Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Getting over a heartbreak

depressed woman lost love

I got a marriage proposal  from a Pakistani Punjabi family right after Eid. And I ended up falling for the guy, he's a good Muslim, very sweet, has a great job, and good looking. Anyhow a couple of days after the visit the mother called saying that they liked me, however the guy has a sister who lives in another state and she wanted to see me however was unable to come over because she just had a baby. His mother requested that my family and I send a couple of pictures to her by phone which we did. Its been 2 weeks and no response from the family, I feel heart broken because I liked the guy a lot. And I also thought he and his family liked me too. My question is how can I have this pain in my heart go away?  I know he's not coming back nor are they going to respond. Clearly no one takes that long to respond.


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3 Responses »

  1. why are you heart brocken, you didnt even know the guy????his character?? there is something wrong with you dear. Looks like his family are very controlling and decide for him. Your marriage would most likely end anyway because of his controlling family so be thankful to Allah as it looks like it wasnt meant to be, he is not the right person for you. no point beeing sad about something, nothing even happened, make dua insh'ALLAH Allah will give you someone with good character and pious.

  2. Salam sister
    Why dont you ask them outright if they want to marry you? Then you will get your answer and be done with it for sure.

  3. What's not yours will never be yours, and what is meant to happen will.

    You are young, you have a lifetime of opportunities to meet other people.

    Take time to feel sad, that's normal..but know there is something better. If you are a beleiver and a muslim woman, trust Allah. Trust that he knows what's best for us all, and he is letting you know that he is not the right husband for you.

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