I want to repent & do ghusl, as I have masturbated, watched lesbian porn & my family is cursed by black magic
Please dont judge me people, i have realised my wrong doing and very much want Allah to forgive me and lead me in the right path.
I'm a 15 year old Girl, i live in the UK and used to live in a place where there was hardly any Muslims. A few years back i started watching porn and i started masturbating, not sticking anything, just rubbing. I masturbated over lesbian porn but I am not a lesbian. I know these are VERY bad things to do and ive stopped watchin the lesbian porn and ive stopped masturbating but sometimes i still watch porn (normal porn).
We have had black magic done on us and my family life is hectic. My old house used to be haunted and i think there's still a jinn somewhere in our new house. I only watch porn when im on my own and i regret it SOOOOOO MUCH!!!! i feel soo bad after i watch it and i ask for forgiveness and say 'Tawbah' but i still go back. This has been EATING me up inside. I Love my religion and just want Allah to guide me in the right path. i have a good heart.
My family and i have no luck at all and theres always fights and i know that it has something to do with black magic that has been cast on us. I am on and off with my praying but currently do not pray ( i have a problem with my bladder and i know that the shaytan is also stopping me from praying ). I want to fast and pray again but could someone PLEASE tell me the right way to ask for forgiveness and how to do Ghusl correctly. Thanks alot for takin the time to read this !!!
I do not fancy girls and never have and never will. I am straight. I dont not pray but I want to start praying and keep to it. I used to hear stuff at night and see stuff and once saw a thing at night. Not sure what it was, but it smiled at me and I know that theres something in our house. My dad picks on me and i always get the blame and get into fights with people at school and at home.
We're cursed..seriously :/
Pleasee HELP!!!
- ibt_x
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Here are the postings:
The whispering of the devil is the starting point of all evil deeds. It begins as a whisper and turns into an evil thought. Then the devil pictures the thought in your mind and turns it into a desire,which later becomes a will.He then makes you forget all the consequences and belittles the outcome of the sin,until you see nothing but the fulfilment of your lust. It is in this stage that the devil dispatches his soldiers to urge you to achieve your desires whenever you show any neglience.
(Ibn Qayyim - Tafsir Surah Nas)
This is exactly the process we go through before a sin so identifying it helped me a lot alhumdulilah.
18 Ways To Survive In Temptation Island!!
Yes, it's hard, especially when you're constantly bombarded with obscene images: that hot, scantily clad guy or gal in the magazine luring you; or the persistent emphasis on sex in the movies (even Toy Story or Spider Man!); or the pervasive links to pornography while you may simply be checking your e-mail. How can you protect yourself from all of this?
1. Don't forget the power of Allah's Remembrance (Dhikr)!
It is the most powerful of all the defences. Regular reading of prescribed Du'as will develop your Taqwa (consciousness) and keep you mindful of what thoughts you entertain. Ya Khabeeru (The One who is all-aware): constant recitation will decrease your nafs
2. Remember your Accountability to Allah.
In Islam, you're fully accountable as soon as you understand and feel such temptations. Your eyes will testify about what you looked at on the Day of Judgment.
3. Always walk with your gaze lowered.
But make sure not to bump into a hydro post! Lowering the gaze does not mean that you cannot have any 'eye contact' as you walk or during a conversation. It means that you keep your eyes under control.
4. Take the Right Seat!
In a public place (e.g. café), choose a seat that minimizes your view-frame and avoid mixed-crowds. It is precisely about such comfortable gazing at the attractive features of the passers-by that the Prophet (SAW) advised 'Ali ibn Abi Talib: "Ali, do not let a second look follow the first. The first look is allowed to you but not the second." (Ahmad, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi.)
5. Hangout with those known for noble character and modesty.
When you are around good people, they can remind you to abstain from that which Allah dislikes. As the Prophet (SAW) said, "A person is likely to follow the faith of his friends, so be careful about who you make your friend." (Ahmad.)
6. Avoid friends that are into immoral movies, music, dirty jokes etc.
Such activities are the tools of Shaytan that promote the idea of 'love based on looks' or 'love at first sight'. Such friends would take you into an artificial world of fantasies and false hopes, away from reality, before it's too late!
Therefore, either you help your friends change through gentle advice, or abandon frequent contact with them. As Allah warns us: "If anyone withdraws himself from Allah's remembrance, Most Gracious, We appoint for him an evil one to be his intimate companion."
[43: 36.]
7. Avoid visiting malls and parks alone.
Always try to go out with a family member or a good friend, whose company may help you avert your eyes from the objectionable billboards and inappropriately clothed people. In summer, step out only when you have to.
Surf or Watch TV when others are around. The temptation to sneak a look at dirty pictures is heightened when you're alone in your room watching TV or surfing the Internet. Shaytan's primary target is always a lonely person! Try to avoid late night TV and Internet surfing.
9. Never have 'nothing to do'!
Shaytan loves 'bored and idle' people. If you are feeling bored, do the dishes, or take out the garbage, or read some book. Allah says, "Do not throw yourself into destruction with your own hands." [2: 195.]
10. Volunteer for Islamic Organizations.
Your Jihad against immorality in the society is one reason for you to join Muslim youth groups in your community. Your involvement with such activities, along with the love of helpful brothers or sisters struggling for a good cause, will keep your mind, energies, and thoughts focused away from the Haram.
11. Read, Read, and Read!
Yes, read as many Islamic books and articles as possible. Reading keeps your mind and eyes busy! It keeps you motivated to live your Islam and strengthens your relationship with Allah.
12. Always remember that the beauty of this world is temporary and the life hereafter is everlasting.
13. Observe voluntary fast to strengthen your willpower and to cool your passions. The Prophet (SAW) strongly recommended the youth to make it a habit.
14. If you are able and responsible then get married for the sake of Allah. It may be one of the most effective, yet challenging, defence mechanisms against such temptations.
15. For Brothers, remember your Mom and Sister.
Disgusting right? Exactly! No sane person would look at his mom or sister the way many of us examine the girls on TV shows or stare at our Muslim sisters in social gatherings. This thought should sicken you enough to stop Insha-Allah.
16. Remind yourself of the Death and Hereafter often.
"Remember often the terminator (or destroyer) of all the pleasures [i.e. death]," the Prophet (SAW) reminded us. (at-Tirmidhi.)
17. Increase your Good Actions.
Try following the advice of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW): "Remain conscious of Allah and fear Him wherever you are. And follow a bad deed with a good deed which will wipe it out, and behave well towards people." (at-Tirmidhi.)
18. Repent and Return to Allah.
Allah is All-forgiving and loves those who return to Him, promising not to repeat their sins. "Ask forgiveness from your Lord, then turn towards Him in repentance; He will loosen the sky over you in abundance, and He will add strength unto your strength." [11: 52].
Excellent list here Muslimah, Jzk!
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Very good i have the same problem and all my friends are into music but not sex what should i do?
Jazak Allah
May Allah guide us to the right path...Aameen
Wauw, may the one and only God grant you the best in this life and even better in the here afther to whom wrote this.
Psychologically speaking, this really helped me.
Thank you!
