Islamic marriage advice and family advice

When a man converts to Islam just to marry a Muslim woman, is it valid?

I am still struggling with my husband a little bit. He is doing his duties as a Muslim, prays and fasted Ramadan. I don't expect him to be a perfect Muslim, no one is and we all have struggles and make mistakes. I pray to Allah every prayer to plant the faith in his heart and push him in the direction of seeking knowledge, however, I feel that it hasn't worked yet..still have faith that it will. He is doing what he needs to do, prays, doesn't drink or eat pork, we paid zakat with no problems.

I just wish that he believed that it was the right thing to do in his heart and I want this not only for his peace of mind, but for mine too, I know that sounds selfish. I still fear that this will be held against me and I will be punished for it on the Day of Judgement, since my husband hung on to Islam to marry me. Perhaps I shouldn't have gone through with it once I knew that, but Allah help me, I love him dearly and after Istekhara, everything went smoothly and it was evident that he was my naseeb. I want him to find that inner peace. I urged him to pray Laylat el Qader, for anything he may want and assured him the Allah will listen, just like what happened with the author you interviewed, but he went to bed and I stayed up to pray and read Qur'an alone.

I can't force him, I know that, I just wish I knew of a way he would accept, a way that would be a wake up call. He has the attitude of if he misses a prayer, it is okay to postpone the next one so he can do them together. I tell him that he can't do that, that each prayer has a time and even if for some reason he misses one, he should be rushing to make up for it before the next one is up, not see it as more convenient to do them all together. Tonight he prayed Maghrib barely before Isha' because he was out, and while he was in there he prayed Isha' too but it wasn't time yet. I told him it wasn't time, his response was "I'm sure Allah will forgive a few minutes, I thought it was time". I didn't know what to say except to repeat that each prayer should be done on time, he kind of got irritated.

I am at a point where he does what he needs to do with an occasional push from me, but lacks the belief that Islam is the true path. Allah help me, I feel so guilty and frustrated, I am afraid that because he reverted to Islam because of me, that I will be the one to be punished because he did not believe...I don't know if this is true..may Allah forgive me if it is.

We are working on getting help and in contact with Islamic guides and we're taking it slow..he did declare his Islam and said the shahadateyn with two witnesses and in front of a Shari'a judge and we got married the Islamic way. My question is:

Since he reverted completely just to marry me and doesn't have the belief in Allah completely his Islam conversion valid? Is our marriage valid?


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51 Responses »

  1. Dana,

    I find your post interesting. You say that your husband just converted for the sake of marriage, and you question the marriage's validity because of that.

    But what I see, is a man who is taking steps towards practicing Islam. Usuaally when someone converts for the sake of marriage, it is in name only and after the wedding life continues as usual for that person. I can't say the same for your husband.

    For someone who converted just for you, it is commendable that he tries to pray his daily salaat. Yes, it would be nice if he was as steadfast as you, but Dana not everyone is a perfect muslim. I certainly am not, but I would never deny that I am a muslim.

    Can I suggest something to you? Not everyone will agree with me on this, but here goes. Don't sweat the small stuff. That's right. For example, I know very few people who stay up and pray on Laylatul Qadr. I stay up, and so does my mother, but that's about it - my brothers don't and never have, nor do my friends. Similarly, there is some schools of thought that say you can pray Isha an hour after maghreb - so perhaps what your husband did was not incorrect, and I am certain that Allah will forgive us if we pray a few minutes early or late.

    I hope this advice helps. I know there will be others who will write to you and tell you that you should be more strict with your husband and you should question the validity of your marriage. I am not that person. I see a marriage that is likely attracting much barakat! You husband is trying, sister. There is a saying...I don't know the exact words...but it is something like, if a man loves you he will seek God through you. So this man converted because he loves you. But Dana, he also made a commitment to love God. YOU brought that into his life. There are huge blessings on you for that, but, even bigger blessings on him.


  2. This is difficult because there are two possibilities
    a) you're being too pushy and enforcing practice on him as he accomodates himself and rationalizes or at least accomodates the belief and intention behind the practice/ritual; that is to say does he see things like prayer as an empty ritual to do whenever for your satisfaction, or on time to remember Allah SWT

    I kind of see where Maryam is coming from(had he just converted for you I think he really would not have continued his practice after converting), also look at your own 'Muslim' community and I don't think they even perform a lot of the rituals he performs. I also see where you're coming from. But then again maybe he sees how important it is for YOU, his spouse, that he does it for your satisfaction more than ALLAH SWT

    b) he really doesn't believe (assuming you have genuine reason to doubt him) and only converted for you. If this is the case and you both don't have children, then personally I would always take the path of less risk and end it here.

