Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Can I marry my wife’s widowed sister?


Assalam Aleikum

I have a question relating to marrying widow sister-in-law (Wife sister).

Last year my wife brother-in law expired due to illness.

My wife is very much disturbed due to this incident and she is always in depressed mode. She has two sons (age 17 and 10).

If my wife and her widow sister agrees, can I marry her to support her?

My wife is younger too.



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5 Responses »

  1. Why do you need to marry her in order to support her?

    Why not simply support her and her children?

  2. Assalam alaikum,

    The answer is no, you can not be married to two sisters at the same time.

    Furthermore, you don't have to marry someone in order to help them. How about findind a spouse for her? Meanwhile, help her as best you can without interacting with her privately.

    May Allah swt ease your widowed sister-in-law's difficulties, Ameen.

  3. You can support her without being married to her as sister Saba said you can find her a good husband. Islamically you can't marry two sisters at the same time even if they agree. You are not her maharam so you shouldn't interact with her privately.

  4. NO .
    As per Islam two sisters can't be in Nikah at the same time .

  5. Salamu alaikum,

    Can a man who divorces his wife go ahead and marry her sister?
    Is this allowed Islamically?

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