Islamic marriage advice and family advice

How to stop masturbating?

Assalam O Alaikum,

My problem is really embarassing but I need help with it, possibly from adults that have gone through the same problem. Well I'm trying to stop masturbating because I know it's bad. But it's so hard for me because my hormones are crazy (I'm almost 14 - I know I'm young but I reached puberty early). I can't get married because of my age (and also because of other reasons like being ugly and not having a university degree; in my family it's considered bad to get married before having a degree.) Fasting doesn't help me at all. Sports don't help me either (usually they just make it worse).

Alhamdulilah I never watch porn or anything. So, what can I do to help me stop? Also is there any dua to get pretty or something? (I know it's unrelated to the main question but it's easier than making a new post).



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236 Responses »

  1. Salaam young Muslimah.

    This is difficult to control when you are young, so I am sorry to hear you have got into this bad habit. It also can affect sexual relations in marriage as you are seeking self-fulfillment. In marriage intimacy is about restraint and giving. The best thing you can start by doing is avoiding putting yourself in that situation. Try not to be alone. Wear clothes which are secure and sleep on your right hand side in a state of wudu. Wake up for Tahajjud if you can and of course Fajr. Even Tahajjud just 20 mins before fajr helps strengthen you. Do your 5xsalat - at least obligatory ones. At times in which you are not praying, keep a tasbih and do as many 'Astaghfirullah', Alhumdulilah, SubhanAllah, AllahuAkbar, Laa ilaha illa Anta Subhanaka innee kuntu minadh-dhaalimeen.' Here is an article which InshaAllah will be of use to you:

    "You are, Alhamdulillah, a Muslim, and that is why you are concerned. A person does not loose his Imaan simply on a stray thought. Keep up the effort, and if perchance there is a slip, return to istighfaar, even if is be a million times. Eventually Shaitaan and the nafs (carnal desires) will get frustrated, and you will win the battle over them. Another remedy is that when the urge arises, consider that if someone senior or respected in your eyes were present, would you still go ahead. Would you do this act in front of your father or mother or grandparent for example? Certainly not! When the presence of this person can subdue the urge, it proves that you do have the potential of controlling this urge. It is just left up to you to now tap into this potential.

    Optional Fasts: If, for some reason, it is not possible to marry at an early age, voluntary fasts may be kept. By fasting, lustful thoughts are curbed and thus one’s sexual urge is reduced. Further, fasting promotes fear of Allah Ta’ala and creates humility. There are various kinds of voluntary fasts. One is the Sawm-e-Daawood [the fast of Daawood - Alayhis salaam] which means fasting every alternate day. Fasts can also be observed on Mondays and Thursdays, six days during the month of Shawaal, the ninth and tenth of Muharram, or any other day (besides the five prohibited days).

    Shun whatever excites sexual thoughts: Young people destroy themselves when they pursue things that incite emotions and become like animals in fulfilling their desires. It is essential for young people to keep away from gatherings and opportunities that may arouse their sexual passions, or where they may come across women in revealing or tightfitting attire. They must abstain from listening to romantic tales or reading pornographic novels and magazines, hearing music and indecent songs or viewing such films.

    Engage in fruitful pursuit: Adolescents and teenagers should not sit alone when they have nothing to do. This will allow their imaginations to run wild and sexual passions will be aroused. They should spend their time properly so that they do not get arousing and lustful ideas. They can keep themselves busy with physical exercise, pure recreation, sensible reading and religious lessons.

    Good Company: It is important to select good and pious friends and companions. Such friends may guard us from erring and although they are rare, they are found everywhere. Search for such company and let yourself spend time with them. Remember that people imitate their friends. Therefore, to strengthen your Imaan, character and physique, keep away from evil companions and adopt the company of virtuous people.

    Act on medical advice

    Doctors of medicine give the following suggestions on how to restrain lustful desires and sexual urges:

    • Have cold baths in summer.

    • Pour cold water on the penis in other seasons.

    • Engage in physical exercises and sports (some doctors recommend special exercises to curb lustful desires)

    • Abstain from spices and all types of food that excite sex

    • Cut down on tea, coffee and invigorating beverages

    • Reduce intake of meat and eggs to a minimum

    • Do not lie down flat on the back or on the stomach. Rather lie on the right side in compliance with the Sunnah.

    Fear Allah Ta’ala

    When fear of Allah Ta’ala is rooted in a person, all sinful and evil acts will be shunned. One will then realise that Allah is always watching, and is aware of everything, whether apparent or hidden. One will take account of every act of disobedience and omission of duty and will know that Allah will punish the disobedient from His Creation.

    Young people must attend gatherings where Allah Ta’ala is eulogised. One must offer one’s Fardh Salaat and make it a habit to offer nafl Salaat and recite the Qur’aan on a regular basis. One must cultivate the fear of Allah, the habit of muraaqabah (meditation), and the realisation of Allah’s Majestic Powers. This is possible when one accustoms oneself to rising in the latter portion of the night for the tahajjud Salaat, keeping optional fasts, listening to the chronicles of the Sahaaba [Radhiallaahu anhum], spending time with pious people, keeping contact with the righteous and remembering death and the Hereafter. Therefore, develop such habits so that you are not drawn into temptation and sensuality. Remember that the punishment for disobedience and sinning is the fire of Jahannam.

    Masturbation and steps for overcoming it

    Masturbation is defined as the manual stimulation of the male or female genitals, not by sexual intercourse, designed to produce an orgasm. Masturbation is totally forbidden in Shari’ah.

    One of the most humiliating problems that the constant male masturbator suffers from when he attempts to have sexual relations is premature ejaculation or the failure to maintain an erection. When a person is masturbating, he tends to reach his orgasm as quickly as possible but in sexual intercourse, he normally has to attempt to control his excitement which can impose a great strain on those who indulge in self abuse over a lengthy period.

    Those who achieve insufficient satisfaction from sexual intercourse and return to masturbation or never give it up suffer a great torment. Sex life is empty for them, which leads to many more problems, marital disputes, divorce, etc.

    Therefore, people who continuously masturbate lose out all round. The physical pleasure becomes reduced to a natural act like urinating or excreting and at the back of their minds there is an awareness that they are missing out on the real pleasures of life. No adult can honestly claim to masturbate without a guilty feeling of complete uselessness. Masturbation is merely an exhaustive rather than constructive undertaking resulting in nothing but total loss. Once orgasm has been achieved, there is nothing left except a feeling of complete emptiness.

    Steps in overcoming masturbation

    Be assured that you can be cured of your difficulty. Many have been, both male and female. And you can also be cured if you determine that it must be so. If you want to give it up, you need will power and determination. Rasulullah [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] said, ‘The Niyyat of a believer is better than the act.’

    This determination is the first step. That is where we begin. Firstly, you must decide that you will end this practice and when you make that decision, the problem will be greatly reduced at once. But it must be more than a hope or a wish more than knowing that it is good for you. You must realize that this is a great evil and you have to want to give it up.

    It must be actually a decision. If you truly make up your mind that you will be cured, then you will have the strength to resist any tendencies which you may have and any temptations which may come to you. Ask Allah to help you and give you strength and steadfastness to succeed.

    After you have made this decision then observe the following specific guidelines.

    Guidelines 1. First step is to realize that you are violating Allah’s command and you are bringing upon yourself a life long destruction and harm.

    2. Never touch the intimate parts of your body unnecessarily.

    3. Avoid being alone as much as possible. Find good company and stay in this good company. Remember, an idle mind is the devil’s (Shaytaan) workshop.

    4. If you are associated with other persons having this same problem, you must break off their friendship. Never associate with other people having the same weakness. Don’t suppose that both of you will quit together, you never will. You must get away from people of that kind. Just to be in their presence will keep your problem foremost in your mind. The problem must be taken out of your mind for that is where it really exists. Your mind must be on other and more wholesome things. It is mentioned in a Hadith that a person is upon the way of his friend. (Bukhari, Tirmizi)

    5. When you bath, do so as quick as possible.

    6. When in bed, if that is where you have your problem for the most part, dress yourself for the night so securely that you cannot easily touch your vital parts so that it would be difficult and time consuming for you to remove those clothes. By the time you started to remove protective clothing, you would have sufficiently controlled your thinking and the temptation would leave you. If the temptation seems overpowering while you are in bed, engage in something useful. The purpose behind this suggestion is that you focus your mind on something else. You are the subject of your thoughts, so to speak.

    7. Never look at pornographic material.

    8. The attitude of the individual has an effect on how easy it is to overcome. It is essential that a firm commitment be made to control this habit. The person must first realize the evil of this act. Secondly he must understand the reason for this behavior.

    After these 2 steps, the individual needs to become sensitive to the situations and conditions which may cause a person to commit this vile act. Hence a person must guard himself from anything, which may trigger a desire for this act. By following these steps, a person gains the ability to gain victory from this act, hence the power to control this filthy practice is developed. Remember you need also a bit of will-power.


    1. MAKE Duaa daily; seek help from Allah, this will strengthen you against temptation.

    2. Follow a program of vigorous daily exercises. The exercise reduces emotional tension and depression and is absolutely basic to the solution to this problem. Double your physical activity when you feel stress increasing.

    3. When the temptation to masturbate is strong, turn your thoughts away from the selfish need to indulge.

    4. Set goals of abstinence. Begin with a day, then a week, a month, a year and finally commit to never doing it again. Till you don’t commit yourself, to never indulging yourself in this vile act, you’ll always be open to temptation.

    6. Begin to work daily on a self-improvement program. Strive to enhance your strengths and talents.

    7. Be aware of situations that depress you or that cause you to feel lonely, bored, frustrated or discouraged, these emotional states can trigger the desire to masturbate as a way of escape. Plan in advance to counter these low periods through various activities, such as reading a Kitab, visiting a friend, doing something athletic, etc.

    8. Start frequenting the Musjid. Make it a daily practice to recite part of the Quraan. Find out about authentic books which you can read from your local Aalim.

    9. Make a pocket calendar for a month on a small card. Carry it with you. Color the day on which you masturbate black. The calendar becomes a strong visual reminder of self-control and should be looked at when you are tempted to add another black day. Keep your calendar up until you have at least three clear months.

    10. A careful study will indicate you have had the problem at certain times and under certain conditions. Try and recall in detail what your particular times and conditions were. Now that you understand how it happens, plan to break the pattern through counter activities.

    11. In the field of psychotherapy, there is a very effective technique called aversion therapy .When we associate or think of something very distasteful with something which has been pleasurable, but undesirable, the distasteful thought and feeling will begin to cancel out that which was pleasurable. If you associate something very distasteful with your loss of self control, it will help you to stop the act. For example, if you are tempted to masturbate, think of having to bathe in a tub of worms, and eat several of them as you do the act.

    17. Do not let yourself return to any past habit or attitude patterns which were part of your problem. Shaytaan never gives up. Keep a positive mental attitude and always stay on guard. You can win this fight! The joy and strength you will feel when you do, will give your whole life a radiant and spiritual glow of satisfaction and fulfillment.

    May Allah give you the power to self-control."

    Sara Editor

    • Asalamu aleykum.i also have problem of musturbation,mine not fluently,When i heard the sound of sex in the house next to my room.that man was rented our house and from house to house all the sound is reflecting,we heard each other as if we are in the same in this if he's sleeping with woman i also disturbed and start musturbation,my feeling is high that time.after they finished i get the morning i just continue with my prayer without taking if i can see your comment all the prayer i was prayer after musturbation not accepted?please brifly explan for me about musturbation.