    It's difficult to say just because you say he converted for marriage but then you don't go into detail on how you meet (ie in a haram way or was he at the mosque as an unsure potential revert and why you think he only converted for you) and maybe what his intention might have been.

    I'm not sure this would make a strong case for talaqq unless you can offer more evidence for his intention, something you as even his spouse, seem not to be able to judge. Please provide more details esepecially about his intentions.

    Talk to him

    • The reason I said end it here in b, is because if this is a problem in a new marriage, imagine twenty thirty years down the line when, as a father figure, he has to lead her children in prayers or fasting, but adamantly refuses to do so. This could be extremely difficult in raising one's children. Something to also think about and why I prefer staying on the side of caution with seperation. I know a lot of people will disagree with me on this one, from a traditional sense.

      • So the reason I brought up fasting was because I am watching a MTV True Life Documentary on an Interfaith Marriage between a Christian woman and a Jewish man. The Christian woman goes to a Church that celebrates all the Jewish holidays to help with the relatsionship, but the Jewish man is adament about bring up the kids Jewish, despite the wife being the only one who fasts on Yom Kippur!

        I think this is the potential risk when a partner doesn't have imaan.

      • if she leaves the love of her life. because he is trying hard., but she is unsure, do you know of a muslim man that would marry her? people speak so down of those women who are divorced and any muslim would know that a divorced woman is the most talked about...
        I honestly think that if he is trying so hard and praying, not eating pork. or drinking is amazing. It is not easy to make praying a part of ones busy schedule, but it is good that he is trying hard.

    • The issue of where they met and was it in a "haram way" is irrelevant at this point.

      They are married.

      The issue is, are Dana's concerns legitimate enough for her to question her marriage.

      At the end of the day, Dana, only you know the extent to which your husband is committed to being in an Islamic marriage. No one here can answer that for you.

      • Pretty much. I only asked because I think the OP intentionally left out information which may have helped us garner her husband's intention. I think more than an Islamic marriage, the underlying issue, which is your husband's practice of Islam, is only something you can garner.

      • Its true Dana, no one can give you the right answer. Only Allah know because you never know maybe he became a muslim because of but to God he is plant for it. Allah is Akbar he knows why he brought him to you and forced him to convert.

      • Your husband is realy trying and obeying you and maybe that is y Allah sent him to you, because if he convert because of you then after the wedding he was able to tell you not to make him do what muslims do but he dint. And that shows one day he will get that Imaan in him. Allah is Akbar so he know why he plant that for him maybe he might there is a bright futur.

  3. Dana, your husband sounds like he is a better Muslim than many of the so-called "born Muslims" that I know, some of whom don't pray at all, or pray Jumah only. What right do you have to question the sincerity of his conversion and faith, or that of any other Muslim? Who appointed you to be the judge of other's faith?

    The Messenger of Allah (sal-Allahu alayhi wa-sallam) said that we are a nation who takes what is apparent. That means if we see a person declaring the shahadah and praying, we accept that person as Muslim. We don't question what is in their heart, or the degree of their faith.

    If you feel your husband is not religious enough, that's another matter that has nothing to do with the validity of your husband's conversion or the validity of your marriage. That is more an issue of compatibility. My suggestion is that since your husband has come so far already, be patient with him. Don't keep haranguing him or you're going to end up driving him away. No man likes to be nagged.

    Let him grow into faith at his own pace, and let him practice Islam in a way that is comfortable for him. Don't be so pushy and judgmental. Be a loving and kind wife, set a good example of faith, and that's it.

    Wael Editor

  4. I think i made an attempt to answer a similar question posted sometimes ago. . . . . Wael is right by saying u shld let him grow in faith at his own pace, but whilst doing this, u shld'nt also relent in u effort of showing him d truth of d religion. U shld always remind of d salah once it is time and other good deeds that Allah has ordained, THIS is ur duty as his wife and Allah will ask u if u dont do it.. . Another thing is that u shld do d da'awah and d preaching with hikmah so that he shld'nt get irritated or disgust with what u are saying

    • On the Day of Judgement, no one will be answerable for another's actions

      • Am not saying she will take d burden of his sins of not praying. But Allah will question her as to why didnt she do her own part in showing him d truth whilst been so close to him as his wife