-Your brother, M
Well sister I would just STOP..!!! I'm a Muslim girl and I had that same problem but not the same. My husband just wasn't paying attention to me, so I talk to other people and I watched porn. Then after watching it, I asked yself what do I get out of it...nothing. Maybe you need a good friend,or a brother or sister to get close to. The devil can put things in your mind but personally I think you can not listen. When you are in the mood to watch porn get out of the room, go take a shower, go make something to drink, go out with your mom or sister. It's hard. I am married and I thought to talk to other men will help, and it didn't. I woke up before I did rouse. I sali and I love my husband. I asked Allah for forgiveness. Porn is a hard thing t get out of, I hated it but will still watch it with other men. I'm telling you all this because I changed a lot El Hamdullah. So can you. Your a beautiful Muslim girl that wants to go the right way, and Allah will guide you. Sali and distract your self from porn
May Allah forgive our sin
Assalaamu alaikum sister. I will start by saying I understand most of this, apart from the Jinn/ black magic part alhumdulilah. I am not by any means undermining what you have said but we should avoid attributing every strange thing to the presence of a Jinn or bad things due to magic. These things do exist but I dont believe that they are as common as people make out. But take whatever measures you can to protect yourself from these things, ask Allah to protect you.
Do surah Ikhlas, Falaq and Naas once after each salat, and 3x at magrib and fajr. Also 3x before sleep. Read ayatul Kursi 2:255 before sleep and after each salat time. Prayer and fast is essential, sister it will protect you as well InshaAllah. I recommend encouraging everyone in your household to take the same measures as well. I will mention prayer a bit later on in this post InshaAllah. Recite/ Play a recitation of Surah al Baqarah in your house every 3 days if you can. “Everything has a hump (or, high peek), and Al-Baqarah is the high peek of the Qur’an. Whoever recites Al-Baqarah at night in his house, then Shaytan will not enter thathouse for three nights. Whoever recites it during a day in his house, then Shaytan will not enter that house for three days.” his Hadith was collected by Abu Al-Qasim At-Tabarani, Abu Hatim Ibn Hibban in his Sahih and Ibn Marduwyah.
Also try to change your way of thinking. Dont think, "we are cursed." Even if you feel it. Think that Allah is testing us, and we are going to pass this test InshaAllah. Remember that any trial you go through, however small will be an expiation of sins for you and family InshaAllah, which is one reason why Allah swt gives us trials. I also recommend repeating.
"Lâ hawla wa lâ quwwata illâ bi Allâh There is no power and strength except with Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala
Remember this, that NOONE can harm another person EXCEPT with the permission of Allah swt. Dont fear magic and jinn. Ask Allah to protect you. Someone knowledgable once told me that a Jinn is like an 8 year old child. Would you fear an 8 year old child? I think not. (I am not able to source this so Allah forgive me if I am wrong.) They cannot harm you. Whatever you do STAY AWAY from doing any sort of magic yourself, or going to fortunetellers and the like. STAY FAR AWAY from it!
Sister I know what you are going through with this habit. I had a similar problem myself, I felt the temptation and the shame, yes I too kept going back for a long time. I never thought I could stop but alhumdulilah I overcame this bad habit with the help of Allah swt and alhumdulilah have not gone back to this for a long time. I hate to discuss such personal things as I have in this post but I hope that you can learn from my previous mistakes. May Allah continue to keep me away from such things and may He help you and others in your situation Ameen.
First and foremost: STOP watching porn, no matter if its les or straight sister its still a sin! Make Tawbah. Really think about the fact that you have disobeyed Allah swt. Your eyes will testify against the sins you commited with them on Yawmul Qiyamah. Think about that next time you get tempted.
You MUST also AVOID being alone. Avoid especially being on your computer alone. Maybe make an excuse to your family and move it to a shared part of the house. When you get tempted do something else. Do zikr, repeat tasbih, GO STRAIGHT away to a room where people are present, do some exercise. Just do ANYTHING to keep your mind off it.
Avoid anything which could arouse you, love books, tv or love films. Lower your gaze if you see a scantily clad person in the street lower your gaze. Avoid watching anything suggestive. You get the message - you must be very strict with this!
Next time you feel the temptation.. Remember Allah is watching you. Remember that we do not know when we will die. What really got to me was: what happens if I die while I am engrossed in such activities. We know we are raised up doing what we were doing before we die. Audhobillah! May Allah save the Ummah from being raised engaged in such things!
Try to get closer to your deen in general. Get knowledge. Even with a bladder problem you should still be able to pray sister. Even a paralysed person can pray lying down. (Paralysed people cannot control urine etc.) Allah has given us so many ways alhumdulilah to pray, regardless of our situation so look into it finding a way how you can, its our direct connection to Allah swt and InshaAllah it will strengthen you. Also fasting is important too. You need to build your relationship with Allah swt as much as you can. Remember that He is watching you always. He knows us inside out. He knows your intention, He knows your desires, sins, and weaknesses and you know what? He still loves you, and He'll help you to change anything you want to change about yourself. Dont despair if you ask for forgiveness sincerely and make intention to stop He will forgive you.
I found myself alhumdulilah strengthened after Ramadan, so improving your eman through fasting, praying, zikr is important. Night prayers also are very good at strengthening a believer. ASK of Allah, Ask Him continously to help you stay away from this sin. I still ask now, only He can help you.
I thought about marriage, (im 21) but due to your age it is probably unlikely. Still try not to look into marriage too late. It was also unlikely for me. So accept it as your test, and be strong. Allah will reward you if you try and it will be a struggle. But the more you fight against your nafs, the easier it will get to ignore it over time. Now alhumdulilah I get tempted much less often.
I also kept some notes near to my computer. I kept one of top of my computer, but maybe you dont want to keep it where family can find it. (my mum knows i frustrated so in my case it wasnt a prob.)
Anyway these were reminders for me, everytime I felt tempted I looked at the notes, remembered Allah and this extinguished it for me alhumdulilah. This an avoiding being alone helped. I will post the notes in another post InshaAllah.
(Im sorry I dont know much about ghusul except you must wash your whole body and hair, make the intention beforehand - InshaAllah someone else will elaborate)
(I also wanted to add that although I dont know what bladder problems you are having and the cause (im not a doc) but masterbation can cause a weak bladder, it can loosen the muscles. Giving it up helps with bladder problems. - If you havent had a formal diagnosis of something go docs, she will test for other things. If it is a weak bladder giving up helps, and you can do exercises to strengthen the muscles. (I had it and these things cured it alhumdulilah.)
May Allah make you strong, give you good health and strong emaan, help you give up this bad habit and forgive you. Ameen.
Sorry again for yet ANOTHER post - I always suddenly remember stuff. I just wanted to say dont give up/ lose hope if you lapse or make a mistake. Make the sincere intention not to do it again, make tawbah, pick yourself up and try again. Not to say you should continue doing it and repenting each time, but if you make a mistake dont give up. wasalaam
Salaam waleikum waragmatoelah hibrakatoe sisters/brothers,
Umm I was reading this very very veryyyyy helpfull posts and I think I can add 1 more thing that might help you somewhat, anyhows it helped me, but every individual is different.
I know that when you committed that sin, you feel very guilty and disgusted, etc etc etc.
Stop :)...
I know its strange, but this is exacly what is 1 of the things that is making you NOT stop.
why you ask ?
Because of course you should be ashamed, but be ashamed for the fact that you denied a rule that Allah soebhaan wataa'Aalah gave you, not for the fact that you made a mistake, because we will ALWAYS make mistakes.
So be ashamed but dont feel negetive from the inside, tell yourself its alright, I made a mistake, but i CAN make it up. I will make it up but repenting and I will repent because I know Allah soebhaan Wataa'Aalah his forgiveniss is endless and he will forgive me, If I MEAN IT AND I WILL TRY TO STOP.