      • There are several types of ear plugs you can buy to sleep with to avoid the neighbor's sounds. They are very inexpensive, as well. The best that I have found are a moldable stiff gel that fits into the ear, but not into the canal because they are often uncomfortable. There are also soft foam ear covers you can use that are specialized for sleep in conjunction with the plugs to reduce any noise. Lastly, try to find a recording of Qur'an you can play at night when you sleep. With the ear plugs and Qur'an recording, that should keep the sound to a minimum.

        However, see if you can find a male to speak to your neighbor about his sexual sounds at night.

        And lastly, yes, you must take ghusl whenever there is an orgasm you experience, because if you do not, your prayer is invalid. Here is the description of orgasm per an Islamic source.

        Does a woman enter the state of Janabah, if she reaches orgasm without penetration?
        Answer: Yes, she enters the state of janabah and she must perform ghusl.

    • does this feeling is normal or not?plz tell me.does it happen with every one?

    • I have visited many sites for the solution of this problem but this page is the best. I tried many things to overcome this problem many of them worked but had very little effect on me. But the steps and advices you have posted here are very effective and I have been already worked on some. Such as your advice for
      1. Clothing: When i started to where underwear in my trouser at night it helped me great.

      2. Stopped watching porn: Yes porn is the greatest motivator in this problem. I think if anyone want to stop masturbating he first have to stop porn. Porn Fuels Masturbation!

      3. Diary: As I am not married I do not have wife to support me in this problem and I do not any friend whom I can depend on to share my problem. I write diary on this matter where i write about my feelings sexual urges and how I coped with it and whenever i seems to be failing I write it there and analyze the problem find route causes and solve the matter.

      4. Pocket Calender: Yes using track of masterbation is very help full. I use google calender as it is secure and free.

      5. I prayed to Allah help me in this problem and tauba to not to do this act ever again by true neyat, has made a trumendus impact after the tauba I now feel the situation is very much controled Allah helped me to escape and saved me. Allah Ho Akber!

      6. Parda: I believe parda is very important. As for man they should not watch women lustfully. As I stopped watching porn the women walking along the road or street and specially on TV are now effecting me. Now I try to avoid watching them at all.

      7. Never Touch intimate parts of body: Yes touching intimate part of body leads to masturbation. In my experiance It has been very helpful to avoid touching the intimate parts of body and I prefer avoid even watching of your sex organs unless necessary.

      Even though I feel shaytan is still lurking on me and waiting for an opportunity to strike back but as long as I am close to Allah he is on my guard and shaytan will never win.

      Allah Bless you all and specially you my sister Sara.

      • i ve tried alllloooooottttttt to stop stop but no use just reduced frequency but one thing helps me a lot AN EMPTY MIND IS DEVIL WORKSHOP so try to keep yourself busy

    • jazakAllah.
      May Allah Ta'ala bless you.
      Keep me in your prayers..

      • stay blessed ... and pray for me PlXxx K Allah tall a mujhy maaf farmaye or mujhy buraie day bchny ki tofeeq day ( Ammmen)

    • May Allah Ta'ala bless you.

      Best useful answer.

    • may issi tarhaan ka jawaab dhoond raha tha thanks for my help...
      i want to ask one more Question that
      is masturbation a sin in islam?

    • Salam.
      I found your answer helpful.but i have made the niyat of not masturbating and also kasam but due to temptation i have broken them.I really want to get rid of this habit.I am 14 so i can not marry.I do not want to discuss about this with my parenst.Plz help me even with trying all the things i am still unsucessful. 🙁

      • Do discuss this with your parents
        Not your mother if u are a boy discuss this with your father I'm TELLING U HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN STOP UR PROBLEM BECZ HE IS GONE WITH THE SAME THING IN HIS LIFE

        • Ummm,how can i tell about masburation to my dad im sooooo scard of him,he is caring but i dont know what he will do to me,all my friends do this but they didn't tell their father

          • Discuss this problem with a molvi-type man, probably the Imaam in your musjid .. without letting your father know!!

    • thank you so much sister JAZAKALLAH. I found your article so much useful

    • Thnx sara i will try my best

    • Sara, suppose we quit this habit ! But now question arises how to recover the loss of masturbation ? Like i started it when i was 14 and today im 17. If we quit masturbation now, do we still face problems after marriage ? Or the lost will be recovered by itself ?

      • Dear brother I can understand the situation cause even me I've ever passed in such a situation from 16years up to 18 years but now I am done with it but what helped me to stop this situation was;-
        *pray to Allah and try as much as possible to remember him time to time
        * try to keep ur self busy with some issues
        *don't be alone try to be in many people

    • Assalamualaikum..
      I jst read this article now. I hope it will be useful to me..
      Thnks sistr for giving us advice..
      May allah bless

    • Thank you so much this is the best answer I ever had.
      Thanks to make me stay of it.

    • I really like your answer and it is so attractive the same information was given to me by my father
      I'm working on this problem and I really really really want to get rid of it becz in future i want to be cricketer and I need power
      Thank u for such a great answer and ill pray for u because u have helped me with such a good thing MAY ALLAH FORGIVES YOUR SINS AND KEEP U IN HIS BLESSINGS
      Allah hafiz

    • Thank you for this usefull advice ! Inshallah i will manage to stop this shaytanic act .

    • good advice...thankyou

    • Thank you so much. I'm so grateful for this help (although I didn't exactly ask for it, I was too uncomfortable talking about it but yeah...) Insha Allah I'm going to win this battle. <3

    • That article was very helpful thanks.

    • Assalam o alikum,
      Same as Asim! I am also not married. I tried all the ways but I cant get rid off it. but now, I hope I'll try and inshaALLAH I'll quit this bad habit I am use to it atleast 9 years and now I feel I waste my self.....i am 21. Even now I feel myself phsyco patient or such a frustrated person. Overall with duaa and fear of Almighty ALLAH I hope Thi Tim I'll quit.
      I always pray for you sister.

    • AoA
      I have been masturbutating since the last 5 years
      I tried to stop multiple times but in vain the most I could do was stop for 30 days
      But I have stopped now the only thing I now fear is that will the last 5 years of masturbutation affect me in any way I am 19 and I started in 14
      Actually you won’t believe it but I when my body was not mature enough to ejaculate but i could have an erection i would orgasm
      I am getting married next year
      Well its a family issue
      I want to know that will my masturbutation effect me in my married life


  2. Another few points - you may not watch porn now Alhumdulilah, but there is a real risk that you may do in the future if you continue as you will seek 'further satisfaction.' Remember that Allah is watching you at all times, it makes it harder to sin.

    And also you have said you cannot marry at the moment as you are 14, not got a degree and are ugly. 14 is quite young, maturity- wise marriage may be difficult. It is not necessary to have a degree before marriage though, especially if you fear zina. I have known of many couples who have still continued their degree into their marriage. And sister you must realise that you are not ugly. Unfortunately in the enviornment we are bombarded with pictures of 'idealistic models' - like super thin or super light skin- and come to believe that this is beauty. Sister, this is not true, beauty is different for different people. I know how you feel though, I felt the same way when I was your age, it didnt help that the kids are school told me I was ugly as well. Lol. But I wasn't. So if its kids or people saying this to you - realise that kids like to be mean and pick on those who are vulnerable. Accept yourself the way you are - and thank Allah for the blessings. Have strong faith an you will be the most beautiful. When at home around mahram and family, do your hair nicely, wear nice clothes etc. But make sure you are covered around non-mahrams.

    Sara editor

    • Salam,

      Thanks for your reply. This was all good advice. Thanks again.

      About not needing a degree to get married, according to my mom not only do I have to have a degree, but I have to have my doctorates in medicine (here in BC it takes 4 years to complete pre med, 5 years to do med school, and I think another two years to specialise. And two years to finish high school).

      I wouldn't want to get married this young anyways.

      LOL, I think all girls think they're ugly. But no, really, I am. I WOULD do my hair nice and stuff IF I even had enough hair. I had to cut my hair short because it was falling out 🙁

      Other kids don't bother me about it (I'm homeschooled) other than my siblings.... but they bug me more when I'm dressed nice so I know that they don't mean it. Like if I wear a nice dress my sister won't talk to me and calls me a girly-girl and my brother says that he won't let me into his house when he grows up if I wear high heels (I know he's just being silly though).

      Well, Thanks again.

      • W/salaam.

        That is completely ridiculous. It is not recommended to delay marriage when you are ready. I pray that your mother comes around to the idea. Sister thin hair doesnt mean your ugly. Its a bit concerning when hair falls out though, so go to the doctor. I personally do not know any home-remedies for hair thickening (that aren't completely disgusting/very difficult to make) but possibly also look into this. Go to your doctor though to check hair loss isnt due to any other health problem. It may be partly hormonal as it happened to a few girls your age I know but do get it checked.
        Its not so much about dressing up but appreciating your pretty features. All girls have nice features, so focus on those and don't call yourself ugly. It puts yourself down, and gives you negative perception. If you say your ugly, you will believe it etc. Here is a good dua. Say it when you look in the mirror.

        "Alhumdulilah Allahumma kama hassanta khalqi fahassin khuluqi"
        All Praise is due to Allah. Oh Allah, just as You have given me a good physical form, so also fabour me with good morals and manners.

        Sara Editor

        • Sister Sara I m sure that after reading ur advise I will surely leave this habit.aT least I will try my best not to do this act again.thanks a lot Sara nd professor.I will save this page and whenever I will feel wrong I will read it.thanx alot

      • I send u solution just give a try inshallah u will feel change

    • Ummm,how can i tell about masburation to my dad im sooooo scard of him,he is caring but i dont know what he will do to me,all my friends do this but they didn't tell their father

      Im not ugly but my my problem is that I'm more handsome then them boys and once a boy kissed me on my face i slapped him,but since then i do masturbation and i cant resist my self from making a dirty gf, :(((((((((( ,so can i masturbate to avoid zina

  3. I am currently having the same problem. It's very ugly. When I do it, it feels pleasurable but just after finishing, I feel very very guilty and stressed.
    I think your advice will help me a lot.
    Please pray for me so that I can overcome this bad habit, I am very much worried. And I am also not growing taller. I am 16 but only 5 feet 4 inch. Maybe it is not true, but I am thinking that everything happened for those past masturbation, for this, I am getting HOPELESS day by day.

    • Unnamed, your height has nothing to do with the masturbation. Your height is due to a combination of genetics and nutrition.

      Wael Editor

    • According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the average height for an adult female in the United States is 5 feet 3.8 inches. Alhamdulillah, you're right there!

      Please come back and read through this thread for more advice posted to help you with your problem and please click the links I have provided. They will help you immensely, Insha'allah!

  4. Salamu Alaikum.
    I am also a teenager 18years studying medicine in my 1st year. I was brought up in an islamic environment. I pray 5times daily on time, I fast, read quran (I memorised some parts), read hadith and my azkar( sabah and masar). I started this problem of (M tingy) at the age of 16. To be sincere, I do watch bad porn pictures sometimes and it triggers rFme into doing the M tingy and sincerely, everytime I do it, I feel soo guilty, sinful, dump. I quikly rush to the toilet and take guhsul bath, I pray 2raka'ats for forgiveness, I read quran, search some articles that will help me stop and sometimes I cry. But after a week or whenever I find internet, I get this feeling of searching some bad stuffs thinking its not going to affect me . I get horny naturally sometimes, and this triggers me into watching porn pics and leading to the M tingy. I so much did all I could ( turtoring my self, remembering hell, etc) but I always go back to it at the end. I know I have improved now from the prayer and torture to do to my self because now I do it like once a week or sometimes once in two weeks. I don't watch the porn pics except when am horny which comes naturally then pushes me to the M tingy. I do wanna get married if I find the husband but uptil now I didn't find any but if I do find, I'll definately get married as soon as possible as its the easiest cure to my problem. I also do pray to Allah S.A.W to help me find a good, religious man As soon as possible.