      • Huh Trueblood, is it that there is no mosque close to u that u dont here d call for prayer or what.. But you seem to be very responsible person, even for u taking ur time and coming to this site to perticepate in answering peoples problems shows that u really have a great concern and zeal for d religion.. . . . Dont u know d consequences of missing d 5 prayers?? At least u should be d one to advice people on praying 5 times a day since u are being borned and raised up a muslim... U dont ve any excuse my dear friend, at least u suppose to be indoctrinated with this beautifull religion since u are raised up with it unlike reverts that would force themselves to leave there social wag life and embrace d ethics and code of islam. Is not easy to make such a u-turn... From not praying to praying 5 time a day, from social drunker to a tee-total, from a party rider to a responsible person, etc etc.... Pls trueblood make serious ur prayers from today before ur death come., and may i ask u, are u a male or a female?? are u leaving in an area where there are little or no muslims?? Pls i need ur reply asap

        • Well thanku
          Im a male
          Secondly , i live in a muslim dominated area there are plenty of mosque around here the nearst one is in our building compound next 2 my house

          Mosque is not the problem
          Problem is despite of hearing the call for pray i dont go

          All my friends are muslim , but they also r not strict

          Although im a born muslim , but u can say im just a muslim for namesake

          I know leaving a single pray is a very great sin , but i cant really help
          Islamically im lost means really lost

          I do pray 5times but only in the month of ramzan which ever person does

          Sometime i think im the worst muslim in the world

          • Are u residing in jordan, lebanon or indonesia or malasia??? Pls my dear brother, this is a very serious issue. U ve to make serious ur 5 prayers not least, so that u will save ur self from d punishment of d grave and from d turment of d hell fire in d hereafter... U dont know when death will come to u., it may be now in this very minute, it may be tomorrow, it may be few years to come and no one knows... U may be in a car and there will be accident that will lead to ur death, u may be crossing a road and a car will hit u whilst u dont know and it may instantly lead to ur death, i know of instances where a people slept in a sound and healthy condition but alas during d next morning all of them where dead. This often happens frequently and u wonder what is killing such people. ... Brother u know d heat and pain of hell fire is 70 times d fire of this world,. i want u to imagine a fire out break in an industry or a house, can u dear enter into such fire for just 30 minutes?? U cant even endure d pain for 5 seconds, not alone d fire of hereafter and u know u can never escape Allah... True blood u have to be serious with ur prayers for ur own sake. I know its not as easy but in ur own case u dont ve any excuse... Just if d time for d prayer comes, make up ur mind, beat up ur hearth and defeat d devil, force ur self to go and pray and also ask Allah to help u in ur course... And sorry , are u a married man with kids or are still an ummarried school student??

    • Salamaleykum
      I have the same story which Dana has it but I'm not married yet. I feel Dana. Ts really painful and hurts. I am crying all time. I'm not happy with what he tells me and does. I am the one who tell him to pray. He doesn't want to learn how to pray in arabic. He says it doesn't matter which language u pray Allah accepts. But I'm tired of it. I really wanna leave him but I am in doubt because I not a girl anymore. And my parents don't want him because he is blac k.
      What should I do? I really need help from Allah.
      Tell me brothers and sisters.

      • Salam Anon,
        If you’re still out there, can you update me on what happened? I am in a very similar situation, and he is black in my situation too.

  5. Salam sister
    Reading your post even when your husband is a revert he try to pray daily 5times

    Not like me im a born muslim n i only pray the friday salah n that it
    I dnt knw how many times i have heard the call for pray and never answered it

    Your husband although a convert is a better muslim than most of the born muslim including very much me

  6. @ Sr. Dana
    You are being too harsh on him - that will drive him away from you AND from Islam. Let go - don't sweat the small stuff; no one likes being nagged; step in his shoes and try to see how would you feel if he were to criticise you for not floowing Islam the way you want him to for your satisfaction? There is no comulsion in religion as says Allah SWT Himself in the Quran - lead by example - if he sees you doing it (and pray to Allah to bring him closer day by day and step by step to islam) he will do it (just like you lead children by example). You are not answerable to Allah for his level of sincerity to Him! He is better than many "born" muslims who are clueless as to their relationship with Allah SWT

  7. salam,
    i have the same problem, i live with a man who is not convert muslim, he has a dog and
    since i wear hijab i dont' feel confortable driving around with a dog in the car. He says that he is not
    christian and i am really attached to him. what do i do to get out of this???? i know i am the worst
    muslim woman out there but i sake forgiveness from Allah and prayers from my fellow muslim
    i really need to step up and do something about it, i am only 20 years of age and he's twice mine.
    he first tricked me that he will convert and he never! by the time clicking i realized that i am wasting time

    • Sister mimi,

      You know what the problem is. Do the right thing even though its so difficult. Leave this haraam relationship for the sake of Allah.

