoying his company, so they played and were happy with him.

    I think it's okay for you to talk to your mom, share these stories and ayats with her and say, "I need a time out. Allah (swt) and His Prophet allow me to play and I want to follow the Sunnah, too! Please, can I be like the Holy Prophet (saw) and play, too? May I please relax the way he did?"

    It important to note that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) had so many responsibilities, but he found the time to make his family happy. This is important for all of us to learn. Kindly remind your mother than even revelation was handed down in 23 years and not all at once. The reason for this is because Allah (swt) knew that people needed time to reform their selves and accept Islam. If He had gave it all at once, no one could follow it entirely and completely.

    This is a part of His Mercy. Talk to your mom nicely and help her see that you're tired, but love Islam and need to pace yourself. There is nothing wrong in that.

    Don't get discouraged! We're here to help!

    • Jazakumuallah everyone you have helped me a lot may Allah forgive you and I and shower his blessings upon us

  2. Salaam sister 😛 you'r question made me smile. Firsly, masyaAllah, what ure doing,memorizing quran is a wonderful thing, I wish I could do the same 😀 you should be thankful to Allah for that oppurtunity and try your best.

    Secondly, I agree to the fact that you are currently exhausted from all this arrangement. My advice to you is to talk to your mum nicely,explain,make her understand you need some rest too.try to make a timetable and divide the time between memorizing quran and rest 😀

    Thirdly. Ya Rab my sister! Death is better? You are only 11,there are a lot of tests planned by Allah for you.your journey just starting 😉 have faith, stay close to Him ok!

    Lastly. Maybe next time your mum say Yala, you can tel her-istanna, ana ta3bana? 😉

    Allah knows best

    • Jazakumuallah everyone you have helped me a lot may Allah forgive you and I and shower his blessings upon us

  3. Hey sis, I'm american and muslim. Trust me death is not better. you'll grow up and move out... but things will get better before then. Don't worry just relax and instead of studying maybe take an hour to yourself in your room and relax for your own sanity. Take your quran in your room to 'study' and just relax, take it slow. Study slow, don't stress out. For an hour, for your health. also summer is coming. I hope you have vacation or break from school during the summer months. xxx hugs

    • Jazakumuallah everyone you have helped me a lot may Allah forgive you and I and shower his blessings upon us

  4. Assalam o alykum wr wb.
    Subhanallah for all the ukhtis who set aside some time to read with perusal and commented.. Your lovely sister.. subhanallah i know you get tired. and out of your innocence these words are pronounced from your mouth ,well being concise i could only give one advice to you that "if its possible you can stop your studies after 7th grade you can concentrate of hafizah ,, then later jump on to other grades if its possible..

    Because most important thing of hafizah is memorising with understanding . subhanallah .and you need some free time filled with serenity and peace to ponder to understand the meaning of quraan inshalahu taala.

    You can say to your mom that i am marrr marrra ta3abb!!!


    Barakallahu feek

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