    • Asalaam alaikum,

      It's important that you have identified the criteria which is leading to masturbation, namely it's not your natural desire, but instead the avenues that you seek to fulfill it: porn. I am going to include a speech and a viewing of The Deen Show, for you to watch. I think it's a very healthy thing for you to learn from.

      In addition I want to mention that pornography is very hurtful to the women in it, whether they care or not. As such, another aspect to consider is that you are hurting them in seeking your masturbation. To watch a video or pictures of porn is a part of the haram you are committing. Every step that leads to masturbation is a form of zina, so please keep this in mind.

      I think it's important that you earnestly begin to seek a husband with your parent's help. There's plenty of online resources you can use to register yourself on to find a husband, too. You already stated the desire to get married, as physically and sexually need a husband and emotionally, with the regret you feel, you are ready, too. When you start looking for a husband with your parent's guidance, your desires will be channeled into this, so it will help quell this part of your sin, too.

      You see emotionally, one aspect of the reason you are feeling depressed is because you do not have the comfort of a partner after sexual stimulation, thus you have sinned and are literally empty handed of the love of a husband. The comfort of having your husband with you in this time is missing from your life. This is one cause of your heartache when you masturbate.

      Also, you have identified a time line, which is vitally important. In this recognition, you can prepare yourself for this time with the proper duas and discipline. It's comparable to walking down the road and you see a big hole that you are approaching. So take the steps necessary from falling in. One part of this is reading spousal selection books and reading about your rights as a woman and the duties of being a wife.

      Please see the advice given here, too.

      I gave some of this advice yesterday in another post:
      When Shaytan was asked how he would make mankind sin, he said, "Man is a intelligent creature, so I cannot just propose something outright sinful, because they will reject it. Instead I will make them choose between the best and what is merely good. Slowly but surely, as they constantly settle for good, then I can tempt them with something like 'kind of good'. Their decline will be a gradual one, step by step lowering themselves into the Hellfire. It won't burn them right away, they'll just get used to the warmth. Until I finally have them at the point where they can no longer recognize the good and choosing sin will be the easiest thing for me to whisper in their hearts. They'll be so far down, they'll never back get up."

      For every sin, there appears a black spot on our hearts. Slowly as we make the minor sins over and over again, they begin to add up until the heart becomes speckled in spots. Eventually those spots turn into large blots and those blots with more sin will finally cover the whole of the heart. It gets to the point where our sins cover ourselves and we can no longer see how we turned away our love and obedience to Allah (swt).

      Yet, Alhamdulillah, I think your success is eminent in overcoming this problem! You are recognizing what not to do and this is very important. You know the traps that are luring you in and so, you need to avert these small steps that are leading you to the larger one of masturbation.

      Insha'allah, you are on the path to being a master of your body and nafs with the help of Allah (swt). You are getting there! A bit slowly, but surely!

    • Salaam sister.

      Please read this link it is very useful, especially the first few posts:

      Also do be safe online. Alhumdulilah that Professor X is regular on this site and genuine, but there are and will be people who seem just as genuine as him but are not. So we must exercise caution with people online. I advise against marriage sites if you cannot fully involve parents at every stage. If you can't marry sister then the Rasool SAW advised us to fast - it weakens desire.

      Please do log in submit a post sister so we can give you further advice.

      Sara Editor.

    • same is the case with me.i m very upset.pray 4 me:(

    • Salam iam also going same situation and looking life partner like u if r u interested plz pm me by email

  5. I want to also say, your sexual desire is natural, but it's not leading you to fulfill it through masturbation. The desire is there so that you can find a spouse to love.

    Alhamdulillah, He wants you to have the love of a husband. He wants you to give you the best marriage possible and that is why this desire is placed in you. Ponder this fact and you will see that your natural sexual desire is halal, but they way you are fulfilling it is not.

    Again, seriously begin to seek knowledge about being a wife and looking for a spouse. I think this will help you immensely.

  6. Thank you very much. I really do appreciate this. And don't you think that online marriage is risky? I don't think my parents will agree to that. Also, me going up to tell my parents I want a husband is kindaf disrespect according to our culture. So I think I'll just keep praying until I find a good husband and present it to them( pls help me in praying too)
    Secondly, am I still a virgin? Because I don't insert objects or any thing in my V. I don't even know where my V( seriously)

    • Walaikum salaam,

      It's not online marriage per se, but merely an avenue to put you in touch with single muslims that you and your parents can consider for marriage. I think if you and your parents see a good cross section of brothers, you may all get encouraged to seek a partner for you.

      There's this site of course, and

      Take a look at some of the videos of their success stories.

      A few people in my community have tried this online avenue and it has worked for them, but they also had their parents involved and I encourage you to do the same. Also, there are Islamic conferences where there are halal marriage seminars for single people that you may be able to attend. These are usually monitored by chaperons and Islamic scholars to ensure safety and correct Islamic behavior and dress. One of my friends got married this way, too!

      Please do not let culture override religion. Allah (swt) has urged the youth to get married when ready and from the sound of it, you are already at this stage. Think of it this way, you'll be married and away from sin. It is said that when a couple has a successful marriage, Shaytan cries because now half of your deen is safe from his temptation. With this in mind, speak to your mother in earnest. If she follows the rules of Islam, she'll be able to guide you in the best manner, Insha'allah.

      As long as no one touches you sexually and you avoid engaging in a sexual acts (any sexual contact) with someone, you are still a virgin. Because you have not inserted anything inside of you, more than likely you still have your hymen, which signifies your physical virginity. The hymen is difined as:

      a thin membrane that surrounds the opening to the vagina. Hymens can come in different shapes. The most common hymen in young girls is shaped like a half moon. This shape allows menstrual blood to flow out of a girl's vagina.

      I believe that this is what you were referring to instead of your actual vagina, which you should know where it is, I hope! Either that or you have a very different way of masturbating. I'm sorry for the light humor.

      Of course, I'll keep you in my duas. I'm very hopeful for you.

  7. Assalam Alakum.
    Thank you very much. I have signed in one of the website you've given to me 🙂 Also, am studying another country while my parents are in another country so it would be hard to discuss this issues with them for now. And if I happen to find someone, are we gonna courtship via net or otherwise?
    Again, yehh it also disturbs me that I don't know where my V is but I guess I will when I get married or must I have to know before then? Lastly, yeh, I don't have physical contact with my body when doing the M tingy. Is that something else *disturbed*.... Am also sorry for the questions jazakallahu Khairan.

  8. Can I ask which country you are in and the country where you parents are at?

    As I said, I highly recommend your mother's involvement, first. Please do not be shy about it. Talk with them via videochat about finding a husband or just give them a telephone call. They might already have someone in mind or perhaps there is someone that another family member knows regarding a possible spouse. Be careful online, as it should only be used for introduction as you should have your parents heavily involved. Please practice safe methods of communication and never give out your particulars unless your parents are with you.

    If you're not actually touching your body, then Alhamdulillah, you are avoiding a great sin. I suppose instead that you are achieving masturbation through mental excitement, which is possible for some people. It's not "disturbed" per se, but it is less common. It's also possible that you are using another means, but you know best.

    However, this is also a sin because you should NOT manipulate yourself physically, mentally or emotionally to achieve such haram actions on your own. That is the domain of a spouse's duty only. I suspect you are a bit innocent concerning your own body, as well.

    I would prefer that you speak to your mother regarding your body, as you seem quite pure and unaware of such things. However, there are several sisters on the Editor board here that can guide you if you so desire. Perhaps a female Islamic guide would be the best option for you or a Islamic source of the female body.

    Just for clarification, when you refer to your "V", I interpret that as a code for your vagina. This is the place where you experience menstruation, aka your monthly bleeding. I think you may have a few terms confused, but that happens from time to time. You may be asking about a more specific part?

    However, if you are studying medicine, may I ask in which field? The reason that I ask this is because you should have taken some introductory anatomy classes, correct?

  9. Salamu Alaikum.
    Well am from ..... and my both parents( they live there)... But I study in .....
    Well this online meeting doesn't actually happen in our society so its gonna be weird and new to my mom and I know her, she will start feeling scared (may be someone is taking me away lol) Also weeeeeeeeeewwhh(sorry 4 this) I don't think I have the strength and courage to stand up and tell her I wanna get married. And I NEED A SPOUSE!! Its a taboo and believe me, she will definitely be scared and may be send me back home but she will take it seriously, only that its gonna be an innovation in the family. I'll just stick to praying InshaAllah.
    No, I don't think its kindaf mental M, I just didn't use to touch my body with my bare hands.... And yes my V is (vagina) *shy*. Yes am studying Medicine/ surgery only that am in 1st year, 1st semester and also kindaf basic for now. Please where can I find those females in this blog?
    Note: thank you so much for your time and answers you give me. Believe me it has helped me a lot for the past couple of days. I repeatly read the advice always :). May you be rewarded bountiful.

    • As salamu alaykum, sister mu´meenah,

      Please, listen to me carefully, don´t give any personal details, nobody needs that information.

      Please, your parents should know, before you initiate any kind of internet contact, don´t contact anyone through internet without their direct knowledge, this man has given you the details of a place to contact single muslims, you have signed on one of them, he wants to know where you are from, and he knows personal details from you, please be very careful, who is telling you that he is not manipulating to get in contact with you beyond the limits? You already know about him and he has gained your confidence.

      Please as a mother, I advice you to sign out of that place, don´t contact that man if he anytime get close to you and recognize you in other site, internet is a very dangerous place, please be careful, I will look for some posts for you, insha´Allah.

      María, Editor

      • Sister Maria,

        I am not a part of any conspiracy against anyone. I am not listed on any single site and I repeatedly told her to seek her parent's approval first. I do not need to find a wife nor do I plan on using this site to find one. I find it insulting that you would allege such a thing by answering her questions.

        The only reason I asked which country she was from was to know if she was in a country that takes use of these methods. All of those sites ask such things and in Africa, there are present, but are not customary as she has said. Again, I did not seek to use anything against her. In retrospect I suppose I should have just asked her the continent.

        For your information, I am half a world away from this girl and I do not plan on visiting Africa anytime soon.

        You can check my advice to anyone and everyone here. I have always sought to keep a proper decorum and a fair perspective. I have refrained from judging anyone harshly, as well.

        If you see fit to question my motives, then I am sure the Editors and Owner here will ban me or take whatever steps necessary. However, I do want to say this:

        I came to this place in order to find solace after a dire problem I suffered. It has been difficult in many ways and the only peace I find is by helping people with their problems. I am sorry if you think I would abuse my privilege granted by Allah (swt) in this world to do such a thing to anyone, especially someone who is nearly the same age as my niece. I understand that online communications can be dangerous at times, but I would appreciate the dignity that others are given by not leveling outright accusations against me. Brother Wael can probably log in and read my IP address and will assure you I am nowhere near the vicinity of this poor girl who needs help.

        And yet, I know your heart is in the right place. You are a good sister Maria. God be with you.

        Thank you for the time I was here.

        • As salamu alaykum,

          Forgive me if you feel insulted, I wanted to wake her and you up, you should think about the consequences of your words, I did, and I understand your reaction, I understand you have seen my point and you see that wasn´t against you specially, was about the ways, that I understand are a result of your lack of experience in this kind of situations, this reminds me of your comment where devil made us choose between good and almost good, I am realizing that to talk about such personal matters can create a bond, a kind of link between the people involved, (I appreciated you guided her towards female editors) but again the safety of this girl was very important to me and it should be for you, if one attain ourselves to just answer which is the problem without seeking personal information and helping them to protect themselves, my alert system will stay sleeping.