Trust me many things that stopped (me) from stopping is one of these, that every time It happened I felt so damn guilty I wanted to GIVE UP.
but dont, because I read (somewhere, sorry, but I was depressed and googled a million pages and stored a lot of info in this big head of myn :P). As I was saying I read that shaitaan wants this exacly to happen, because the second you give up or feel so guilty, you are weak and he gets to you when you are weak.
but he hates you very much, if you stay strong after a sin and repent IMMEDIATELY.
Please you are young, and it is a natural feeling, dont blame yourself for the feeling, but blame your nafs and everytime it happens try to fight your nafs to overcome it, because if you get angry at yourself, it will only worsen the situation, which wont help you at all, always remember, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
and my personal favorite: Allah loves you not because your perfect, but because your imperfection, makes you perfect. (not too say that we are superior to anyone, anyhow, Allah is alone the almighty and al-knowing, so no shirk, but I hope you get my point).
Please dont be agry, just Don't It wont help anyhows. (Anger = fire and Fire = Shaitaan) remember that.
About that ghusl, just google it but from the way I know it (sorry if I am telling this wrong, forgive me Allah).
EVERY SINGLE HAIR ON YOUR BODY HAS TOO BE WET AND CLEAN ! you have to gorgle water 3 times, and snif in water 3 times till your nose bone ( just like normale woedoe but then a bit added). wash your face very good 3 times. your whole right arm, your whole left arm, your hair (you are allowed before you begin your woedoe to wet your hair, because female have a lot of hair and that is dificult for them) then your ears, behind your ears, back to your hair and then your neck. now clean your belly button, then your right foot and left foot 3 times. (also it speaks for it self, but your ummm female bodyparts also have to be very clean. after this your ghusl is complete. (for men it is required to do ghusl for the Djuma prayer and when you do ghusl it is recommended too NOT WASTE WATER, and dress yourself quickly,. ( this is from the quran but forgive me If I wrote it wrong, the companions from the sahabah from the prohet mohammed sallu alay hi wassalam, peace be upon him, dressed themselves so quickly during ghusl that before they reached their feet to wash, they wer already putting on their clothes).
well this was it for the ghusl sorry for the so inclear descriptions.
SOOO SORRY SORRY SORRY, for the not so clear words, and mis-spellings.
1: I didnt practise my english for long
2: I was to lazy to check it afterwards, but if there are any questions, just post and I hope I get a notification so i can respond.
Not sure about the belly button bit I would check up on that properly before following the rest sounds ok
Always Dear sister, there fore we are brothers and sisters...
I am curious, how is everything going now ?
Did anything help ?
How is the situation ?..
If you do not feel the need to answer or don't want too, then dont Sister.
May Allah Guide you and stand you by my dear sister. !
I hope InshaAllah your situation has improved sister, keep supplicating to Allah and never lose hope, you'll get there in the end InshaAllah.
May Allah swt guide and protect you.
Salam sister
i have been going through this process of masturbating for quite some time now, i would say since i wos a little girl. its impossible for me to stop, and at night when i cant sleep, all i do is masturbate.
i do feel shame, and i feel so bad after i do it because i know its haram. iv tried so hard to stop but i keep going back to it. i feel so ashamed and i really want to stop but whenever i do i still go back to it, the temptation kicks in and i cant help but masturbate. i am so shameful of this act of mine, i need help :'(
Salaam waleikum waragmatoelah hibrakatoe my dear sister
First of all good job, 1 you want too do something about it and 2 you are regretting it and 3 you actually took the trouble too find some help.
the basic steps have been taken.
Now here we as your brothers and sisters it becomes our duty to help and guide you.
Well as you can Already learn a lot from the previous posts above, You should know this very important factor that, masturbation can be like smoking.
1: you wont stop just like that 1, 2, 3 unless you got a willpower beyond the reach or unless Allah soebhaan Wataa'Aalah grants it.
2: You have too keep making effort if you really mean it, no matter how many times you fail.
As I have explained previously, its the shaitaans MAIN JOB to make you think after a sin, that you cannot repent and cannot stop.. but thats wrong you can and you will, InshAllah.
Too give you a better example;
Right it took some times, but I got it translated for you, I hope you have some use for it.
I translated it from Dutch too English just so you know, and I hope that any other brother or sister has use for it as well, too better understand how the Shaitaan works his ways around.
Sister everything you did up till now was 50% including our help now the rest is all up too you, only you can gather the strength too stop, I know its hard, but I can guarantee you this.
Only the first 2 weeks are a hell, but after that, like an month, it will only become easier, I know it doesn't seem like this, but try too get too that position first.
What helps is doing Dua sincerely and reading surah Ya'sin as this surah as every other living being has a heart, this surah is the heart of the Quran.
One of the cures it got is that it removes the urges, now only thing left for you is retrained and fight against it.
One of the way that also helps is that when you go too sleep, wear something that is very annoying and hard too get off, like shalwaar kamies / or something else I dont know exacly womans clothing sorry.. anyway something that is soo annoying too take off that you stop and go too sleep.
if you cant sleep, get up and take a cold shower immeaditely.
if you dont want that, do woedoe and read 2 soennat and dua.
if you dont want that, then say la illaa ha illal la, hoe mohammed doe ra soellal la.
or La illaa ha illa anta soebhaanaka ini koentu minaz zaa le mien.
if you dont want that then, think about Allah and think about the fact that he is watching you right now what you are doing right now, would you do it in front of your parents of something else, no right ? same goes for Allah even though you can't see him, he can see you.
If you cannot do this then at least pinch yourself at a painfull place like thigh, so you remember the pain. and everytime you intend too do this in your bed, you remember this pain exacly.
if you dont want too do any of these examples, then hit your head against the bed. (Sorry joking, typing for a long time now ha).
Sister masturbation is a sickness, but like every sickness there is a cure InshAllah.
and the cure for masturbation is simple;
1: create a relationship with Allah soebhaan Wataa'Aalah and the beloved prophet hazrat mohammed sallu alayhim wassalam. (peace be upon him).
2: do dhikr.
3: Like I said Ya'sin (every night before you go too bed, its also said that if you read this every night continously you will die the death of a shahid. a person who died for Allah in the war).
4: a bit of will power
5: the strength too never give up, like i said before if you fail, get up again, its not about winning its about trying, Allah decides when the game is over, trust me on this one.
I hope I have given you enough information for now, If I can help you with anything else or more ,please let me know I am prepared too help you through anything.
Alhamdulilah, InshAllah.
ps: I forgot too add, the way I find Dua The best too do and the way it always got granted is, before you begin asking Allah begin this way, Salaam Waleikum Waragmatoelah Hibrakatoe Allah Soebhaan Wata'Aalah and then call him by his 99 names. (Even if you only know 3/6/9/ doesnt matter, call him by all the names you know, because he loves this and he will surely help you immediately, I can bet my life on this, because our beloved Allah is just soooo Kind.
Here is the site too help you with this. http://www.mounthira.com/
Now I hope as final too have given you enough information and as well too many other brothers and sisters,
InshAllah, Alhamdulilah,
Asalamalykum.... Raja I hav read ur above posts... Since it has being years u hav posted... I am 16 yrs... N m realy over stresed n am very guilty abt evrythn... Its jus a way I fond dat u being my bro wud hlp me a lot... Plz try n hlp me abt evrythn jus try n reply me so dat I can tel u ma xact problem please help mi out...
pss: sorry too add. Allah forgive me if I made any mistakes in the translation/advice as you are the Al-knowing and I am nothing and know nothing, forgive me for my mistakes and help me improve my self. InshAllah,
Astagfiroelah, Astagfiroelah and Astagfiroelah.
