How can I convince my Hindu mother to accept Islam?

The Truth of Islam
As'salam alaikum.
I am a revert into Islam. I was born to Hindu parents. My father passed away before I reverted, so now it's only my mother and me. My mother, as all other mothers, loves me dearly and so do I.
I've talked about Islam with my mother numerous times but she can never see the truth in Islam. She is adamant in her Hinduism ways and practically forces me into it to. I know her intentions are pure as she thinks I'm in the wrong and wants to "protect me". She has started doing all these pujas and brings home tabeezes which she wants me to wear.
I avoid all these but it results in arguments with her. I don't want to argue with her but that's what happens when I tell her that I'm a Muslim and she should be too. I tried reasoning with her so many times but she just wouldn't listen to reason or logic. She doesn't even let me pray Namaz or fast. I have to do them in secret.
I can't move out I am all she has and I'm honestly afraid to leave her alone. Who'll take care of her then? Not her fake 'gods' nor the shaitans influencing her.
I want her to see the truth in Islam and accept it so that Allah swt may protect her in this life and the next and to save her from the fires of Jahan'num. How can I help her? I'll keep trying to show her rhyme and reason but what if she keeps rejecting them? Is there any du'a which I can pray so that my mother opens up to the truth in Islam and accept it.?
Please help me show my mother the right path. I fear for her.
- zia
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may Allah swt protect your imaan. You have to keep patience with your mother, and Allah will love that trait in you. As Allah gives guidance to only those whom he wills, You have to wait and pray to Allah that he gives guidance to your mother. Show her that since you entered islam, how generous, dutiful, humble & kind you have become. Let her feel what good changes has come inside of you since you reverted. Read the stories of the prophets & you'll come to know how they stayed firm in their iman when all their family members opposed.
May Allah grant you a righteous spouse who will treat your mother right and bring her into islam. I would have asked your hand in marriage, if it was permissible here.
Your mum is emotionally attached to her religion. So basically any form of logical explanation you come up with she would over look. Only way you can bring your mum to Islam is through your actions. Slowly pray around her, recite the quran around her, be very kind to her, be the best version of yourself and through your actions she will slowly come into Islam and look into idea. And it weakens her faith in Hinduism. And make dua for her.
Telling someone your religion is wrong and mine is right is not dawah. That is a ego battle. Islam is a way of life to make us lead a good healthy life. When you have a good product, you don't really need to spend much money on advertisement as you can just show your product is good and its benefits. And that's the same way with Islam
Brother Ahmed,
I really like your sentence: When you have a good product, you don't really need to spend much money on advertisement as you can just show your product is good and its benefits. And that's the same way with Islam Great analogy.
Only Allah can guide your mother no matter how you try so pray for the guidance of your mum to her creator.may Allah guides her to His straight path Amen
My Sister did you know the history of prophet IBRAHIM ?
You kinda found yourself in the same State and His Dua will help you only if you stick to it by Allah
Good afternoon sister and so just you know converting a person to any other religion wouldn't include talking to him,asking him, creating a conversation about that religion, in modern way is called advertisement,only leave them with time only if Allah wills they found him/her self very close to you ,And they found you honest,patient,changing completely from the previous you to the new you and then they'll wait for you to talk to them about your new life and they'll kinda be inquisitive and if they see you're not after introducing it to them that's when they'll proceed to make some research on their own and later will come to talk to you only If your religion is the truth you shouldn't begin talking to them about your faith rather you should
start practicing it in a way that you will please the creator not in a way that they'll be amazed by your faith because
The Messenger of Allah S.a.w., Said,'' A person who acquires ( religious ) knowledge, which is ( normally) acquired to gain the pleasure of Allah, ( For the sole reason ) to secure worldly comforts will not even smell the fragrance of jannah on the Day of Resurrection (i.e, will not enter Jannah ).''
And the person who does something good to call the attention of other will get his reward from those people in the sense that he doesn't do it for the sake of Allah and thus the people will reward him or loose his effort in the day of resurrection.
As you can see it's only Dua that will change your mothers heart from the world to the hereafter, and you can found the prayer in ( 40 RABANA ) it's there but i need you to go through all the Dua'a because they'll be at help to you in the future.
Leaving your mother isn't a solution because leaving her will take you away from the mercy of your Lord because it's Allah Said whenever you found yourself in a family where they don't worship Him you must obey them at all cost wholly you shouldn't obey them when it come's to disobeying Allah .
If i want to give you a gist and i am asking thing about one particular object later i gave it to you personally i doubt it'll impress you
if i bring an unwrapped gift either it'll not impress you
but if i bought a gift wrapped and i kept it without giving you for 1-2 days the next day you will asked me about it that is the wise logic to make things right not approach..