          What I want is that she is prevented and alerted about the dangers that contact through internet can bring to her life, and many adolescents read this page, warn them is it good too, to share personal details, it is not good and to be in contact with other people without parents knowledge and consent neither.

          Having a niece her age, yourself should help you to understand what I am talking about, and Alhamdulillah, you do. Doesn´t sound very nice to me to offer a single service to an eighteen years old? even when you mention the parents, she has signed up already withouth the parents knowledge, she just told you, doesn´t it give you a clue why it lighten my alert sistem? She is trusting you more than her parents, and you might be a good man, but I don´t know you and she doesn´t either, what happens if any man contact her and she hides it from her family ? wouldn´t you feel responsible for her? Me, Yes, and you know it., Alahmdulillah.

          Adolescents, young women fall on the hands of predators due to their innocence and their need of being independant, didn´t you feel the world was yours at that age and nobody could harm you? and hard to trust fully parents because we wanted to have our own life and take our own decisions?.

          I am really sorry for being so tough, but I need it to make this call of attention, specially to all those teenagers and young people that read the site, our responsibility to guide them straight and warn them of dangers, at least in the best way possible.

          Again, Insha´Allah, you forgive me for being so harsh, but my alert system was with all the lights on.

          Brother Professor X, I hope you find your answers and Allah(swt) soften your pain and struggles, thank you very much for being of so much help on this site, maybe if you log in and write your worries, brothers and sisters here can offer you back a bit of what you have given to us, masha´Allah.

          Brother, I do appreciate deeply you comments to everyone and you earned my respect with them, I hope you understand why I felt what I felt and my reaction, you are a grown up man, she is an eighteen years old, my heart was with her and the young people reading us, as I see you understand.


          • My ways weren´t the most appropiate either, I am very sorry for it.
            Insha´Allah, Allah(swt) and you forgive me.


          • No, you are right. I am too overly eager to help. It also worried me that she signed up for one of those services so readily, as you have pointed it out and I should have stressed that fact, but it seemed that she was aware of doing so would upset her mother. Yet Alhamdulillah, a sister did "swoop in."

            I do have to ask though, that isn't one of those sites a part of this one? Or vice versa?

            Also worrisome is that there are some aspects of terminology that she is unaware of. I hope that one of the sisters here can guide her if her mother chooses not to do so. This point of sexual education has been a point of contention in Islamic circles. It was one of the reasons I did not give her a link because there doesn't seem to be anything out there in this regard. In fact, all the links I found were morally and ethically questionable. I hope there is one that I'm overlooking, so if you know one, please share it with her.

            The issue of online predators is twofold, mostly by ignorance that is shared when parents are not keen to involve their children in marriage when appropriate. I think what you find in these cases wherein the girl is young, she had either requested to be married or the parents were rejecting her proposals based on insufficient grounds. I see it a bit differently, as I see many young people falling into worldly traps that could have been avoided if people followed Islamic recommendations for marriage instead. However, I will take your advice to heart and refrain from recommending these sites.

            It's very important that you did warn of forming bonds with anyone online. I am too keenly aware of the Syrian incident from last year where two men who were posing as a young women during the Arab Uprising and the many cases of fraudulent identities before. If this website doesn't have a disclaimer here to address those effects, then perhaps it should be initiated?

            In all earnest objectivity however, I will take all of your advice and apply it accordingly. May Allah (swt) guide us on the Right Path.

          • As salamu alaykum,

            Ameen to your prayer.

            To advice a single service it is not wrong, if you get to know the person is a grown up adult and you have references of it. Insha´allah, Brother Wael will talk to you more properly than me about it, he knows that subject very good.

            My Heart finds Peace, knowing that you understand what I meant and you listened to it, Alhamdulillah.

            If you have spare time, take a look to the posts published on the past, search using the words that troublesome you and, insha´Allah, you will find answers. There are many brothers and sisters that have left seeds of hope, unconditional love, wisdom and knowledge, have told us many experiences and have opened our eyes to different ways, Alhamdulillah. Insha´Allah, your Heart will open up to many realities that maybe completely new to you.

            In this site, you will find answers to many sexual questions, I am sorry I cannot write deeply on the subject right now, but surely if not me, one of my editor´s sisters will.

            We are not perfect, me the last one, but Insha´Allah with Allah(swt) and our brothers and sisters help, we´ll improve and be better, day by day.

            Thank you for being so understanding.

            Allah(swt) knows best and all.


          • Professor X, I'm happy that you and Maria have come to an understanding, Alhamdulillah. We value your presence here on this website and we know you did not mean any harm.


      • These are some posts that may help you, insha´Allah.

        There are many comments on this site about terrible situations that have happened to girls that trusted men that they knew through internet, please, keep yourself safe and don´t trust them, you don´t know what it is behind the computer at the other side, you just know what they want you to know.

        And an experienced man can take you wherever he wants you to be, much more being so innocent as you are. There are many wolfs dress with sheeps covers out there, please be careful. I trust you are mature enough to be able to see the dangers I am talking to you about, they are not stories, they are real life, and you insha´Allah, have a brilliant future in front of you to lose it for a wrong step.

        May Allah(swt) open our senses to take the right decisions and make the straight movements that will keep us on the straight Path. Ameen.

        María Editor

      • dear sis can u help me plzzz....???

        • Amna, help you with what? If your question is about masturbation, we have published many posts on that subject already. Just search our archives.


    • Asalaam alaikum,

      Insha'allah, I will make dua for you. I am unfamiliar with the customs in your country, but perhaps your parents may have already been asked about you marriage status from someone else. Islamically there is nothing wrong in saying so in a request to your parents. I know that culture often comes into play, but you are trying to keep yourself away from sin, so this is the better part of Islam. Insha'allah, when you visit your parents, you can speak to your mother about it. Till then, keep praying and follow the advice to be read.

      I believe that perhaps culturally, you have kept in the dark about certain aspects of your body, at least terminology wise, and this can be problematic in discussing it online. First, I do not want to impose on you any wrong ideas about conversing online, as this matter is kind of private, but at the same time, Islamically, you should not be kept aloof of your own anatomy and biology. I'm kind of torn here as to how much I should discuss, but Insha'allah, hopefully one of the sisters can swoop in to alleviate the situation. Yet, you will learn this knowledge in school studying anatomy, so it's only a matter of time.

      You said that you didn't know where your "V" is, though. I think you may need some guidance in terminology. It's important that a every person knows their body and the responsibility that comes in taking care of it as it is a loan from Allah (swt) that we must safeguard.

      I'm very encouraged that you are seeking guidance, but it does not come from me, but is inspired from Allah (swt). My grandmother always used to say, "Do not 'thank' me, but thank God."

      If there is anything else you need to overcome this problem with more advice or resources, just ask. I am more than happy to help you stay on the Right Path. As I said, there is a lot of hope for you.

      Prophet Mohammad (saw) has said:

      "Blessed are the women of the Ansar (citizens of Medina). Shyness did not stand in their way seeking knowledge about their religion."

  10. Cleaning ur soul schedule:
    1.Every morning read surat 114,113,112 three times each after praying fajr
    2.Pray 2 rakk and read al-fataha 114,113,112 three times each
    3.At night pray isha then 2 rakka and then read 114,113,112 three times
    4.When there is time in the day you can say
    DUA'A 16

    O Lord, I have wronged myself. So forgive me. Verily save You there is no one who can protect from the consequences of sinning.


    DUA'A 17

    O Allah, I seek forgiveness for every sin, I committed, about which, of course, You know inside and out, from the beginning to the end of my life, whether committed deliberately or intentionally, few or many, abstruse or manifest, old or new, secretly carried out or openly done; and for whatever wrong I have done I turn repentant unto You and beseech You to bless Muhammad and the children of Muhammad and forgive all my unjust acts I did to wrong the people (because they have rights which I have to recognize and fulfill) but You have full authority to forgive those wrongdoings whenever and howsoever You wish, O the most merciful.


    DUA'A 18The following istighfar is tekan from Sahifa Alawiyyah by Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib. It can be recited after any obligatory salat

    O Allah, I seek Your forgiveness for those wrongdoings for which I had turned repentant unto you but have done again. I seek your forgiveness for those deeds which I planned to do for your sake only but afterwards other interests not connected with You crept in, and I seek Your forgiveness for my taking advantage of the bounties, You gave me, in order to disobey You. I seek forgiveness of Allah (who is) “There is no god save He, the self-subsisting, the knower of the unknown and known, the beneficent, the merciful.” For all those sins which I have committed and for all those transgressions I perpetrated. O Allah grant me perfect ability to use, follow and apply reason, astute and keen determination, preponderant genius, pure heart, all-embracing wisdom and beautiful elegent manners. Let all these favours work for my good; let them not harm me, through your mercy, O the most merciful.

    Then say 5 times:

    I seek forgiveness of Allah who is: “There is no god save He, the self-subsisting” and I turn repentant unto Him.


    Then say 5 times :


    DUA'A 19The following istaghfar is taken from Sahifa Alawiyyah by Imam Ali ibm Abi Talib. It can be recited at any time :

    O Allah, forgive me wrongdoings which you know inside and out, and if I do them again, then forgive me again. O Allah, forgive me for not fulfilling those promises I made to myself but did not put them into effect. O Allah, forgive me the mysterious suggestions of the eyes, my bad language, forgetfulness, carelessness, and foolish utterances.


    DUA'A 20The following istighfar is taken from the Sahifa Alawiyyah by Imam Ali Ibn abi Talib. It can be recited at any time :

    O Allah, I beseech You because (praise be to You. There is no god save You, the munificent, the originator of the heavens and the earth, the owner of glory and generosity) I am a needy beseecher, an apologetic suppliant and a repentant seeker of pardon. O Allah send blessing on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad and forgive me all my sins, old and new, committed by me. O Allah, do not aggravate my misfortunes and do not let my enemies laugh at me, because there is no remover and preventer (of misfortune) save You.


    DUA'A 21The following istighfar, a form of seeking pardon, is taken from the Sahifa, Alawiyyah by Imam Ali ibn abi Talib.

    O He who has absolved me of those sins I committed in my house and in the houses of other persons. O He who did not take me to task for the sins committed by me, (I seek) Your pardon, O generous pardoner.


    DUA'A 22The Holy Prophet said:To seek forgiveness of Allah recite surah Ali Imran

    DUA'A 23 Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq said:
    1) He who has intended to do good but could not, is credited with the good in his record of good deeds.
    2) He who intends to do good and actually does so will receive tenfold of reward determined for that one good deed.
    3) He who intends to do wrong but does not put it into practice will not be asked for any explanation.
    (4) He who intends to do evil and actually does so, has an hour at his disposal to turn repentant unto Allah. The angel who records good deeds asks the angel who records evil deeds to wait. May be the sinner does a good deed which wipes out the evil deed done by him.
    Verily good deeds take away evil deeds. If he repents and recites the following istighfar his sin will not be recorded.
    I seek forgiveness of Allah who is: “There is no god save He, the knower of the unknown and the known, the mighty, the wise, the oft-forgiving, the merciful, the owner of glory and grace”; and I turn repentant unto Him.


    DUA'A 24According to Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib - Ibn Babawayh al-Qummi says the following du-a'a gives strength and assurance of faith to do good and avoid evil. If it is recited three times by the end of evening the whole night till morning becomes a protected period during which no evil comes near the reciter.

    So glory be to Allah when you enter the evening and when you enter the morning. For His is the praise in the heavens and the earth-at the sun’s decline and when you enter the noon.