      If you want further advice, please log in and submit your question as a separate post, thank you.

      SisterZ Editor

  8. Salam
    I think your problem is your expectation for a sudden perfect Muslim. Praying Laylatu Al Qadr is not a requirement and doesn't show piety if performed, exactly in the way he converted just to marry you.
    It seems that he lacks an understanding of the principles of Islam. I mean deep philosophical principles of Islam. The idea of Hell and Heaven won't work with him, he needs meanings added to see the truth. So instead of pushing practice on him, show him good virtues of a good Muslim. Teach him the meaning behind prayer, and fast. Even the Prophet reasoned with his Sahaba
    your comments show that you don't appreciate his efforts as well. Someone can't perform without a gentle push; make sure it is gentle not harassment. Your appreciation of his actions are pessimistic. One example, "He is doing what he needs to do, prays, doesn't drink or eat pork, we paid zakat with no problems." Duh, he is a Muslim! this Hesitation that you are feeling is pushing him backwards. your distrusting spirit is harming him, remember he is your second half and your actions are showing him that he is a lesser Muslim than you. "with no problems" is exactly the problem with your relationship. Were you actually expecting a problem, were expecting non-compliance from him. Instead, I would be joyous and be like: "Bravo. Honey I love you. Do you know that families will go to bed happy because of your Zakat!"
    Be optimistic and don't accuse him, and mistrust him and judge actions before they even occur, he is not a second class Muslim.
    Also, remember that you are not the best Muslim, you should not be his only teacher, but rather you should ask him to teach you what he learns from different workshops and learning sessions, and how you can apply that to your life.
    I know I sound harsh, but treat him like a normal person, a person with reasoning capabilities and a heart wanting to settle. After all, he is a Muslim and practices Islam for you, I would call this LOVE. Perhaps this could be an experience for you to also explore REAL ISLAM, the Islam that you abused when you actually agreed before testing and figuring out his real intentions and desires.

  9. salaam Dana,

    I completely understand were you are coming from but you should know this guilt you are feeling could turn out to be very nasty. You need to find the strength within yourself to push and carry forward, you were their when your husband agreed to become a Muslim for you. and am sure you discussed it in many different possible ways of how he would do it. You are now released from this, the day he converted is when he started a 'New slate' . All his sins are forgiven an he is reborn again. This is is new start and u should understand the meaning of this new start, an be patients with his development in learning to find his new self. He should be able to come to you for any help and guidance, and you shouldn't be afraid of the confrontations that it might cause, because if you deeply believe in Islam you will find a ways to make him feel that as well.

    see this is what i have learned.

    See 6 years ago I became friends with a girl who was brought up as a Catholic in Czech Republic, (99% non-religious ). She soon became a very good friend of mine, because even though she was drinking and partying at the time, she showed a very Islamic manner of live. Meaning her mom has brought her up with good Catholic manners. They are very similar to Islam, example, the respect you show your parents. She always doubted her parents even though she went to church through out her childhood and knows a lot about her religion she did think their was always something not in the right place.. To make it shorter she converted to Islam about two years ago and is now happy and married with a Muslim brother.
    See she actually showed me what Islam is about, you can't put people in boxes and u can't expect that everyone turns out to be like this.. and this is why:

    see I myself became very open minded and could not see the difference between a Muslim (who doesn't pray or act upon their religion) and a non Muslim. Who has been brought up with the same principles in life as me, but without even knowing how close it is to Islam.
    My Male friend now has shown a big interest in me, because I always speak openly about my religion and love to talk to others about it and see what they think about it. He has now accepted the fact he wants to live a life with me because I have always shown him the way I live my live, with my Islamic manners and life style.
    He is now visiting several Mosque and speaking to Imaan's to find out more about how to become one.

    He also says to me that he would never thought about this religion, because he was brought up as a strict Catholic. He is willing to learn everything he needs to know about how to become part of my life, and I have accepted his decision. He also has informed me many times, even though he is becoming a muslim it's only because of me and not because in his believe of Islam.