Bi'izinillah she'll accept islam and wil die with Shahada .
I don't want to argue with her but that's what happens when I tell her that I'm a Muslim and she should be too
Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. Someone mentioned that the problem here is that your mother is "attached to her religion" - that's stating the obvious and is pointless to even mention. Part of being religious is that you're naturally attached to your religion...that's what makes you religious in the first place, lol. Have you ever seen a religious person that is dettached from their religion? No.
Anyway, you say you don't want to argue with your mum, but what do you expect will otherwise come out of you telling her that "she should be Muslim, too". That's a very provocative statement to make and is bound to push buttons. Don't bloody say that to your mother...have a bit more respect for her. I understand your intentions aren't bad, but intentions don't make words sound better if the words are bullshit to begin with. You simply do not EVER tell anyone what religion they "should be" - that's not up to YOU to decide, mate. Again, I understand where you're coming from, but you make the mistake of convincing yourself that you have the power and authority to dictate what your loved ones should believe in. And when they don't obey you, you come on here and ask for tips as to how you can control people. Can't you see how wrong this is? You don't promote Islam with power, control and oppression...if you truly want to motivate your mum (because that's all you CAN do: MOTIVATE your mum!), you have to lead by example. Right now, you're showing your mother that islam sucks, because YOUR behaviour - quite frankly - sucks ass. You're behaving in a really self-righteous, obnoxious and controlling manner, so, naturally, your mum is going to think Islam is all about those things. If I wasn't Muslim and someone presented Islam to me the way you chance in Hell that I'd feel attracted to Islam, or even entertain the idea of converting to Islam.
Muslims often forget that non-Muslims look at our behaviour and manners, and form their opinion on Islam based on that, solely. Because who better represents a religion than the people claiming to know about it and follow it? Do yourself and Islam a favour and change your self-righteous, controlling and imposing ways. It's not becoming of a Muslim to be that way. have patience with your mum and accept that right now she's Hindu and have different beliefs - what's haram and halal to you is not to her...accept that, and don't constantly correct her or "teach" her YOUR right way. Tell her that YOU can't engage in the things she does, and then do your own thing - don't hide that you pray or her that that's something you do, and be extra kind so she can see that those practices have a positive effect on you and the way you are with her. Any mother would be happy to see her children improving in their behaviour, I promise you. And if you show her that your improvements come from Islam...then, maybe, she will start seeing Islam in a more positive light. maybe she won't convert immediately or even ever...but she might at least become more understanding of your religious beliefs. In the end of the day, you don't have the power and authority to "convince" anyone that they should follow any ideology that you personally believe is the truth and the right way...all you can do is set a good example and open up the communication path for curious questions.
"she should be Muslim, too"" That's a very provocative statement to make and is bound to push buttons. Don't bloody say that to your mother...have a bit more respect for her."
Lindita, stop exposing your hypocrisy.
If you're going to be an idiot, at least have the decency to explain your idiocy. What makes me a hypocrite, exactly? Because I'm saying something you don't like, lol. That's not the definition of a hypocrite.
Also, who the Hell are you and why are you addressing me as if we have communicated before? I have no idea who you are, and I don't recall ever having engaged with you in any conversation, mate. Take a seat.
HAHAHAHAHA, oh, Lindita, one of the true signs of a pure hypocrite like you is swearing while arguing and making fun of Islam. Why am I addressing you? Well, consider me addressing you as an honor. LOL.
I'm not swearing - calling you an idiot is like calling a spade a spade. There's no other word for you :). If you take offense to your own idiotic nature, then change your nature.
And I don't consider you addressing me an honour, lol. I feel honoured by people I look up to, not by those that mean nothing to me, lol. I'm just genuinely curious as to why you're stalking my posts - and not even to counter discuss the things I write. Seems really weird to me.
Anyway, stop being salty :D.
"I'm not swearing." LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Ohhhh, Lindita, you cunning hypocrite..."I'm not swearing....." Hahhahahaha. Why I'm stalking your posts? LOL. I'm honoring your posts, Lindita 🙂
Okay, that´s enough. Both of you. Disagreement is fine, but personal attacks are not. You are both valued members of the website. The feud is over.
Wael Editor
I know, Habibi, Wael, I know. It's about attacks on Islam and Allah subhanawatallah . Allah subhanawatallah says in the Quran, "O you who believe! be careful of (your duty to) Allah with the care which is due to Him, and do not die unless you are Muslims." (3:102) Time and time again she has proved that she is a cunning hypocrite by insulting Islam and Muslims.