  11. Allsalamoalikum

    I have a same problem.i am 14 and i cannot stop masturbating whenever i go to take a bath
    and the worst thing is that ive watched a few porn videos 🙁
    and now i cant control my self.....please help me

    • Asalaam alaikum,

      Please read the above advice and watch the videos in the links. It'll help you to cope and understand your problem so that you can overcome it, Insha'allah,

      However, a bit of practical advice is also in order regarding your circumstances. If you are watching porn online, then you need to make sure that you are not alone with your computer. So you need to place it in a public place in your house so that you will not be tempted to watch those videos. If there are other sources of porn in the house that are yours' (which is illegal for you to be watching), you need to throw them away. If they belong to someone else in your house (God forbid, your parents), you should write a discrete note on your printer, leave it for them to find and asking them to throw the videos away.

      When you bathe, you need to make it your mission to take a shower quickly and not a bath. Use cold water and try to keep it under 7 minutes. You should also say a prayer when you enter your lavatory by reciting "Bismillah" at the least or reciting one of the recommended prayer hen you enter the bathroom. Make a habit of reciting the "Qul" Suras is also meant to keep your lustful thoughts from occurring and seeking refuge with Allah (swt).

      If there is anything else you need help with, let us know. It's always distressing to see the poison of porn is infecting another youth, but the good thing is that you are looking for help. By taking this step and seeking guidance, Insha'allah, things will start getting better for you.

  12. try to reduce your body temperature & your private parts by cold water thats very effective way which I have tried for several times.

  13. i have a same problem.i am 20 and i cannot stop masturbating and watching porn it effect on my eye sight and stamina also plz plz plz help meee

  14. Assalamualaikum. I am a teenage Muslim girl. I have been doing masturbation since last year. I've stopped for 9 months but I started again. I feel very, very, extremely guilty as I just found out that it is haram. I found out that Allah s.w.t. would never even look at people who masturbates. I felt so sinful of this. I just want to end this once and for all. I also learn that it might affect future marriage ? I don't really understand, i'm too afraid and ashamed to tell my mother or ask anyone. So I just had to turn to here to seek for help. Please help me. Please, please, please.

    • Unknown, please log in and submit your question as a separate post. Or you can search our database for previous answers on this subject (there are many). My opinion is that there's no clear evidence that masturbation is haram, and that it's not a big deal if you do it occasionally and it does not interfere with your prayers or your life.

      Wael Editor

    • sister salam just I will say 1 thing u to and u have to act upon them right
      that 9 months ago u sttoped just think what thing make u sttoped doing this and also think what thing make u again doing this again!!!!!!!!????????? Act upon on those ways that u stopped doing thats it nw think and u got a way

  15. Assalamu alaikum sara.
    i m almost 21 years old girl.i have a girl friend.i love her alot.i m not a when my friend comes in front of me,i cant control myself.i touch her alott.i know that it is very wrong.just due to this reason i do masturbation to feel her.i dont want to do this.what should i do?plz help me and guide me.i ll be very thankful 2 u:(

    • Soni, please log in and submit a seperate post so we can help you InshaAllah
      My short answer to you is you need to stay away from your 'friend' no matter how difficult it is.
      If your friend is not around you it is much less likely to happen. Protect your nafs and fast regularly if you can.

      Sara Editor

  16. Salaamz to all.....

    i got the same problem actually it ususally happen u can say once in a month i just want to stop it... its damned truth that m watching porn... but not always but still want to get rid of this as well... I always try to ignore this but after some time if i dont do masterbating then wet dreams happena dn its shame for me as well.. i'm 23 years old still trying to get of this stuff kindly do the needful and help me out in this ur advises will be highly appreciated....

    • khan, there's nothing shameful about having a wet dream. It's perfectly normal.

      Wael Editor

      • Assalaamu alekum,

        I am new Muslim and have gone through the same phase of my life, this evil act almost killed me, but I prayed to Allah subhantallah and ask for forgiveness. Alhumdulillah I cried so many times for my self and for our youngsters who fall into this evil act.

        The punishment is sever for the act hereafter, the person who marries his hand will be resurrected with pregnant hand on the Judgement Day. I am still fighting and hope Allah subhawantallah will forgive me. Request to please stay away and make dua for me as well. Indeed Allah is oft forgiving who repent sincerely. do not lose hope and steadfast think today is the last day of your life how will you show your face to Allah if you die today, and if Allah shows you another day thank him for giving you another chance and giving opportunity to change your life.

        you can contact me in case you need any advice to overcome from this habbit at ****


        • Please do not post your private contact information, as we do not allow it.

          "The punishment is sever for the act hereafter, the person who marries his hand will be resurrected with pregnant hand on the Judgement Day."

          I have never heard of this before. As far as I know there is no clear prohibition of masturbation in the Quran or Sunnah.


    • Khan g wet dreams is natural process and it happens naturally, its a part of your body growth during life period. Its not masturbation. its good to have a bad wet dream rather than masturbate.

  17. Assalamu
    i m almost 21 years old girl.i have a girl friend.i love her alot.i m not a when my friend comes in front of me,i cant control myself.i touch her alott.i know that it is very wrong.just due to this reason i do masturbation to feel her.i dont want to do this.what should i do?plz help me and guide me.i ll be very thankful 2 u:(.plz plz help me

  18. Assalam O Allaikum,
    I have indulged in Masturbation.I tried my best to avoid masturbation but i can't.Sometimes i feel that i am going to die if i dont do that.I know it is Haram but no matter what I try i can't get rid of this habbit.For true, I watched porn 2 years before(i m 16) and those videos are still stored in my mind.I want to get rid of this habbit because i don't want this ugly.I want to make Allah happy but I fail everytime . Everytime after Masturbation i take bath after masturbation and then go for Prayer.This feeling is very hard to control in morning when i am in bed.I FEEL VERY VERY UGLY after doing that.
    PLEASE HELP ME STOP THIS HABBIT AND PRAY FOR ME TO ALLAH ALMIGHTY. At time of study,I can't concentrate on book due to bad thoughts.IS THERE ANYTHING THAT CAN HELP ME TO STOP THIS???.By the way,Marriage is not possible for me in this young age because i am tooo young.
    So,plz HElp Me And Pray for Me.

    • salam brother don't take tension relax itsnt a big matter just do what I tell u righ
      make ur goood accompany
      safe ur eyes means nazar ki hayfazat
      don't eat hot foods and also like knns kfc mack donel
      don't use internet alone if u use sit someone with ur self
      take hakeemi treatment brother ur 70%problem solve by treatment u won't belive inshallah u will feel change in one week

    • Come on brother cheer up.

      Ask for Allah to help you and tawbah to not to do this again ever. and follow the advices of Sara.

      I know you can win!

  19. my brother ... only one way to get rid of this habit is that
    1 start hakeem medicine I'm gonna send u medecine names
    Always think positive and don't talk with girls even in ur family right
    just only concentreat at ur health and inshallah take tablets u will never ever even think about mastur......

    • i hope the tablets / medicine's name you want to let people know does not spoil things more. (i hope you understood what i mean)

      People must be careful.!!

      May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet, his family and Companions!

  20. Salam sara u doing great job right here
    Allah ap ko jazai kheir dy

  21. i am 22 years old boy and i'm doing masturbation last 7 years due to this problem my future is also bad many times i try to get rid of this bad habit but i could not success. please help me in this problem if i avoid this habit due to your message so i always remember in my prayers. please help me

  22. Wael and Sara, I really appreciate your efforts. You are doing a great job.

    Thanks for helping the people who are depressed and confused.

  23. I have done masturbation and now I want to quit it. I know I'll be able to successfully quit it but what I fear the most is what kind of problems would I have after marriage. Is there anyway that I could be consoled that after quitting masturbation, I won't face any problems in future?

    Eagerly waiting for your reply.

    • XYZ,

      Please read the answers already given. Also search for other posts thatvwe have published on this subject; there are plenty and hopefully will help you find a solution.

      Abu Abdul Bari Editor

  24. Assalam O Alikum.

    Thanks to all of you who gives useful suggestions to avoids masturbation. I have same problem. I am turning 21 this year but still do this bad thing. I really wanna quit it as it is not acceptable in Islam and in society. Few years back I used to say my prayers 5x a day but now I don't know why but i lost my interest I want to be good muslim. A boy with safe n sound health mind and iman. because of masturbation now sometimes some drops are ejected even if i urinate properly because of this I can not say salath. Please pray for me and other muslims like this. I do tasbeeh of Astghfar and recite verses of Quran which i have learnt by heart. Is there any way to avoid those drops and masturbation by some natural way ? I mean by some fruit ?
    I know the ultimate cure is my will power to stop masurbation but my dear sisters and brothers I request you to remember me in your prayers specially.
    Allah bless you all.

    • @Shahrukh

      Walaikumassalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.

      Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

      The difference between maniy and madhiy is that
      maniy is thick and has a smell, and it comes out in gushes when desire intensifies.
      Madhiy is a thin liquid that has no smell, and it does not gush out or come out when desire intensifies, rather it comes when desire has calmed down.

      Wadiy is a liquid that comes out after urinating, a few white drops that appear at the end of urination.

      This is a description of these three things.

      With regard to the rulings on them, wadiy is subject to the same rulings as urine, in all aspects.

      Madhiy is somewhat different to urine with regard to purification, because it is less naajis, so it is sufficient to sprinkle water on it. So one should put water on the area (of the clothes) affected, without squeezing it or rubbing it. Similarly a man should wash his entire penis and testicles even if no madhiy got on them.

      Maniy is taahir (pure) and there is no need to wash what it gets onto, unless that is to remove any marks or traces, but it necessitates ghusl.

      Madhiy, wadiy and urine, on the other hand, necessitate wudoo’.

      Majmoo’ Fataawa Ibn ‘Uthyameen, 11/169.

      If you dint understand this. feel free to ask.

      May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet, his family and Companions!

  25. M Yousaf, Wa Alaikum as Salam,

    You might have got Erectile Dysfunction, but I am not sure. You may have to do a bit of research and also consult a doctor.

    Concerning masturbation and porn; we have published many posts on these subjects, please refer to them.

    Abu Abdul Bari Editor

  26. please help me make dua for me iv been masturbating for almost 2 years cant stop help

  27. im only 14 i beg my whole life someone reply i dont wanna go to hell man i wanna be good person but when im in my room home alone i cannot control i fear alot i wanna make ghusl also but when i do i think i do it wrong all the time and i still dont feel good after i do that i think my life is horrible nothing else i feel like im already decided im just a nasty pig thats all.

    • You are a human, you are not horrible and you are not a bad person. You are a normal 14 year old boy.

      You may try to fasting. Try to distract yourself by involving yourself in the community or sports so that you are not so focused on your urges.

      shaitaan is telling you that you are not a good person--do not call yourself nasty or any other bad names--you are a wonderful creation of Allah swt.

      Make small changes in your life that you can sustain and focus on those. Small changes and small goals that are attainable will make it easier for you to get to your greater goal of being the person you see yourself as.

      Do not lose hope. Do not succumb to the whispers of shaitaan
      Do remember Allah and constantly do dhikr.
      Ramadhan is coming, so take that opportunity to re-direct your thinking.

      May Allah help you to overcome your problem and make you the best in emaan inshaAllah, Ameen.

      • you guys are the only one we can talk to with our personal problems it is much embarresing telling somebody else thanks from Ali hasan.

  28. thank you i read other posts also i but i have another question how can i make ghusl i always think i do it wrong not sure.

  29. thank you guys i read other posts and ur message saba u guys really help salam.