Uhhh... I guess I was the only one that thought this question was a total prank?
I don't think it's a prank. She's 15 and confused. It happens.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
This is a learned habit, I am going to write here what I did once to get rid of this disease, you are young so its time to act on this now, don't let it go on because this habbit will later creep into every aspect of your life.
Porn works by giving the body a huge dopamine boost, the lure & attraction is immensely powerful. If you want to give this up you have to understand that there will be a period of atleast 3-4 weeks where you have to suffer withdrawal symptoms that will make you irritable and moody - enough to cause you to go back to porn. This is the thing to understand regarding porn addiction , people suffering from it never make it past the withdrawal phase, they said they tried but not hard enough.
Do not try to suppress the urge - that's right, do NOT suppress it because it will explode sooner or later and you will be back to square one. The way to beat the urge is to make split second decision whenever you have a though a visual stimulant that attracts you to this habit - the decision is to simply dismiss the thought or entertain it. If you entertain the thought it will make you do crazy things like look at pictures online to satisfy your urge, pictures will lead to videos ...... game over ..... back to square one.
How to dismiss the thought? Whenever you come across something : an image in newspaper, TV, etc you are allowed one look, no more if you look at it again it is because you are curious, this is enough to set off a tidal wave of lustful porn inducing thoughts - I can guarantee you a 2nd look will eventually lead you to failure, this is the secret of this problem : all or none, completely cold turkey. When you come across a lustful thought or visual stimulant your mind has a void, maybe you are depressed etc whatever, you MUST fill the void with something other than porn maybe exercise? maybe a good motivating soundtrack ? prayer ?
When you fill the void with something other than the mind is used to (porn) you are reprogramming your mind to find the satisfaction from something other than porn. Slowly the pictures, videos burn away in distant memory and you get stronger. Always remember don't let your guard down and never think you have won, nafs are incredibly strong thing to defeat. Get through week one, then two and so on, it will be hard but that's just the way it is. Defeating this habit will give you incredible sense of control and serve well to build character.
Usual advice regarding giving up porn is prayer, keeping busy and list of activities to do. It won't work, learn to control your mind, everything begins in the mind then the body takes over. Muhammad (pbuh) said the hardest fight is against oneself - so please go ahead and start fighting.
Salam sister,
Firstly, i'd like to just say that I have very minimal if no knowledge regarding this black magic stuff so i'll steer away from that issue as my input there will not be very useful. However, in regards to this issue of porn, I can say it has become very common for youth and even adults to view this even though it is strictly haram and in many ways harming (in long term married relationships). Sister, I understand that you feel shameful after viewing these visuals but you need to understand that it is only YOU who can put a stop to YOUR actions. Tell me sister, what do you gain by watching all this: short term pleasure and then a bundle of guilt and regret? Sister, you need to stop NOW before it becomes an addiction and causes problems in your future married relationships. Often I hear women complaining that their husbands view porn even though they try their BEST to satisfy them in all aspects. It's demeaning and disrespectful. You do not want to end up there in the future as once this becomes a habit, it's hard to let go (im sure you know exactly what I mean as you are having a hard time letting go now: imagine how hard it will become in the future where you can possibly inflict harm to your marriage!).
Any time you feel this urge to view these visuals, recite "Auzu billahi minashaitan nirrajeem" which means 'I seek refuge with Allah from the Accursed Shaitan. Get up from where your sitting or standing and walk away to another place. Make sure you are not near a computer. Try going for a walk or talking to family or friends. Watch some TV (islamic channels or cartoons). Make something delicious to eat. Do anything and everything to divert your attention. The last thing you want to do is sit IDLE as shaitaan will pounce on you at that moment and make you weak. If at night you feel this urge, get up and do wuddu and sit and pray 2 nafil salat-ul-hajaat and ask Allah for his mercy and pray for strength.
It's going to be difficult but remember one thing sister, the biggest jihad is the jihad against your nafs (desires) and if you can conquer your nafs, then you will inshAllah live a very sucessful life as shaitaan uses our nafs as weak point to make us commit haram.
Stay strong and remember, short term pleasure is never worth it at the end if the loss is far larger in the long run!
Repent. It's difficult regardless of our age. Our ego is tempted (influenced/seduced) by worldly things. That's why and how we sin. We need to repent but not use Allah's Forgiveness as an excuse to sin again. Technology is a curse but Islamic (virtuous) sites/words is a blessing. The worst curse is our ego (opinion/pleasure seeking) and materialism. The best we can do is:
1. Block all porn sites and shun sinful people.
2. Get married as soon as possible. Try to find a disciplined Muslim/virtuous person we can talk to and marry. Money shouldn't stop us. Marriage is likelier to stop our lust problem than fasting, reading, good company, or excercise.
3. Repent and recite: O Allah, you are my Lord. None has the right to be worshiped but You Allah. Oh Allah You created me and I am Your slave, and I try to stay faithful to my covenant and promise (to You) as much as I can. Oh Allah I seek refuge with You from all the evil I have done. Oh Allah I acknowledge before You all the blessings You have bestowed upon me, and I confess to You all my sins. So Allah I ask You to please forgive my sins, and there's none who can forgive sins except You Allah.
Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) explained this can earn us Allah's Eternal Paradise. Then do Ghusl. Gargle water 3x. Blow water out nostrils 3x. Pass water over entire body in shower. Wash hands up to wrist. Wash private part. Make wudhu. Then make intention to do 2 Rakats of Salat Al-Tauba to Allah facing Kaaba.
Black magic? Still don't know how to prove that exists or can happen. I experienced a uniquely freak coincidence myself a week prior to Cho's rampage. Allah Knows Best. But recite sura Al-Falaq in Quran.
4. Praising Allah helps our soul too. http://www.islamicity.com/forum/printer_friendly_posts.asp?TID=388.
Say: Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi (Allah is free from imperfection, Glory be to Allah, and His is the praise) 100x a day. No antivirus protection can protect our soul except repentance and Allah's Protection. May Allah Help save us from sin. Oh Allah Please have Mercy on us and Help us repent to You Allah. Amin.
As Salaamu Alaikum Sister;
I definately understand what you are currently going thru, I was going thru some similar problems like yourself, make tauba to Allah(SWT) sincerely and abstain from all evil deeds, I agree that the TV, magazines as well as the internet are very evil things, but know this that Allah (SWT) sees all things and know all things that his servants do!!!!!! let that be your guide post to stay away from the evil things and that will help you a great deal, also you need to get back on your prayers that is your fortress against the shaytan, the more you make your salaah prayers it will provide an amour for your heart and mind as well as keeping a remembrance of Allah(SWT) TRUST ME IT REALLY WORKS!!!!!!! and also death can come at anytime it doesn't need an appointment, keep that in mind!!!! do you want the angel of death to snatch your soul while you are doing those evil things, TRUST ME IT WOULD NOT BE GOOD!!!!, May Allah (SWT) assists you and forgive you of all of the sins and give you strength in this most difficult time in your life, we are muslims. I'am your brother in islam and know this I LOVE YOU FOR THE SAKE OF ALLAH(SWT) He will provide for you and give you the courage to overcome the shaytan, As Salaamu Alaikum Sister..
