Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Question about Mehr and Istikhara for re-marriage

indian cultural wedding

Assalam O Alaikum,

I got my khula through court 3 years before, at that time; I had mahr with me. My ex-husband asked for them but he has my brother's money with him from last two years.

So, my brother asked him for that money but he just refused and said I don't want to pay it then my brother told him that you can't take that mahr back.

After that, we never contacted him and I also have two kids and I am raising them on my own. He never asked for them and never paid a single penny for them. My question is; is this right according to Islam to not give back mahr in this situation?

My second question is;

I am a Muslim woman going to get married again; do I need to do istikhara? if yes then, please tell me which way is best?

Thank you,



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1 Responses »

  1. You should return the mahr, as that is an obligation in Islam and one of the conditions for khul'ah.

    Do not mix up your situation with your brother's. The debt that you ex-husband owes to your brother is between them. It has nothing to do with your mahr. If the ex-husband does not pay back the debt, that is on his soul and he will have to pay for that on Yawm Al-Qiyamah.

    Also, since your husband has offered no financial support for his children, you would be justified in pursuing the matter legally. I don't know what country you are in, but in many Western countries the government can mandate that he pay child support, and can even garnish his wages and arrest him if he refuses.

    Regarding your second question, you should pray Istikhara before every important decision in your life. We have several articles on this website explaining all about Salat-al-Istikhara. See the link at the top of the page.

    Wael Editor

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