  30. thank u i read other post too thanks saba salam

  31. The Best way to stop masturbating is to do "JOGGING"
    Its my personal experiance
    chose a ground in your city which you like the most take exercise and do jogging it will help you to avoide Masturbating...
    Hope that it will be helpful for you!!!
    There are many advantages of jogging

    1. Running outdoors helps expose body to sunshine (morning jogging) and open air

    2. Improves lung capacity and increases body intake of oxygen. Increase in Oxygen helps effective body fat burning

    3.The deep breathing which happens naturally improves stamina. It also improves the body’s metabolic rate (the rate at which food converts into energy)

    4. More intake of Oxygen directly into blood stream makes the exercise more effective and produces more energy

    5. High Oxygen intakes lessens the effect of aging and one looks younger

    6. Higher Oxygen intake increases the burning of more calories and increases capacity to work harder

    7. Enhances sleep and improves the body schedule

    8. Such kind of activities, like morning jogging, helps cure forms of depression and improves moods

    9. Slightly uneven jogging running surface helps make one use of unused muscles and improves body balance

    10. Helps improve ones ability to be focused and alert all the time

    GooD LucK

    Remember ME In your Prayers

  32. salam brothers and sisters its me brother ali i just wanted to tell u after i have masturbated and stoped a while ago thanks to ur posts i am having a bad day and seems like i am still getting sexual thoughts by shaitan still. and today i was eating chinese fortune cookie and i read it said take the time to do it right, otherwise you will have to take the time to do it over.this means about my GHUSL i was doing it right i dont understand this i knew i was doing it wrong i had that feeling because after i was alone again in the morning i felt like doing it again this close.i wanna do ghusl but i know im doing it wrong may someone please help i am confused still please reply somebody salam.

  33. im also addicted to ghusl everyday i feel like im forcing myself to do ghusl all over again and again it seems like somebodys telling me.

  34. thanks i was searching from the top and could not find alright salam

    thanks for the information
    it is very goood and it works really
    again thanks especially sister sara

  36. About being ugly: did u kno when u masturbate, the light from ur face will dissapear? The dark circles under ur eye is mostly caused by weak kidneys. Ur kidneys becomes weak when u masturbate. A sexual intercause btween husbnd n wfe actually gives a kind of 'reflectiology massage' (excuse my bad spelling) that is good for your well being n your skin will glow. Plus, if u bathe an hour or two before fajr prayers, you can become slimmer. The cholesterol in your body will break n begone which is why our prophet always take his bath at around 4.30am every morning. Plus, a perfect wudhu also improves your aura. Try take a picture before n after wudhu with an aura camera. You'll b surprised.

  37. Assalam o alikum plz help me i want some information and motivation actually i have been masturbating since 13 and i wanna control it becoz our religion forbids this act and i also feel weakness at all time it also did bad effect on my health apparently i look soooooooo weak so plz help me.

    Q: i also wanna know that does masturbates waste our muscle or it make person thin? becoz my weight is very low
    Q:how islam forbid this act?

    thanks i will wait for reply.

    • abdur rehman, see the answers already given. Masturbation - while it is discouraged and may interfere with your practice of Islam - will not affect your health or make you thin or weak. That's a myth.

      Wael Editor

  38. Thank you soo much for this ....

  39. A.A
    i am gonna turn 15 next year.. and since last year since i got my period and reached my puberty i used to masturbate. I have this urge to do it, and later i feel like i am not a muslim :'( I KNOW its really wrong and i want ways how to prevent this.
    This Ramadan i even prayed to ALLAH to forgive me but i just end up masturbating. I FEEL VERY DEPRESSED AFTER THIS THING.
    Please tell me whats the gunnah of doing masturbating and all. AND HOW TO PREVENT IT.
    i remember how i used to have this connection with Allah, now its just not there. Thats the saddest part. And its nothing related to my friends or anything. And now i think about boys more like before i never used to think about them. NOW i have this urge to talk to them and all wrong stuff. (but i dont) I JUST ATTRACTED TO THEM when i dont want to.
    When i look at some guy those sexual thoughts just come in my head. And it feels good for some time but then its just that as if i am not a muslimah.
    My parents are really islamic. AND i dont want them to be punished cause of what i do.
    i just really wanna stop. I never used to listen to music but now people in my class are all into music and tv shows (american like PLL and all) and you know how these shows openly show sex and these activities. AND BEFORE when i used watch all this i used to have this inner feeling of NOT watching it but now its like i dont mind watching porn and all. I HAVE NEVER talked about this to anyone.
    AND are we suppose to have ghusul right after we masturbate cause this grey liquidish thing is produced.
    PLEASE HELP ME. thanks, jazakAllahKhair
    PLEASE HELP ME, i just really wanna stop.

  40. whenever some dirty thoughts overcome my mind & this feeling is strong i abruptly go to a populated place and sing at the top of my voice.

  41. Asalamualaikum.. My name is Muhmmad Abdullah and i am 14 years old. Just like many of my Muslims friend i also face the difficulty of stop masturbating however i managed to stop masturbating for a month through your guide because of your guidance and that is why i am very thankful to you all and i always pray for all of you. I wanted to ask are there any ways of recovering from the effects of mastrubating such as low stamina, short memory, pain in legs, hair loss and lack of concentration. Please do help me and because im young i am not able to get any operation or eat medicines. Please.

    • Muhammad, masturbation does not have any of the effects that you described. That is a myth. More worrying is that it might interfere with the performance of your prayers, lead to viewing pornography, or cause you embarrassment if you are discovered. In any case, if you wish to stop or cut back, then read the advice given on this post.

      Wael Editor

      • Asalamualaikum,
        Thank you for replying to my message. You said that mastrubation has no harmful effects right. But if you search on google by typing "how to finish the effects" and search you will find many people facing this problem like this site "". After investigating on this issue please tell me a cure. Even then if you think it is not possible then please tell me something that cures all these problems because your not going to help me only but also those million people who are suffering from this like me.
        Thank you,
        Yours sincerely,
        Muhammad Abdullah

    • Assalaamualaikam

      Some of the symptoms you describe may be related to stress and worry, and some research has suggested that people may be more likely to masturbate (kind of as a way to try to feel something nice).

      There is a lot of misinformation and myths circulating the internet about various positive and negative "consequences" of masturbation. Rather than worrying about these, try to use your energy to make your life better. Spend time with pious brothers, take up a physical activity, do some voluntary work, encourage family activities... Once you feel better about yourself, inshaAllah you will have less desire to masturbate, and if you're going to bed tired after a busy day, you'll be less likely to be tempted.

      If you keep experiencing the symptoms you have described for more than a couple of weeks after making changes to your lifestyle, it might help to speak with your doctor or a school nurse. They might be able to give you more advice and support, or put you in touch with a counsellor to help support you (there's far more to medicine than just pills, I promise!). Given your age, I think it's entirely reasonable to want to avoid medications unless essential, so if your doctor doesn't take your views on this into consideration, it would be worth asking for a second opinion.

      Midnightmoon editor

  42. as salaam alaikum, i am 19 years old and have this problem for past 6-7 years.plz help i cant control myself. can u teel me any surah name or wird to control this bat habbit

  43. [Comment removed.]

    [Editor's note: Please look at the advice given on other posts addressing this question, as it is a commonly asked one. If you require additional information or advice, please log in and submit your query as a post for publication - it can then be answered in turn, inshaAllah.]

  44. Assalmualikum. I'm 17 year old boy.I'm also suffering from this problem. I gave up on every bad habit except this one. Everyday i try to stop this but i fail 🙁 I can't even get married as i'm too young. I just want to stop this 🙁 Please make du'aa for me people

  45. I also have masturbation problem, and could not control on myself. when ever i was alone i could not control on myself. i tried many time to stop by talking to myself that i will not do i will not do. but i do not know how i start watch porn sites and then masturbate happens. i eel very sorry after that. even i do not look at girls and say my Prayer mostly to ALLAH PAK. But still i find no solution. tell me plz what i do to stop it. the exact solution i need. thats why i am not paying attention to my studies.

    • Usman, see the answers already given. The most important thing is that you must stop watching porn. It is utterly haram.

      Wael Editor

      • ok.Wael je. i will stop watching that.. i will try my best. but i already tried it many time to not to watch them...but. so i will do as you said. but thnx to you.

  46. A.o.A

    There IS Nothing Impossible You can Stop this BAd HAbbit Just try these Steps Which I SUed
    1= Think that When You Mastubate You Enjoy Alot What HAppen If That Same Power Will Stay In You Then You Will Enjoy More Then That

    2= Go To Gym Daily WithOut Any gap After 1 Month MAke Gap Of 1 Day IN A Week

    3= Just Try To Keep Yourself Involved In Some Activity Which require Power

    4= (for porn sites) They Getting Mony By Doing This And You loosing Enegry To Make Then Rich

    5= Just Play KAbbadi Not To break Bones But To make Bones Strong 🙂

    Hope Allah Save You Me And All muslims From This BAd Habbit InnShaaAllah

    TakeCare 🙂

  47. my question is nt abw masturburating...

    [Editor's note: If you require advice about a situation, you need to submit a new post for publication, rather than asking your question in a comment - that way your question can be answered in turn, inshaAllah. It may help you to read other questions on this site that relate to your query.]

  48. I am also suffering from this awful disease known as masturbation, I have already tried restraining myself and praying to Allah , but I am not able to as I fear that I have left the circle of islam, it prevents me from praying to Allah, I know that this may sound idiotic but I fear that if Pray to Him , I would be disrespecting him in some way
    I need a solution really quick because I love Islam as my religion and I do not wish to lose it 🙁
    By the way, I am also 14 years old so adult remedies won't apply to me

    • Salaams,

      Unless you're talking about getting married, any advice that has been to adults here would apply for you as well. We have several posts about this issue, so you should find some good tips if you search our archives.

      -Amy Editor

      • Waalaikumassalaam
        Yes, I had spent the past two hours carefuly reading the posts that were sent above, I can assure you that I have already tried most of those remedies but it still won't work on me. It is very disturbing to talk to my parents about ths sort of problem so i a trying to seek a solution here, hence my name. I think that some habits of mine would help analyze the problem source
        1 I am jus the usual anime fan, I occasionally watch those so-called "revealing (or ecchi) " anime but I usually don't feel any sexual urges while watching them
        2 I did start watching porn at one time but have reduced thatover the last few months
        3 I try and pray as much as. I Can but the most preventing reason for that has been mentioned in my earlier post
        That almost sums it up, I hope you guys could help me out f that isn't much trouble
        Thank you

  49. hye every one,,,

    [Editor's note: Please submit your question as a new post for publication rather than as a comment on an existing post - that way it can be published and answered in turn, inshaAllah.]

  50. i want some help. i have commit sex with my fiance on his insist. i was not have done before or after such act i have done that act during fast of Ramdan. i am so affraid because i done sin. Inspite of my full struggle i develop an interest in porn. i mean to stop it so many time and forgivness (Astigfar) so many time but i cant do so. i can not remain on my mean for long time. what can i do for its atoniment and stoping all these. i want to become real believer(momin). I have phone contact with my fiance which is not in notice of my family. I try so many time to stop it but i can't do that due to my fidget type of nature. is it right? besides it in my normal life i can not remain on my decisions for long time. some time i become so believer and some time go far in opposit. please help me to controll it

    • unknown, the first thing you have to do is stop saying "can't". "I can't stop, I cannot remain on my decisions, I can't do that..." You have done a huge sin. Beware and stop yourself, before you face a serious punishment from Allah. Make sincere tawbah and take responsibility for your actions. End all your contact with your fiance, and frankly I advise you to break off your engagement and find someone else, as this man has no taqwa.

      Wael Editor

      • please advise me some worship(wazifa). which give me help to controll my self. I already had wazifa of drood shreef.