Surah An-Nisa', Verse 89" "They wish that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore do not take from among them friends until they migrate in Allah's way. But if they turn back (to infidelity), then seize them and slay them wherever you find them, and do not take from among them a friend or a helper."
Now this holy verse, following that idea, indicates that the inner darkness of these hypocrites is so much so that, not only they themselves are disbelievers, but also they desire that you should disbelieve, too, as they do, and you would become equal to them. It says:
"They wish that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike....."
Therefore, they are worse than the ordinary pagans, because those pagans are not the thieve and robbers of others' Faith, while these hypocrites are, and they, as a habitual manner, ceaselessly try to spoil the creeds of others.
Now that they are like that, it says:
"...therefore do not take from among them friends..."
This is a frame, unless they reform their affairs and stop hypocrisy and destruction.
Sheikh Salih Al-Munajjid has said on his website,,
"Undoubtedly this is a problem from which the ummah suffers from time to time, especially when it is faced with trials and tribulations and these hypocrites feel secure and feel that they will not be punished if they attack the foundations of this religion and try to spread division and tribulation.
Undoubtedly the damage that these people do is greater than that caused by the kuffaar whose kufr is obvious, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“They are the enemies, so beware of them. May Allaah curse them! How are they denying (or deviating from) the Right Path?”
[al-Munaafiqoon 63:4]
Because of that, it is prescribed to wage jihad against them and to treat them harshly.
Moreover the harm that these people (hypocrites) cause to the Muslims is greater than that caused by others (kaafirs), indeed their harm is like that caused by the mushrikeen and people of the Book who fight the Muslims. The damage that they do to the religious commitment of many people is worse than the damage done by those mushrikeen and people of the Book who wage war on us. Every Muslim must do as much as he can of his duty. It is not permissible for anyone to keep quiet about anything that he knows about them, rather he must broadcast it so that the Muslims will know what they really are. It is not permissible for anyone to help them to remain among the troops and government employees, or for anyone to keep quiet and refrain from carrying out against them that which Allaah and His Messenger have enjoined. It is not permissible for anyone to speak against carrying out what Allaah and His Messenger have enjoined. This is one of the greatest types of enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil, and of striving in jihad for the sake of Allaah. Allaah said to His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) (interpretation of the meaning):
“O Prophet (Muhammad)! Strive hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be harsh against them”
[al-Tawbah 9:73]
These people are included in this phrase “the disbelievers and the hypocrites”.
The one who helps to put a stop to their evil and to guide them as much as he can will have of reward that which is known only to Allaah, for the primary purpose is to guide them as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“You (true believers in Islamic Monotheism, and real followers of Prophet Muhammad and his Sunnah) are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind”
[Aal ‘Imraan 3:110]
Abu Hurayrah said: You are the best of people for people, you bring them in chains and fetters until they enter Islam. (al-Bukhaari, 4557).
The purpose of jihad and of enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil, is to guide people to what is best for them in this world and in the Hereafter, as much as possible; then whomsoever Allaah guides will find happiness in this world and in the Hereafter, and whomsoever He does not guide, his evil will be contained.
Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 35/159-160
Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
The Muslim ummah must respond in kind when it is attacked. So with regard to those who fight Islam with ideas and words, we must explain the falseness of what they say using rational evidence as well as shar’i evidence, so that the falseness of what they say will become apparent.
It is well known that jihad against the hypocrites is not like jihad against the kuffaar, because jihad against the hypocrites is fought with knowledge and argument, whilst jihad against the kuffaar is fought with swords and arrows.
Fataawa ‘Ulama’ al-Balad al-Haraam, p. 1733.
Brother Yusuf, I am disappointed in you. Lindita can be blunt, rude and sometimes offensive, but calling her a munafiq and kafir - and implying that she should be killed, no less - is repellent and disgusting. I expect better from you.
What she said here is that rather than try to preach to his mother and tell her to become Muslim, he should lead the way by example. This is a proven strategy of dawah and in life. If you disagreed, you should have given your reasons.
You have editor status on this website. I´m sorry, but I am removing that and putting you on moderated status. I cannot have this kind of extremism and takfeer going on here. It is not acceptable.
Wael Editor
Sister , Kindly refrain from cussing on this forum . The comments here are filled with Quranic verses and information on sacred teachings . I humbly request you to remove the profanity in the beginning of your comment out of respect for the holy texts . Thank you.
"And implying that she should be killed"???
Dear Wael,
I said, :It is well known that jihad against the hypocrites is not like jihad against the kuffaar, because jihad against the hypocrites is fought with knowledge and argument, whilst jihad against the kuffaar is fought with swords and arrows.
Fataawa ‘Ulama’ al-Balad al-Haraam, p. 1733."