As salamu alaykum ukhti..
ramadan kareem first of all.. i'm not sure when your post was made, but still i'll reply to you now inshAllah. ukhti i am a married woman, i have children, i wear the niqab and people know me as a religious person.. i too masturbate occassionaly, i try my outmust to stop this bad habit but as my husband is 15 years older than me, he does'nt have the same need for sex as i do.. i need it almost EVERY day! i'm 25 years old.. and also he comes very fast so i don't reach climax, so i sometimes feel that i have to finish it in the bathroom ( masturbating ) afterwards 🙁 alhamdulillah i managed to stop masturbating and watching haram things when i first got married, but after two years my husband was imprisoned for terrorism ( he did'nt do anything they just suspected him to be a terrorist, alhamdulillah now he is free, it had been three years so it was very difficult ) so slowly i started falling back to this bad habit.. i felt SO ashamed the first times, and i was so afraid that Allah would make something terrible happen to me or my children to punish me.. it was awful.. i repented and managed to stay " clean " for a long time, but soubhanallah every 2 months or so i did it again.. and then repented..felt so bad..promised allah i would stop... felt so sure i would stop and i felt disgusted with the porn stuff etc. but i did it again.. repented..and yet again i did it... and now i've done it again... in ramadaan... i feel as is a mountain is on top of my head about to fall on top of me... i hate those filthy kuffar for making this filth available in the internet, and i hope Allah will curse all of these indecent and immoral people for spreading fasad, and causing fitnah for the people!... sister please.. if you can get married then do so.. if you can fucos on the content of these movies, then think about it.. how disgusting those people are.. how low and filthy they are.. many of them have aids and other diseases because they're like prostitutes and they're exploited by men for money... try to remember all the good things which allah has given you and try to read quran alot, for allah says in quran: verily in the remembrance of allah do hearts find rest.... and sister about the curse thing, i think you're suffering from waswas.. you are being paranoid, but that's something normal because many cultures have the ( wrong ) belief that jinns and sihr is everywhere and they fear it too much.. remember that allah loves the mu'mineen and he is there for you if you just seek him... please ask for forgiveness for me too..i feel like the biggest hypocrite ever.. but i'm sure EVERYONE has masturbated at least a couple of times in their lifetime.. it is something normal BUT nevertheless it is still haram... may allah bless you and keep you away from harm.. sister umm mujahid
Turning the tables slightly, is it true that men have to masterbate due to it being dangerous if sperm/semen remain in the body? and that it is dangerous if it stays in?
Aslam Alaekum
That is absolutely not the case, sperm is naturally created by your body 24/7.. depends on what u eat etc.
lets say u ejaculate on day 1 and then u decide to ejaculate 2 hours later, ur body will have less sperm cause more is being created by ur body.. and if u wait 1-2 days u should be back to full load, now if u dont ejaculate for weeks or months.. ur body will eventually start absorbing what it has created and if it gets too backed up .. u might even experience 'Nocturnal emission' or in another words 'Wet Dreams'. Basically its ur body natural way for creating some 'room' for more sperm.
Try staying in a state of wudhu, you should find that even if tempted sexually you can resist for longer, somehow it places some kind of barrier. obviously if you keep watching porn eventually you will give in to your desires, but being in a state of purity should give you time to look and think...this is ridiculous and do something else.
I've been through same problem...actually I did it and I was googlinG on how to repent and stop it and I found myself heRe reading every single post...I'm really surprised to leArn that many giirls suffer from it..I always felt like am the only sinner:( everytime I say its gonna be the last time, but then I do it again and say its the last time, then I do it and think for a seconD that ill never be able to get through this and that allah might has forgiven me many times and am afraid he will nt forgive me anymorE,but then I remind myself that allah is ghafour..anyway reading ur story and the replies gave me a sense of relief..maybe I can't help u enough because I need help myself, but just wanna tell u thatt there are other girls out there having the same iSsue (that dsnt mean its normal), we are fighting to gain forgiveness from Allah, we are in this together and we will be strong enough to get over it nshallah , its very important not to give up, I used to do it many times a week, now I barely do it once in a month or 2, and that's nt enough I want to STOP it!...may allah bless us all and forgive us..
Subhanallah I too been dealing with this issue for a while now. I'm almost 24 now and it's become a norm for me now. I would have a cycle of weeks without commiting this evil sin and then suddenly it all becomes too much for me. It as if I can't breath, I try to do everything to stop myself from doing this act but to no avail. I also realised it affects your prayer a lot but Alhamdulilah I managed to overcome that now. Prayer is very important and so too is repentance. Key is not to give up hope and always keep striving in your deen. Theres is major fitnah where I live so It makes that more harder. If a sister wants to get married and she lives in London I believe we should get married.
اتْلُ مَا أُوحِيَ إِلَيْكَ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ وَأَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ إِنَّ الصَّلَاةَ تَنْهَى عَنِ الْفَحْشَاءِ وَالْمُنْكَرِ وَلَذِكْرُ اللَّهِ أَكْبَرُ وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ مَا تَصْنَعُونَ ﴿29:45﴾
you know what it means ?
recite the Book that has been revealed to you and establish Prayer. *77 Surely Prayer forbids indecency and evil. *78 And Allah’s remembrance is of even greater merit. *79 Allah knows all that you do.
1---Therefore we establish here that salaa will prevent you from doing indecency and evil.
If you continue to do such act while you are still praying, please understand that you eaither dont pray all together, or your prayers are incompete.
prayer being incomplete it means, you dont take wudhu properly, rash everything, or you do not have yaqeen when performing your salaat.
2---whenever one go back to this kind of sin, like back and forth understand the underlying reason. Either the fear of allah has reduced in your heart or for real you do have bad jinn who keep pushing you to commit such act, there are jinns who are obsesively involved with sexual acts !! SERIOUSLY!!
I have studied this branch of deen (Jin possesing human being). So I do understand this things occur, and people are afflicted without knowing them selves. If you feel this is your case, STOP ENTERTAINING HIM/HER (JINN) AT ONCE, BECAUSE THIS IS NOT THE PURPOSE FOR US TO EXIST IN THIS DUNYA> GET RID OF HIM AND REPEL HIM WITH BELOW STEP AT THE BOTTOM.
Wa ma khalaktu jinna wal insa ila liyaa3budoon.
we did not create jinn or human being except to warship. Allah says this
3--HOW TO STOP YOUR SELF FROM DOING THIS SIN (for those who one are not possesed)
----always be with people , meaning friends and family. This sheitanic thought will only happen when you are alone.
----IF you do watch porne (AUDHUBILLAH MIN THAALIK) move your computer to living room, so every one in the house can see you what you are up to.
----PRAY SALAA on time, and make sure your wudhu is performed properly. PLZ dont rash your salaa. DO your salaa with khushu3.
----KEEP telling your self why you are not doing it, not only because it a sin, BECAUSE ALLAH SEES YOU and it is disgusting act. therefore grow more fear of allah.
------Learn About HAYAA IN ISLAM.--HAYAA is a beautiful concept in Islam. Sometimes translated as modesty or shame, there is no one word in English that fully describes what it means. It is a quality in character that makes a believer shine. Satan does not want you to have it. Pornography destroys Hayaa.
----- Develop a More Productive Schedule.