    See I believe strongly that this set of mind won't be in the long run, because every person is born as a Muslim and this is were their true religion lies. With the right patience and the calmness you should become stronger in understanding that this is the only way to keep Him away from the Hell fire.
    A lot of people do not agree with this, they say girls should not be the ones converting because Islam belongs with the Man and he should lead the way. YES that is true, but every muslim brother has a strong Muslim Sister beside him showing what that way is and how the should take it further into the future.

    Your job a strong muslim sister is to carry on this believe and have faith in him and your religion. He will find true believe and Islam will make his hearth melt.
    Please do not give this up, because you have got this far, no way you can go back.

    Yours truly,

    Strong Muslim Girl!!!

  10. am sorry my main point i missed out,

    It's really hard to maintain that believe in some one, when its not their.

    See the only thing you have to do is show it. Show it with other people, so go to islamic conferences make him interact with other Muslims. And hear the real life debates that are going on with real live people.
    Books can be boring to carry on reading, when their is no imagination to it.

    Show him books with pictures, easy to read and more fun as well. Don't be afraid to make jokes about it. It could clear up the air a bit when things get to tense.

    Also Go to holiday's were you can find Islam in actions, for example MEKKAH!!. Save some money and shown him were the hearth of our religion is.

    He will be touched by what he will see and the people he will meet. He will also relate to other Muslim brothers. Make it enjoyable to learn and this will make him more curious of what is going on.

    Good Luccckkk!!!

  11. Assalam o alaikum

    I am also faced with a dilemma

  12. Greetings,

    Please let him stay in his belief and don' t push him. Even if he doesn't perform prayers that's ok. Its better than not believing in God. For whatever reason he wants to be Muslim please let him be. We are Muslims to be good example and to show the forgiving and patience attributes toward others. I don't mind my husband converts to Islam in order to marry me.
    In Quran it says: Don't marry an unbeliever until they believe...
    and God has never ever given us the authority to judge others. Maybe they are even better than us in their heats and intention.
    Its too much you expect from him. Try to choose an encouraging attitude and not any pressure at all.
    There is none among permitable acts more hateful than divorce in the sight of God.

    All the best

  13. i guess for sure you marriage is valid, bec it was done after his convert to Islam.

    I know that there was a woman lived during the prophet friends era, who got the highestt value of mahr ( the amount of money should be paid for women before marriage), she was the highest bec her man only convert to marry her, her name was Elromaisaa.

    unfortunately lots of arabic websites mentioned her but i couldn't find her in english ones :(.

    Anyway just be proud of yourself, give him the trust in his religion even if its weak because you are the only reason to continue the road ... he begins ...just smile and go ahead :)) inshallah he will be great.. wish u all the best

  14. Salam,

    I am in the same situation. I met a guy on my outings with a friend. He is now my boyfriend. He claimed that he fell in love with me at the first sight and that he knew that he wanted to make me his wife from the first day he met me. We get along really well, he is a christian and very passionate about his God but as everyone can tell i am a muslim woman. I told him not to pursue from day one we went out. i told him i can only get married to a muslim man. after a few weeks of seeing each other as he was persistant, he finally said he is willing to convert to islam to make the marriage legal. but to practise, he may need time as he is passionate about his god. i respect his beliefs as much as he respects mine. yes i can see that. at times, he will remind me that i am a muslim girl and what i am doing seems wrong in the name of islam. i was very flattered and cried when he said he is willing to convert but i don't know what to do. my mum is saying if he practises islam she will welcome him open heartedly. i am on the other hand said, why don't we welcome him first and when he sees the beauty of islam through our deeds, he may wants to practise it. after all, we as muslims have to set a good example. i have done my istikharah and alhamdulillah things are leading to him. even if i tried to ignore him, somehow he keeps coming back. i really need a good advise on what to do. i don't want to be selfish to straight away tell him that if you don't practise i won't marry you, after all hidayah is from Allah.

    • ASA Linda,
      As you can see that he is only converting to marry you and doesn't believe in it. It doesn't work that way that first you marry him and then expect that he will convert one day. You know only reason you are in this predicament because you didn't follow the guidelines set by Islam about per-marital relationships be it with Muslim or non-Muslim. If you say we should inspire others by following Islam properly ourselves, so how about following your own advice. Don't commit sins sister, you never know when you breath your last, is this how you want to die?

