Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Should I change my daughter’s name? Please advise, thank you

Tiny, cute baby girlAsalamalaikum

I had a baby girl 3 months ago, and named her Jemima after seeing this name on an Islamic website.  I believed it to be an Arabic name meaning 'little dove'. And I also thought it was the name of Hazrat Ayoub's daughter.

I was questioned about it a couple of times and when I did some research I was not able to find any Islamic reference to this name, only Biblical references, Daughter of JOB.

Please can you clarify and advise  if its a suitable Muslim name, or would it be best to change it. I realise my mistake and regret not doing my research properly earlier.

Kind regards

- Bibi

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7 Responses »

  1. Bibi,

    I think you should change your daughter's name to an Islamic name that sounds very similar, such as Yaminah, Aminah, etc.

    The Prophet Ayyub (pbuh) is the one the Christians call Job. However, the Quran does not give us the names of his children.

    Jemima is derived from the Hebrew name Yemima, which is the name given in the Old Testament to one of the daughters of Job, as you said.

    It's not a bad name, there's nothing wrong with it per se, and it does mean "dove" as you said. However, it's a name that would typically be taken by non-Muslims. The Hebrew version, Yemima, is a name you might find among Arab Christians, and in the Arab world people might in fact assume that she is Christian. And the Western version, Jemima, would be totally foreign to most Muslims. So your daughter would end up having her name questioned constantly.

    Since your daughter is only three months old she is not yet attached to her name and I think that changing it to something similar would be for the best.

    Wael Editor

    • Dear brother Wael,

      There are many websites that indicate Jemima as an Islamic name. Have u read any further about this name since 2010 as I would like to give my daughter this name when she is born, inshalla.

  2. I don't think you should change the name, its about the upbringing and the values you teach your kids about religion. I have been searching about the same name and some sites list it as having an arabic origin or muslim name. Lets look at Hussein Barack both typical muslim name but the owner says he is Christian.
    I have a brother whose nick name over rode his first name "Bob" right now staying in US but he is so religious that he is the Imam of the Area he stays in at Carlifonia. If you like the name please retain it just ensure your kid values hher faith from infancy.

  3. I have done some research but again the meaing is lovely DOVE but it seems gorafied sometimes a proper Islamic name gives value to the child during their up life its true you must bring your children up in an islamic way but sometiimes we are shortening the proper meaning...

    Eg saleem we say Sam. Or jemima we say jem. Fardus we say fara or Dos maybe. Aisha to ash. Ameen to Ami. Yaseen to Yas. Arshad to. Ash...

    So I would always say pick a good Islamic name from the Islami web site. These days computor tech is available and we can not turn round to Allah and say we did Not know the Meanin as its You as parent Give the Best Name and Do the Best for The child From Birth....

  4. Jemaima is an Arabic name means Lucky. ,did you keep it I hope,so?

  5. This name is masAllah beautiful it is Islamic name I've checked it on Google meaning little dove.

  6. Hi samina Salaam,

    But I don't think google is trustworthy enough. Do U know of an organisation or person we can call to clarify?

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