Learn to manage your time more productively. Develop a personal plan for yourself. If you don't occupy your mind with good works, Satan will think of something bad for you.
-----HOW TO NOTICE YOURSELF, if this is possesion of jinn or just my own bad thoughts.???
--Possed people have a tendency to isolate themselves. They love being alone. For no any reason they dont like people company. They will find any extuse to stay inside, in their room, and some times dark.
---They will feel something is crawling on their body, they might feel touched or stimulated.
---all the time or most of the time they will feel goosebum. And when they listen qur-an they might also feel this. They might also feel suddenly Cold or Hot.
you might have all this signs, some or even one.
--- GO TO Ar-ruqya Ash-shariya
There are AUDIO CLIPS WHICH ARE RECITED BY trusted BIG sheikh. IN this clips are all the du3aa and surah which are specific for possed people. Listen to them on daily bases while you continue with normal 3ibada till this jinn goes out.
-----ONE of them is -Powerful Ruqya against sihir and jinn by FARES ABBAD
----Another one --Sihr (Black Magic) by Sheikh Swaalih
----Mass (Possession) by sheikh Faris Abbad
Download all of them in your Laptop , mobile, listen to them regularly even when you do your work.
Let adhan play in your home regularly. It get rid of them.
Read one of the book in this subject written by wahed abdusalaam bali , very good book with referenced hadeeth and surah, it will enlight you and you will have deep undertsnading - its called
Sword Against Black Magic And Evil Magicians by Wahid Abdussalam Bali.
you can find it here, free of charge
May allah protect us and guide us always
Salaam sister,
i have just done the same thing. i understand purely what your going through, its a hard hard time to stop doing this but NOT impossible!
Remember! Allah is always watching! Read Read Read! Do Zikr ! Constantly do zikr and carry a tasbi, stay in the form of Wudu! Remember that it isn't going to help you AT ALL! your eyes will speak on the day of judgement! Remember this! Inshallah Allah will forgive, He is the Forgiver ! Ameen
it helps immensly
asa everyone
i was so happy to find this website & topic because i really thought i am the only muslim girl going through this . i never used to have issues like this till a jerk came along in my life about 5 years ago and told me about this i found it disgusting but than i ended up touching myself down there and litreally cried out of disgust afterwards i felt like all this bad stuff started to happen in life everytime i did that . i wasnt addicted i could go months without it but than all of a sudden a disgusted thought would lead to it & i would cry later for hours and read namaze tawba but im so hurt that i even did this disgusted act after reading all of your views i have made up my will i will do whatever it takes to stop this sin. i am 23 right now & i started to do it usually 1 every 3 -4 months when i was 21 . thankyou for all your stories this is a great support especially when guilt was killing me more than the sin itself .thank you all glad to know i wasnt the only one i thought maybe im psyclogically ill :/
Asa all...i hv also been through ths and still tryng to get out of it. Ur replies hv built a positv attitude that we shd nvr gv it up, i feel allah helps them who help themselves. If u come closer by 1palm twrds allah he cms closer by 1 arm..and if u cm closer by 1 arm allah comes closer by 2 arm length. So dnt feel guilty luk into positv thngs tht u r loved by allah and so u got the flng of ashame. Remembr tht allah luvs u else u wld nt hv tried to get rid of ths sin. And cmng to its efcts physically
Physicly it weakns u, it req 3 times the energy, and it impairs ur memory and also disturbs ur GIT gastric tract..the best thng u cld do is get married as soon as u can and plz remembr all who r tryng to get rid of ths sin in ur duas. may allah gv us strength and accept our repentance. may allah 4gv me if i hv said anythng wrng. ameen assalam walaikum.
True words and actions are only for Allah's pleasure and not ours. The best good is to listen to Allah's commands and ignore our false sensual feelings/wonders.
The company of Allah is as needed as Islamic marriage. Stay close to true Muslims here and away from sins. Khalid doesn't want id. Allah told us to repent and not sin.
The only pleasure is obedience to Allah. The only sufferings are sins and Jahannam (the real hell fire). Our own self desire/pleasure is the only liar/danger.
May Allah save us from the evil of our self. May Allah save us from the fitnah of the world and weather. May Allah Protect us in Islam and in tawba. May Allah save us from punishment in the grave and hereafter. Oh Allah please Help us repent before the second of our death. Oh Allah, have Mercy on us, please. Astaghfirullah. Repent In Peace for a good rest in peace. Insha'Allah.
i am also 15 years old going the same porn problem a;so I feel incredibly sorry for you sister although i am not saying that i know everything but i do know that if a person reads alyat ul kursi , 4 kul and lee la fey quraishen daily and wake up and go to sleep by saying the kalma then those who try to harm you and all jin nas shall surrender to the omnipotence of Allah. As reference once the jews of banu nazir cast black magic on the holy prophet (pbuh) himself that is when kul aouzobey rabillfallaq and qull aou zobeyrableynass were reveealed and recited by hazrat ali to untie the hair tangled of the holy prophet as if it should break the holyprophet would die thus this is refuge from black magic put it all over you house. As for porn we must read the dua of repntace and instead of watching porn when in the mood do good deeds. Also masterbation is not haram and to some extent is regarded just however it is disliked in islam.
as salaam///////
it is haraam in islaam brother...........
i think u have lack of knowledge.............but i m sorry..........u can find many hadees regarding masturbation.............and a quran ayat indirectly telling it haraam.........
Dis post has incredibly boostd me coz i didnt wanted to die doin ol dis stuff. I lack d fear ... Bt definitely, m goin to word on it, by d grace of Allah... I m alhamdulilah, surely nt addiktd ... Bt readin ol dis gud stuff , ma will has grown n i have realizd how much Allah loves u... May Allah give us taqwa n purify our souls for Allah z d the best purifier n he z d guardian n master of it. . . Ameen.
asalamualaikum sister . I understand about your problem.The main problem is because of the way your thinking about your self. If only ..Can you try to stand in front of miror...then you stare at you ,in the reflection of you in the miror. ...say to you self while keep stare ...and focus your mind direct to ALLAH ......again and again..ask you self do I need of all THIS ?? allert you self, and remind you self of the heat of the HELL. and tell you self the masturbation is waste ... if the unswer is you need to satisfied your self with BIOLOGICALY NEED ,.. then why dont you get married with someone..I think you may try it my suggestion sister..insya ALLAH you will be the winner.. ameeenn..
iam 24 boy , who has this porn problem too , i really want to share with you my true history about my personal life regarding this,during 2007 i travel to another country where i wanted to study at that time i stayed some of my close friends so one night we go to serve net so one of my friens was watching porn and he forward me with out noticing me so accidentally i opened the folder and i saw naked people i closed beacuse i afraid to make sin and it was my first then after few days latter i fall this bad habit even i loose my weigh , i became weak even i fell my exams most of it i got low marks my memory also became so weak even i cant remember the formulus or even names of my friends i alwasy forget everything i hated studying except watching porn and nutty girls my life ruined i tried to stop many many times but after 4 days or week i fall back again i push my self praying 5 times perday and also prayer night but still this thing there i dont knw how i can overcome this problem i really appreciate if you can prescribe me some AYAT to read or to do , i lost everthing for this habbit .. last week i stopped for 10 days ,, please help me i know its haram and every time you do you feel regret ...