      Please stop going out with this man, repent and ask for forgiveness and look into Islam yourself. If he is interested, then he should learn about it and pass him on to those who may help me understand aspects of deen that he finds difficult to grasp.

      If you need detailed answer, please log in and write your question as a separate post which will be answered on it's turn iA.

      May Allah (swt) help you learn and follow deen iA.


  15. i am 20 years christian man and in night i can't sleep properly because lord allahu is entering in to my mind. now i decided to change my faith. in college my muslim brothers visiting to mosque at friday i am also visited to mosque.

    • avinash, it certainly sounds like you are receiving clear signs from Allah. Simply go to your local mosque on Friday and talk to the Imam. Tell him you wish to become Muslim. He will guide you in saying the shahadah (testimony of faith). You can ask him to assign someone to teach you to pray, or you can learn from books and online. Welcome dear brother.

      Wael Editor


  17. Hello everybody I'm Efren I'm a christian...but i want to marry muslim girl...i love her so much..what i need to do??pls..advice me..

  18. Hello, i am converted to islam. 2years back and i want know can i marry a muslim women in whose husband has died and if she has kid from first husband. Please reply me whether it is allowed in islam

  19. Salam,

    I am a muslim woman, i unfortunately have never been close to my religion, i pray occasionally and fast as much as i can and only ever go to the mosque during the last week of ramathan.

    i have struggled with my faith a lot over these past few years and learnt that if i didn't think about it then there wasn't a problem, i know now this was the shatan.

    The reason why now i am looking into islam more deeper is because i fallen in love with a christian and inshallah i want to marry him, and he wants the same. but islam dictates that women of faith can only marry a man of the same faith.

    Inshallah i believe that the man that i love will open his mind and heart to islam for us to one day become man and wife in the eyes of islam. but i would like to ask what i can say or advise him to do to become more aware of the religion, i myself am not religious so i only know the bare minimum and I'm asking too much of one person to do.

    please can someone give me advice on how to proceed? how do you introduce the idea properly about conversion? we have only ever briefly touched on the topic and now i feel i need to fully engage this conversation i don't know what to say, i don't want to influence his decision but i also cant let him go, i see my life with him and no one else,

    inshallah i will be very grateful for anyones advice on what to do

    • Sister ,

      You need to provide him some right sources to him to study Islam and analyse it .Also you yourself needs to get educated more about Islam and its teaching .. If he just want to convert for the sake of marriage then it is not a valid marriage .Conversion should be for the sake of Allah and he should be convinced about Islam as a true religion .

      For logical minds below videos by Zakir naik and Sheikh Ahmed Deedat will be helpfull .

      Is the Qur'an God's Word? by Dr Zakir Naik | Full Lecture

      The Quran or The Bible Which is God's Word ? Sheikh Ahmed Deedat at New York City

  20. Hello,
    I have a question and I hope you all will help me.

    • Please register and submit your question as a separate post, and we will answer you in turn, Insha'Allah.

      Wael Editor

  21. Salam, everyone has a very interesting opinion about this topic
    May I ask opinion as well.
    I know this post is long past due
    I'm a muslim girl, not yet married,
    I entered a muslim matrimonial website, and a muslim convert approached me
    He said he was adopted by a muslim father, that's how he became muslim but he never practised Islam since he was a child.
    He is looking to get married, and promised that to leave drinking, pray the obligatory and avoid the haraam.
    I'm not sure whether I can hold on to a promise made before marriage
    As after marriage usually the husband is the one who holds power.
    Or is it better that I leave this early and do not proceed any further.
    Thank you and jzk khair.

    • Stay away. This man is bad news. Promises are empty. Action is real. If he was sincere in his desire to stop drinking and committing sins, he would have done so already. You can never expect someone to change their character for you.

      Wael Editor

  22. Dear sir,
    If some person who is non muslim converts to Islam with pure intension to follow Islam, and then he married to muslim girl, parents of both bride-groom are not happy, parents are hurted what quran sarif or Isalm said about this hurting parants for good deed, can you explain me with referance.

  23. He is following his own spirit out of lust and he is just as lost as you; no your marriage is not valid becauae its a lie

    • Ridiculous response, Kevin. The man prays and fasts. He is therefore a Muslim, even if he is not perfect. It's not your place to question the validity of his faith, nor to declare the marriage invalid.

      Wael Editor

  24. I'm accepted islam but my family not accept me

  25. You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother's eye. This verse continues the metaphor of a person with a plank in their own eye who criticizes someone for a speck in that person's eye.

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