  51. I have phone contact with my relative which is not in notice of my family. I am also suffering from this awful disease known as masturbation, I have already tried restraining myself and praying to Allah , but I am not able to as I fear that I have left the circle of islam, i tried many time to stop by talking to myself that i will not do i will not do. but i do not know how i start watch porn sites and then masturbate happens.on a phone call with my male relative we tallked romantic and i get masturbation during fast in ramzan.what can i do?was my fast fine aur rejected??plz tell me

    • Ash sweet, the major problem is not the masturbation - which is not considered haram by many scholars - but the pornography and the inappropriate relationship with your relative. Those things have to stop. The porn will corrupt your mind, and the relationship with your relative will lead to worse haram deeds. Don't say that you are not able to restrain yourself. You have the ability.

      We have answered many questions on the subjects of masturbation and pornography. Do a search of our archives and read those questions and their responses. If you find that you need further advice then please register and submit your question as a separate post, and we will answer you in turn, Insha'Allah, and maybe at that time some readers can give you suggestions for controlling yourself.

      Wael Editor

  52. Asalam waalikum.

    • Wa alaykum as-salam, brother. I deleted your comment. We've answered many questions on the subject of masturbation, including this very post. Please search our archives.

      Wael Editor

  53. first time i feel satisfied bcz of this website.

  54. im 16 years old muslim boy but i did musturbate a lot of time in my life since at 10 . I'm trying to stop this sinful job but i can't it. it is the root cause of my weakness and sin after doing this bad job i feel shame for me because im a muslim but then i did it. please Almighty kindness Allah forgive me though i know that there is no forgiveness for my job then my Allah is one and Almighty Allah please forgive me, please everybody prayer for me please all alem, saint, hujur prayer for me. say any dua which will stop me from doing it.

  55. help to stop him from midicine

    • Salaams,

      I am not aware of any medicines that will make a person stop masturbating, sorry.

      -Amy Editor

  56. I am also from one of those sinners who do this bad and ugly activity.......I feel very ashamed while doing it....i want help about how to stop this bad habit....i am getting weak by doing it as i do it once in a week.....i am feeling very bad but i cant do any thing.....i have to share my problem with you i cant share it with any doctor,molana,my parents or any family help me guyz as you are strangers.....plzzz plzzz plzzz do me a favour and tell me how to stop masturbating? (I am just 15 and doing It since 12) also tell me that will it stop me having kids in future???? I have read some of the solutions above....but tell me some exercises or duas.....or activities to stop this all....I will wait for a kind reply...Thanku brothers and sisters...!!!

    • Tauqeer, not all the scholars consider masturbation haram as there is no explicit prohibition against it in Quran or Sunnah; and, frankly, once a week is not excessive. And no, it will not affect your ability to have children. As long as you do not view pornography, I don't see a problem. It's natural to need to relieve some sexual tension now and then. As you get older you can start thinking about marriage, Insha'Allah.

      Wael Editor

      • But i wanna know that am i getting weak becoz of it...? Will it make me more weak if i could not manage to stop it...? or will it make me look ugly....? BTW Alhumdulillah,I am trying my best....But i am not sure that i will succeed in leaving it.....But will surely try my level best InshaAllah

  57. اسلام عليكم
    I am from Afghanistan don't now English very will A little bit I know English I have a Question
    If muslim women some times doing masterbathing but she have a husband also if that haram in Islam or not plz replay me

  58. i m 19 yrs girl frm karachi n doing it for 2 years plzzz help plx i m ready to do any thing for it

  59. Salam I was in class 7 I know about this things and I started and now I am in class 9 I am a boy of 14 years old I still have a bad habit of masturbation I want to leave this parents have also see me doing this think they said me this is not good habit leave it.but I leave this habit for 5 months only but now I am started again please teel me some thing to leave this habbit.because of this habbit I feel weakness and I got some support on my face please tell me how to leave this habbit please

  60. Question:
    Are there any duas to help with stopping masturbation?
    Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh
    Thank you for your question.
    The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) used
    to say, “O Allah, I ask You for guidance, piety, dignified restraint,
    and freedom from need. (Allahumma inni as’aluka’l huda wa’t tuqa
    wa’l `afafa wa’l ghina)” [Sahih Muslim] (See also: Prophetic
    Supplication for Guidance, Piety, Restraint, and Freedom from
    Need Prophetic Example in Our Daily Relations)
    ﺍﻟﻠَّﻬُﻢَّ ﺇِﻧِّﻲ ﺃَﺳْﺄَﻟُﻚَ ﺍﻟْﻬُﺪَﻯ ﻭَﺍﻟﺘُّﻘَﻰ ﻭَﺍﻟْﻌَﻔَﺎﻑَ ﻭَﺍﻟْﻐِﻨَﻰ
    The following supplication has been narrated by Qutb al-Din al-
    Hanafi in his Kitab Ad`iyat al-Hajj wa al-`Umra and is attributed to
    Hasan al-Basri.
    “O Allah, I seek Your forgiveness for every sin in which I gave
    preference to my base desire over Your obedience and my passion
    over Your command - thus I contented myself with Your wrath and
    subjected myself to Your displeasure, though You had forbidden
    me, presented Your admonition to me, and established the proof of
    it to me through Your warnings [of punishment in Your
    revelations]. I seek Your forgiveness, O Allah, and repent to You.
    (Allahumma inni astaghfiruka li kulli dhambin qaddamtu fihi
    shahwati `ala ta`atik wa athartu fihi mahabbati `ala amrik fa
    ardaytu nafsi bi ghadabik wa `arradtuha li sakhatik idh nahaytani
    wa qaddamta ilayya fihi indharak wa tahhajajta `alayya fihi bi
    wa`idik wa astaghfiruka Allahumma wa atubu ilayk)”
    ﺍﻟﻠَّﻬُﻢَّ ﺇِﻧِّﻰ ﺃِﺳْﺘَﻐْﻔِﺮُﻙَ ﻟِﻜُﻞِّ ﺫَﻧْﺐٍ ﻗَﺪَّﻣْﺖُ ﻓِﻴْﻪِ ﺷَﻬْﻮَﺗِﻰ ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﻃَﺎﻋَﺘِﻚَ ﻭَﺁﺛَﺮْﺕُ ﻓِﻴﻪِ ﻣَﺤَﺒَّﺘِﻰ ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﺃَﻣْﺮِﻙَ ﻓَﺄَﺭْﺿَﻴْﺖُ
    ﻧَﻔْﺴِﻰ ﺑِﻐَﻀَﺒِﻚَ ﻭَﻋَﺮَّﺿْﺘُﻬَﺎ ﻟِﺴَﺨَﻄِﻚَ ﺇِﺫْ ﻧَﻬَﻴْﺘَﻨِﻰ ﻭَﻗَﺪَّﻣْﺖَ ﺇِﻟَﻲَّ ﻓِﻴْﻪِ ﺇِﻧْﺬَﺍﺭَﻙَ ﻭَﺗَﺤَﺠَّﺠْﺖَ ﻋَﻠَﻲَّ ﻓِﻴْﻪِ ﺑِﻮَﻋِﻴْﺪِﻙَ
    ﻭَﺃَﺳْﺘَﻐْﻔِﺮُﻙَ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻬُﻢَّ ﻭَﺃَﺗُﻮْﺏُ ﺇِﻟَﻴْﻚَ
    “O Allah, Your mercy I am hopeful for, so do not leave me to
    myself for the blink of an eye, and put all my affairs in order, there
    is no god but You. (Allahumma rahmataka arju fala takilni ila nafsi
    tarfata `ayanin wa aslih li sha’ni kullihi la ilaha illa anta)” [Abu
    ﺍﻟﻠَّﻬُﻢَّ ﺭَﺣْﻤَﺘَﻚَ ﺃَﺭْﺟُﻮْ ﻓَﻠَﺎ ﺗَﻜِﻠْﻨِﻲ ﺇِﻟَﻰ ﻧَﻔْﺴِﻲ ﻃَﺮْﻓَﺔَ ﻋَﻴْﻦٍ ﻭَﺃَﺻْﻠِﺢْ ﻟِﻲ ﺷَﺄْﻧِﻲ ﻛُﻠِّﻪِ ﻟَﺎ ﺇِﻟَﻪَ ﺇِﻟَّﺎ ﺃَﻧْﺖَ
    Say the supplications with heart and sincerity, seeking closeness
    to the Divine, and seeking to be pulled out of the darkness of sin.
    Don’t lose heart, take the positive means to stop the sin, and
    always ask Allah as He loves to be asked.
    And Allah alone gives success.
    Answered by Tabraze Azam

  61. Salam to every one. I am 15 year old boy, and i m masturbating for year's, i want to quit this but i couldn't. I have tried many ways to quit. And i am trying to qiut for years. I have a friend , with him a have masturbated a lot i m not a gay. I like girl but i really dont kniw why i look him that way. Now i have shifted somewhere else but i couldn't forgot him. And masturbate by thinking of him. I think i have ruined my life. I feel very ashamed. I also offer salah but i couldn't help my self. I watch a lot of porn and masturbate a lot. Please help me or else i will be finished soon

    • Salaams,

      This post already has a lot of helpful feedback on it. Feel free to do a search on our site about homosexuality also, there are several more like this one and for homosexuality.

      -Amy Editor

  62. Guys im 14 years old and i started masturbation when i was 13 years old and masturbation tooks my all energy day by day i m feeling that im dying please help me fellow brothers here's my number please text me not call please :'(

    • Aaqib, do not give out your private contact information please. And I recommend that you use a pseudonym instead of your real name.

      Wael Editor

    • @ Aaqib

      PMO (Porn, Masturbation Orgasm) has become a huge problem in the Muslim Ummah. A lot of Muslims spend a lot of time in front of their computers viewing porn while we should be engaged in productive activities that are of benefit to us, either in this world or the hereafter. Each and every second, we approach death. We all know this. Yet we are not able to get rid of the problem.

      So, all the Muslims can unite under this forum and give support and encouragement to each other.

    • Aaqib: Guys im 14 years old and i started masturbation when i was 13 years old and masturbation tooks my all energy day by day i m feeling that im dying please help me fellow brothers here's my number please text me not call please :'(

      How often you do it? Almost all men do it at some point in their lives, some for years.
      No one has died because of Masturbation. There is a temporary feeling of loosing energy after ejaculation for every one. If you are still scared go talk to a doctor.

  63. ...
    [Editor's note: Please submit your question, in English, as a new post for publication, rather than as a comment on an existing post. That way it can be published and answered in turn, inshaAllah.]

  64. tnks..jazakumullah khairan

  65. AOA.
    I am having a serious issue of this masturbation since more than 5-6 years... I am of 16 years and uptill now i dont know how man times i masturbated... maybe more than 1000 of times... I want to share my feelings with all uof you please help me in this regard.... I dont know why i really love to watch body parts of women such as hands feet arms ONLY... but i really love them dont know why... I dont understand what is wrong with my mind but I really love arms and feet of young women and thus, I am forced to Masturbate.... I am unmarried and I am of 16 years... I want some sort of help and guidance from you people... Please help me to find a way out of this.. I want to quit masturbating FOREVER ! but i am so desperate that I do that again and again... 🙁
    Waiting for your help,
    Kind Regards,

  66. Hussain: I dont understand what is wrong with my mind but I really love arms and feet of young women and thus, I am forced to Masturbate

    Do you mean you are not attracted to other parts of women like hair, eyes, face, lips and so on.....? Do feet and hands of women only turn you on sexually? Are you scared to look at a woman? It will be easy to quit once you get married.