assalamualaikum, read all the above posts u will find the solution
I am thirteen years old and can not stop from masturbating and watching porn stuff. After I bought ipod i started watching porn stuff more frequently like everyday and it led me to masturbate. But now i am realizing that this is bad but dont know how to overcome this because a few days before i realized that i should stop but i was unsucessful. After reading this page i have a little bit of hope that i can overcome it. Whenever i am bored i start watching porn stuff and masturbate especially before sleeping how to stop this habit my mom is busy in her exams. I also feel a bit shy talking to my mom about changes taking place. I am also going thru family problen these days abd i think no one cares about me as in yesterday my mom and dad did not drop me at my friends house because they were busy and i ended up watching porn stuff my parents dont understand me and i am a bit depressed
Muslim teen, it's important that you break this habit now, or it could become a serious long-term problem that might poison your thinking and take you away from your deen. Try to spend time around good Muslim kids your age who can be a good influence on you. Join an after-school club or activity. Remind yourself that you are strong and can resist the temptations of Shaytan. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Brother Wael,
Do you also believe that it should be permissible after marriage? If so, what if one's spouse finds out their spouse is masturbating while they are trying their utmost to please them in the bedroom? Don't you think that will have detrimental damage to the marital relationship let alone their spouse's self-esteem (e.g., why does my husband/wife need to satisfy themselves when I am doing everything I can to keep them content in this regard)?
Just curious because I see a lot of problems with your view.
-Helping Sister
I don't see any evidence in Islam that masturbation is forbidden, whether before marriage or after. People commonly try to apply the Quranic prohibition against zinaa to masturbation as well, but I don't see that in the text. I also see problems with the idea of prohibiting it after marriage. What if one partner has a higher sex drive than the other? What if the couple are apart for a lengthy time? Rather than trying to invent legislation for such matters, couples should exercise common sense and consideration, and should think of their partner's needs as much as their own.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
asalam alikum
I am nasratllah and 19, I started masturbating since I was 14 still I doing it I suffer this evil habit when one of my friends give me porn videos.
and after some days I met him again and then he taught how to masturbate and then I started to do it and I did it after that I felt great and when I aware about that it is forbidden in our religion islam and it is a sin then I regret of my bad action that I did.
I wanna stop this action but when I am stopping it for some days I do it again and again and then also I regret for doing it.
I don't want to continue it any more I am tired of my sins I did plz help me for leaving this bad habit.
Wa Alaikum as Salam,
We have answered many questions on this subject. Please search in the archives and read them. In sha Allah, you will find help.
Abu Abdul Bari
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Salaams everyone
I'm an 18 year old girl from the UK, and I have a question.. Um this is so embarrassing but I 'please myself' on a regular basis, however! I dont insert/rub.. I ONLY do when I'm in the shower, I run water on genital area using shower head thing .. Since it's only water, and I'm not inserting, touching or rubbing.. Would this be allowed? Please no nasty comments :/
Sister, we have answered many questions on the subject of masturbation. Check our archives. Some scholars hold that it is haram, while others say it is makruh. Myself, I don't believe it is haram and I don't see a problem with it as long as it does not involve watching porn, and does not become habitual and interfere with one's salat (which in your case it would not, since you are in the shower anyway). I cannot see the sense in applying Quran 23:5-7 to masturbation. It's obvious to me that that "whoever seeks beyond that" in the ayah refers to illegal sexual intercourse.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
sister do dhikr of Allah and read quran in sha Allah sincerly
Came across this thread whilst looking for duas to repent...
I am 24 years old and residing here in the UK. I had no idea people suffer from this, I truly believe that it's down to boredom, having nothing to do.
I don't mean to sound nasty, but what kind of replies are guys expecting, it's common sense, we know we're committing a sin, so do everything in your power to stop yourself from doing it, we all know how to repent. There's really no instruction manual to talk to Allah swt, he knows what is in our hearts, but it's down to us to call to him and plead. I don't think Allah swt expects any of his servants to be perfect, we all make mistakes, but the major sins we should steer away from with no hesitation. Damn, on the day of judgement when it's all revealed in front of all the people we know, that's the worst kind of humiliation!! So stop that from happening whilst we're still in this world..
I do not masturbate, nor do I watch porn, however, the advise given in this thread by our brothers and sisters are great Alhamdulilah. Just reading that our eyes will testify on the day of judgement struck me, I'll keep thinking about that if I ever feel like I'm about to commit a sin big or small.
If you feel guilty now imagine we die tomorrow, we won't be feeling guilty for watching porn and masturbating we'll be screaming in our graves, wishing for another chance!
Imagine a weighing scale on your shoulders.. One with the devil and one with an angel, which one weighs more? Only you'll know, so I guess you'll also know your final destination when you're dead and buried.. You can change that.. If you think about it, it's in our hands, we decide where we end up.
Good luck, I really hope you all succeed and defeat your nafs as much as you can. Will keep you all in my duas, please make dua for me too that Allah swt guides me and forgives me for all my past sins, Ameen.
Aslamualaikum brothers and sisters,
I will not talk about myself but will only want to make few comments! Watching porn and masterbating both are bad and evil deeds! The problem with us muslims nowadays is that we do not follow Islam properly in out lives and thus end up having all these problems! The most important thing is to how to handle such emotions and especially if boy or girl is growing up and they are experiencing new things, then its important that they should know how to control and compose themselves! Prophet Muhammad SAW give us a simple answer to it! Prophet SAW clearly says that anyone who reaches the age of marriage should marry! Because we do not follow the Islam completely in our lives we do not follow this and thus ends up doing other bad things to satisfy our sexual needs! Secondly, Prophet SAW says if you cannot marry because of any shariah reason then you should fast! How many of us follow such instructions! We as humans have to fight two enemies one that reside outside and can run in our body like blood , that is, Shaitan! Secondly, our NAFS! Shaitan malign our NAFS and even if we get rid of him somehow our NAFS became so involved in the sin that we just couldnt leave out bad habit! So the only solution is to follow Quran and Sunnah properly and completely! Fear of Allah is the key and the rememberance of death! Allowing masterbation is like allowing having smoking but saying that having herione or weeds is haram! Once you open a small door you would not be able to come back! Stop masterbation because it is haram too! If masterbation is allowed then Prophet SAW would never ask us to fast! So follow Quran and sunnah and you will have fear of Allah and that would be like a sheild with every sin!!!
JazakAllah khairan
Thank you guys, I have been suffering from similar problem and your answers helped me a lot.
I AM Mm AGE 14 .I have the same problem and tried to seek forgiveness for Allah , this problem continous but i am trying every thing to resist shatan whispers . I simulate a series of movemnt which make a feeling of intercourse and am regerting it. But The month of ramazam is also arrive in just a few day ask Allah tala for Forgivness and protection against shatan.
May Allah cure this problem for other and protect others from doing so . AMEN
I tell others to go in the right path so no one does the same mistake.But alway rememder this ALLAH HU AKBAR (ALLAH IS GREAT).BUT I AM REGRETING THIS AND BOW EITHER OR NOT I AM IN SALAT IN THE DIRECTION OF KABAH AND BEGGEING ALLAH TO FORGIVE ME.
just recite surah falaq and AL NAS
just weep in sujood....................and repent.............it is like no one is b/w you and allah subhan wa taa ala/////////////...........
cry as much as you can............say everything about your sin to allah............not here..............may allah give you hidayah...............
all the above articles are very much helpful............
After reading to your story I think its cause of a bad Jinn(s) who's forcing you to watch Porn and Masturbate.