I never said she's a munafiq for the comments she made on the post 'How can I convince my Hindu mother'.
It's for all the the comments she's made until now, like the most hypocrite one is, she says, Islam is backward.
Where did she say that Islam is backward?
Moreover, she called me a pagan for asking the meaning of the verses from the Surah Falaq. HAHAHAHA. I don't care if she personally calls me pagan, but calling pagan for asking the meaning of a verse of the Quran from the Quran?
You didn't see that, buddy? 🙂
One I could find you yourself warning her is:
November 28, 2018 • 1:07 am
Lindita, I edited your comment and I'm placing you on moderated status. Your point of view is welcome but the insults and abusive attitude are not.
Wael Editor.
Now she's clearly very abusive when it comes to arguments, and so allow me to show you from her other comments how she's insulted Islam too.
I found a comment where she said that most Muslims follow backward cultural practices rather than true Islam. I happen to agree with her on that.
Wael Editor
The 'Islam is backward' comment was in reply to M or M had replied to it and definitely about Islam, not about muslims following cultural practices..
Anyways, I don't need the editor status because I wasn't using it much either. 🙂
Alright. I'll show you. I was gonna post all the comments she's made against Islam here, but I thought you knew where she had made that 'Islam is backward' comment. Anyways, how do I access all her comments until now?
Wow...Yusuf Ahmed, I take it back, you're not an idiot - you're instead just insane. And not as in "hehehe, you're crazy" - I mean insane in the literal sense: You seem deranged and mentally ill.
For one, I have never called you or anyone a pagan - I have said many Muslims practice pagan traditions, but I have never called anyone a pagan, Muslim or non-Muslim. I can only assume you must be an Asian Muslim who indeed practices elements from Hinduism since you took what I have said about Asian Muslims often practicing pagan traditions so personally that you have deluded yourself into believing I have called you, personally, a pagan. But that's no reason for you to LIE about me to make yourself look better, or to "prove" a non-point, lol.
Secondly, you have mentioned you were going to bring up my posts where I have supposedly called you pagan and Islam backwarded...yet, you haven't. Without evidence, stop making accusations against me. For the record, you will never find evidence of me calling anybody a pagan, because I never would call anyone that, lol.
As for me calling Islam backwarded...again, you're clearly one of those people that gets a kick out of being offended by everything, so you choose to make issues out of things that are in fact non-issues. Your behaviour reminds me of those people from the LGBTQ+ / feminist / social justice warrior community that want to start WWIII if someone doesn't memorise and adopts their made up gender identify, or whatever. "I identity as bisexual trans fem lesbian non-binary asexual non-human specific with horse tendencies, but not specially horse - and if you don't recognise me as such, you're bigoted and I'll sue your ass". Sure, Jan - sit down.
...You choose to interpret and even completely misunderstand my words in whatever way that's going to complement your negative opinion of me, lol. My point with my comments in regards to backwardedness and Islam relates to the interpretation of Islam, not Islam in and of itself. If I truly believed Islam in and of itself is a backwarded religion, why the Hell would I be a Muslim myself? Makes no sense. I have made it clear - probably multiple times - that Islam is basically what you make of it; It's backwarded when it's being interpreted in a backwarded way, with no regard for any other context than conservatism. I'm sorry this fact offends you, but I also don't care.
I honestly can't stand when people behave like little brats that can't argue for their point or stand behind their insults and accusations with anything other than additional insults and accusations. So this will be the last time I address any post to you, even if you can't but help yourself from continuing to stalk me :D. In which case, I suggest you get a hobby - or a life in general.
Ciao :D.
I told both of you to stop. Lindita, next time you call Yusuf an idiot or mentally deranged, or next time he calls you a pagan or a hypocrite, I will simply ban you both. I won´t have this kind of behavior on this website. I would rather have a website with no posts and no comments than a free-for-all where insults are bandied about. I am copying this comment to Yusuf as well.
Wael Editor
Oh...Lindita, from all the people who have confronted you for using swear words, it shows that you're the one deranged and mentally ill. LOL.
Yusuf, I deleted your last comment because you once again called her a hypocrite. That word is not offensive enough in its English meaning to get a reaction from me, but I understand now that you mean it in its Islamic meaning, i.e. munafiq, and that is not acceptable. I have warned Lindita and I am copying it to you here:
I told both of you to stop. Lindita, next time you call Yusuf an idiot or mentally deranged, or next time he calls you a pagan or a hypocrite, I will simply ban you both. I won´t have this kind of behavior on this website. I would rather have a website with no posts and no comments than a free-for-all where insults are bandied about. I am copying this comment to Yusuf as well.
Wael Editor