  67. Assalam O Alaikum ..
    I am too facing this problem since around 1 year and now I'm !4 years .. I had did many things to avoid this even I haven't masturbated for Four months but unfortunately re-started no matter how much I think its bad etc. etc. somewhere I forget everything and start maturbating .. Please help me I Really want to get rid out of this problem .. Please :'(
    Jazak Allah

  68. I want to stop it because it is not good and it also effect on my face what is the solution of my problum that i am having with my face it is full of pimple or something it call i am 13 years 7 mnths old

  69. i have masturbate since when i was 12 !! but now i'm feeling very frustrated and depressed ! i want to stop it but after 7 days it happens again !! i really want to stop it ... i prayed allah so many times !! also i tried .. the ways that would help me !! but i cant prevent it fully ! what should i do ? please help me ?

  70. slam everyone I would like to say there are two person in human a bad person (nafs) 2nd good person (zameer) victory will get that one to whom we will give more doze doze means action if our action will be positive our good person in side us will win if our actions will negative bad person will win so always think possitive have good attention to prevent from such type of bad addictions otherwise there are very bad persons who make do bad works I.e appear jins by black actions, black magic so always have good intention faith actions to make zameer winner 2nd I woud like to say offer prayer recite quran daily and do exercise daily never compromise on these two things

  71. 3rd if u not able to leave after this concern phychologist it is veryyyyyy helpful caz they will do hypnosis sessions hypnotism is only thing which is very very helpful to stop bad addictions I.e sharab cigerate drug taking masterbation etc must do it it is very very helpful bleive me

  72. My Name is Ibrar
    I gave my name pk cuz now a days pk movie is going on...
    I have a problem that I want to feel like horny but i couldnt
    My sperms leak but i cant feel like hotness..
    am i on risk cuz some people said me it could be risk u should feel like horny
    my age is 19 almost

    • PK, your priorities are confused. Why would you want to feel sexual excitement when you are young and have no wife? You should count your blessings that you are not distracted and led to sin by those feelings. Don't worry, I am sure that when you are married you will feel what is appropriate and respond accordingly, Insha'Allah. In the meantime focus on your studies and stop worrying about irrelevant things.

      Wael Editor

  73. i'm very skinny my younger brother look like older than me! Weekdays gets my wet dream.please tell me how i can stop my wet dream, and i want increase my Weight. i'm very skinny. I do not even fit cloth.please help me

  74. m very skinny my younger brother look like older than me! Weekdays gets my wet dream.please tell me how i can stop my wet dream, and i want increase my Weight. i'm very skinny. I do not even fit cloth.please help me..!

    • slam sister,
      You should exercise each day.
      You need to eat healthy ( fats etc ). Don't drink pepsi or coke. Eat meat, yogurt etc. And live a healthy life. Sleep around 9 hours.

  75. hi sir m a student & i masturbate daily and 3 to 4 time daily . am toper of my class ...but i want to leave this ???????
    plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me
    plzz plzzz. . waiting anxiously...

  76. I used to masturbutate regularly, but then I tried to give up this bad habit when I came to know that it is sinful in Islam. I tried every possible act and Allhumdulillah refrained myself to a greater extent. Now, I am 18 and unmarried, I often masturbutate knowing its sinful but it always happens when I am going to get mensutruation. I masturbutate two days or sometimes a day before periods and then again I crave for this act after menstruation. This is uncontrolable and always happen on these mentioned times of month. I dont masturbutate other than these times since i dont desire and no such feelings arise in me. Why it happens near menstruation just? And how can I get rid of this?

  77. Numerous amount of answers on this topic, please search the archives.

  78. asalam u alaukum
    I have massive problem i have tried my best to overcome it but all in vain and my problem is zina i really fought but i failed then i decided to toss but toss supported zina.............................what should i do i have also done taubbah but i stopped only for few days...........whenever i do taubbah the proposal for this sin come automatically...............PLz tell me something which i can do to stop it i really feel guilty and shameful....

  79. Asalam u alaukum....
    My name is Hamid and I am 14 years old.I am having the habit of mastrubation since 2 years.I am really fedup of this habit.I dont know what to do so plz answer me.I tried to over come it but I failed so plz ans me.

  80. Dear you can stop easily whenever u feel that master... u take wuduh take two rakah namaz make it at least 41 days. (This one kind of shaithan habits.) Insha u will be avoided with the period. And you have to apply Olive oil message ur penis to bring back healthy nurves if we do the master.... have many side effects so stop as soon as possible

  81. Wa 'alaikum assalam

    Although this website focuses on how to stop pornography addiction, the strategies and tips they tell you can be used to stop an addiction(s). So you can use this website on the path to recovery. Also, pray to God to help you overcome your desires and not to lead you astray.

  82. asslam o alaikum sir my problem is that i do masturbate most of time even being busy and even at the studying in my room and the worst sin i think it is as being muslim i feel very very ashame and just wanna get rid of it and i do watch porn as well so plz plz help me how to stop this plz sugeest me some duas

  83. What should we eaat after masterbuting
    To get our lost energy back

  84. a.o.a. iam a muslim and i had fallen in such a terrible situation that i can never came back. iam addicted with masterbution ,I have contorl for just a week but not more then a week. I wanna leave it but I cannot do so, I read islamic books that i can leave it but i cannt leave.. i offer namaz on regular bases but when i had a wet dream (ahtalam) i suppose to masterbut.. please help me out i wanna leave it on any cose.. please help me..! iam just 16

  85. Bhai pls tell me how to stop masturbation from wazifa

    • Omer, you should make dua' (not wazifa) and also take steps to learn to control yourself. Read the answers already given on this post and the many other posts we have published on this subject.

      Wael Editor

  86. I m also a muslim guy and have a bad habbit of masterbation even i've tried hard to get over from this negitive habbit as much as i can n whatever can do but couldnt find any way to stop this am really feel guilty am 26 year old and getting weak day by day.. plz help me

  87. I am a 19 yr old girl. This is my first time asking for help on such a matter. I have been masturbating since the age of 16. I must have achieved over 200 orgasms by now. I cry whenever I think of my situation. I want to have a love marriage and my sexual life is probably affected because of this bloody habit. My vagina must have gotten smaller or something I dunno but does this mean I'm doomed for life? Is my marriage and sexual life going to be a failure now? Will my husband not be happy with me? If I stop there is there any point as my problem has gone past its limit....I want to stop from today. I feel sooooo bad and want to die. I wish I could go back in time to when I didn't even know what the words 'masturbation' and 'orgasm' meant. I always cum also. Even when I do ghusl I always have a white vaginal discharge. I am ALWAYS sexually aroused. I wish I had died during my infancy. I am doomed. I don't want to get married anymore because myhusband will not be satisfied and not love me anymore and go for another woman.... Someone help me please!!!!!

    • The answer to all your questions is no. It does not affect the size of your vagina, it will not affect your married life, and you are not doomed. I'm sure once you get married Insha'Allah, your husband will not know anything about your habit and will be satisfied with you as you are with him.

      Wael Editor

    • Hopeless Git: I don't want to get married anymore because my husband will not be satisfied and not love me anymore and go for another woman.... Someone help me please!!!!!....I must have achieved over 200 orgasms by now.......Even when I do ghusl I always have a white vaginal discharge....... I am ALWAYS sexually aroused.

      I don't see how you masturbation experience will have negative influence on your husband's satisfaction.

      Now when you masturbate you probably has lot of time on your hands. Your husband may not last as long as you need to get orgasm. you may be disappointed with real sex as far as orgasms go.

      You can use your experience to enhance your married sex life.

  88. Btw are the people giving answers over here like Wael islamic scholars or something? I am thankful for the help I've gotten but is everything true that you gus share? I have read things on the net like how M affects married and sexual life and stuff.... why would they write such stuff then?

  89. assalamu-alikum..
    the advice was really good.....but i want a solution for my special case..
    i have a problem of masturbation and porn addiction.i really really want to be de-addicted.but the thing is, i had previously promised to lord that i will not masturbate and watch porn.but i broke it not once ,not twice but so many times......and thats when a problem struck me.....mental irritation...........................i didnt know what the reason was , what the origin was until a bit later i realised that i have broken the promise so easily and not gave it the value of even a penny and i belived that was the reason of the mental illness......then i repented.....prayed that "lord,i now know what it is to break a promise,so please forgive me " and then i took up the promise again which alhamdullillah i holded for couple of months and now i have broken it again....
    i dont know what to crucial stages are coming up.......the exams which will decide my future will start within 15 days............i feel completly helpless............i'm doubtful on the help from lord, if it's not there then i believe it would lead to chaos in my life.......i just want to be a good pious muslim living by quran and hadeese and finding peace in my religion....please help me

  90. How to get rid off from masturbation,
    Becuz I'm doing it from 5 years.. I know it is bad
    Plz give me a suggestion

  91. To stop masturbation there is a method.
    Whenever you feel an urge to masturbate think of Aehtlam which occurs at night when you are sleeping.And its a reality that aehtlam is more pleasing and joyfull than masturbation.So make short time goals like this week you will not do masturbation and wait for aehtlam and after that you will again start masturbation.
    Believe me when you will get your first aehtlam you will have a 70 percent control over masturbation and after two consecutive ahetlams you will say that its more joyful than masturbation and you will quit it.NOTE : the people who are habitual of masturbation actually they have never enjoyed three consecutive ahtelaams in all their past life.

  92. Alsalam o halekum
    Well I'm under sixteen so I can understand the fun of sex so'that's why sometimes I do masturbate but believe me I really don't want to do it but myself forces me to do it.
    So is there anyway to stop it as well? ?

  93. I am a student of psychology and also study part time sexulogy books. I wana tell you some about masturbating in urdu.

  94. Also is there any dua to get pretty or something? (I know it's unrelated to the main question but it's easier than making a new post).

    Salaam alaykum. A woman is valued for marriage based on four qualities.

    Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (May Allah exalt his mention and protect him from imperfection) said: “A woman is married for four things: for her wealth, for her lineage, for her beauty or for her piety. Select the pious, may you be blessed!”. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

    If you have Deen, that will be recognized. Then there are the other three. Do not doubt yourself on your beauty and other qualities that can be considered, and stay steadfast.

  95. Me too ive been struggling with this for soo long

  96. I struggle to please make dua for
    me please

  97. Sorry idk about it i have to write in english.Please delete that previous conversation.I explain again.My problem is too complex.I am under 18.I am in 10 grade..I addict this habbit till i am 8. my class mate learn me this bad habbit.that time idk i am doing something wrong.but now i know it's a big sin.I am sad about my future life.I control my self a lot but i can't.Please help me.I am sooo sad 🙁

  98. there are some more advices ...

    0. Dont panic
    1. it takes some time to get rid of it ...
    2. Make yourself busy with islam ... study islam, history of islam, whatever you interested in islam,
    3. go sports if you can ...
    4. study any useful field and go deeper and deeper ... make plans for it ...
    5. don't forget, it makes you weak and takes your time ...
    6. don't listen satan ... fight against satan ... do not listen ... satan cant control you ... it only tells you what to do ... but CANT CONTROL YOU .. YOU CONTROL YOURSELF ...
    7. satan is around us ... because we are letting it come by near us ... dont let it...
    8. Dont forget you are mach stronger than it
    9. study study study ...
    10. and of course ASAP marriage, but dont rush and study about marriage in islam ... be smart than satan ...

  99. My sister i am also surfing from same problem 🙁 i am getting weak in days :'(

  100. can u tell the ways to stop porn .

    • Asalaaam alyk!!! Well everyone(esp. Male) almost. Indulge in this act. The point is how to stop.... Believe me its jihaad... If u are trying to stop. s like fighting jihad.. Mujahid!!! My bro n sis janna is not so easy... You have to work utmostly... I know its diffclt. Buy ways are assigned in this thread..... Its jus an exam how muvjh you love abut Almighty Allah......

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