I'm aware and very experienced of these bad jinn's they do anything to take out Emaan from you.
Better try to get healed from "Ruqyah"
Oh yeah, the infamous "Masturbation Jinns". Naughty little guys. :-/
Mahi - take responsibility for your own choices in life. You are in control of your own body. No one is forcing you to watch anything.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Wa salam alaikoem brothers and sisters,
I am a girl, 16, and very busy with the islam. I have changed alot and i used to mastrubate every single day. For 8 week straight i have been able to stop with the help of Allah swt al'hamdoelilaa. And now i am fasting, but this weird thing happend when i prayed fajr and layed down on bed. I suddenly got this fision and feeling, i actually don't know how to describe it, but all of the sudden i sort of mastrubated astagfirru'llah but i didn't touch myself and then i opend my eyes and realized what happend and started crying kinda hard. I am really confused and do not know if i can still fast and if i should do ghusl. I do feel really, really bad and feel like a failier. But Allah swt is able to forgive if i repent in sha Allah. I am very ashamed astagfirru'llah.
Can somebody help me to get some answers.
May Allah swt grant you all straight to jannat al-firdous in sha Allah ta'aala Ameen.
Thankyou masha Allah.
It sounds like you had a sexual dream. It is completely natural and is not a sin. You have nothing to be ashamed about. Do ghusl and perform your prayers as usual.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Plz sister don't insist on ur cursed
The only thing that u can do right now is to be focused and make a great decision about changing ur life........inshallah there's still hope while ur alive.... Don't be despaired plz Allah loves us when we return towards him and ask him for goodness and forgiveness
I want to thanks all of u for d sharing and of course for the great advice... In Syaa allah I will try my best to change... I am reading this while gather with sibling..if I cry they might think I am weird.. Seriously I should thanks Allah for keeping my wrong doing.. And even for instruct my finger to google this and found this website... (My real intention was different.. I know all of u know right.. )... 24 July 2015 ( 8 syawal) ( Friday)... Please pray for me so that I can change into a real good muslimah inside and outside.. Please keep on writing something good for people like me... So that I will always follow d right path...
I have dry humped in the past but i did stop and sometimes it comes back but i dont release anything do i still sin??
Ik its wrong and i cry and cry for days seeking forgiveness praying two rakaats after every namaaz but it still comes back to me and i just want it to stop.
Its not that i dont pray i do alhamdulillah five times i also listen to quran.
So where am i going wrong?
You're not doing anything wrong. The sexual impulse is a natural part of human biology. As long as you're not watching porn or committing zinaa, don't worry. When you're old enough, try to get married Insha'Allah.
IslamicAnswers.com Editor
Visit this site and listen to the lessons. It will help you for sure, In Sha Allah.
Same but we are not cursed neither havery a bladder problem
salam everyone
i am currently having the same problem and i need help. let us not despiar in the mercy of allah and always repent. i dont have much to say as am also reading comments and taking advice from them but i found a video that is very useful islamic video in quitting a bad habit. please take time and watch it. its only 2 minutes long.
Hello Sister. I understand what it might be to feel this way. What you've committed is unimaginable and wrong. But as long as you try not to.repeat it Allah is with you. You have no Idea about his.mercy and his plans. Have faith in him.
The basic thing which you need to start doing is praying namaaz. And daily as you pray. Pray 2 rakaats extra nafil for forgiveness.
The correct way of Ghusl is to have a pure neeyat. And start by washing your hands up to wriststhrice.
Gargle thrice
Wash your nose with water thrice
Face up to ears thrice
Then hands till elbows thrice and then Finally feet thrice.
After you're done. Pour water over your head thrice and then three times on right shoulder and then three times on left.
Take a bath by washing your head and then soaping and end with the wudu again.
Youre done. Hope Allah guides you.
Nice replys...but if u are still attracted to these videos even if u had promised Allah to not watch them agn...then try to develop tawqwa in urself...make ur self busy in reading lyf story of Hazarat Muhammad(S.A.W) and other anbiya (E.S)..Read quran on daily basis...and read sura-e-mulk before going to sleep....and ayt e al qursi after every farz namaz..nd always keep in ur mind that Allah is watching u...u r not alone ...nd remember ur mout...and the lyf after..remember qayamat ...and the day of judgment ....remember the punishments and azab for our bad deeds ...may Allah forgive all of us...Ameen..
Aslamalykum wa rehatuhallhi wabarkathu
You said you started watching porn and you live In an area in which there are not many muslims and this can be one of the first reasons of you watching porn since in school or collage there may not be many muslims and your friends or people talking about porn could've lead you to watching porn but I don't really know.
pornography is a bad addiction which has affected a lot of us muslims. If you still watch porn the. Below are some things which may help you stop.
1. When ever the idea of watching porn gets into your mind then what ever device it is that you watch porn on keep it away from yourself. Put it where you cannot access it and sit with your family members. Do not go anywhere in you're house alone if you feel like you are going to watch porn and mainly remember ALLAH HAS CONTROL OVER YOUR LIFE AND DEATH.
2. Get yourself busy in reciting the Quran, doing exercises to keep fit and these things will change your mind and your physical state and it will help you improve with family stuff, give you more confidence and etc.
3. Whenever you watch porn repent to Allah even if you're not in the mood because not repenting is one of the things the Shaytaan wants you to do because if you will not do so it will cause you to sin but repenting continuously will help you stop watching porn.
4. When talking about black magic I suggest you and your family members all only one of you however you like start reciting surah baqrah daily if not then listen to it daily because if you put on the recitation then All kind and black magic will not enter your house, Inshallah
5. Listen to Or recite surah Yasin and surah rehman daily. Reciting surah Yasin before going to sleep, allah will forgive your sins and you will have a reward equivalent to reciting the whole Quran 10 times. Surah regnant is a wonderful surah, it's a healing for all things .
6. There is a solution to all your problems in the Quran, just one verse can be the solution to all of your problems.
7. Start reading the Quran in English.
8. Watching porn may Be the reason for jinn in your house.
8.who is better?
He Who doesn't sin but does good deed s but DOSEN'T PRAY OR HE WHO PRAYS BUT COMMITS SIN ON A REGULAR BASIS.
He who prays no matter what the sin is
Forgive others for the sake of Allah and Allah will forgive you no matter how badly they've treated you.
Allah says all children of Adam are sinners but the best of those are those who repent so keep on repenting
Allah tests everyone and especially those who he loves. Remember Allah in every moment and thank him that he helped you stay away from porn even if it's a second before you start watching it which hopefully you will not .
Recited surah milk before going to sleep and listen to the Quran or put on surah baqrah recitation and fall asleep .
There's is a lot more but if you read the Qurans translation then the guidence your lord Allah has given mankind that guidence will be a companion to you.
Start think of memorising the Quran since it will keep you away form sinning and memorising it is great thing since hell fire can't touch the Quran and black magic has no effect on it then if you memorise it then it will be in your heart and what the hell fire cannot touch and if that is in your heart the fire of hell will not touch yo
I hope you found this helpful and I'm so
Sorry it's it's too long
Thank Allah he provided you with guidance when. You were lost.
Thank you
Now you getting fight into school.
To avoid so stay away from people you annoy you or get you angry. Remember Allah is with the patient one.
My sister your problem is not big its very small.. Just join tableeg jamaat of muslims.. Find out where is that jamaat people lives in ur area mostly search in mosque and get information about them. Listen moulana Tareeq jameel vidios it will help you...