Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Placing Hand On Quran For Not Smoking Again

Man smoking cigarette

I was caught smoking by my mother.  She forced me not to do it again. She made me place my hand on the Quran and say that I will not smoke again.  I did not swear.

But after a little while I started smoking again. I couldn't control myself.  Please someone explain the situation to me.  I mean what do I do? Did I break an oath?

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12 Responses »

  1. Salaams,

    If you did not intend to make an oath -either verbally or in your mind- while your hand was on the Qur'an, then no oath was made. It's impossible to make an oath without intending or being aware of it. In my opinion, based on my understanding, I don't think you are in violation of any oath. I also don't think it was right of your mother to put you in that position either, because promises to Allah are something we can only make out of our own conviction. That's not a state someone can force on us and if they do, I doubt it would be valid just because of that.

    I think your best bet is to go ahead and try to work on kicking the habit, just the same. It's better for your physical health and your deen, and there are so many resources available to help-even apps for smartphones that help you taper down to quitting. I know it's not easy and cravings will cause trouble, but insha'Allah if you keep focused and reach that goal you will have a lot less to worry about overall.

    -Amy Editor

    • Assalamualaykum,

      I would like to add few cents. Oath is something which should be avoided always but in case if you have taken oath then it will be considered only if you have taken by Allah's name.
      It is quite common in some cultures to take oath under mothers, family members or dead person's name which is haraam and will not be considered as oath.

  2. As salam o alikum Taha95,

    "Allaah will not call you to account for what is futile in your oaths, but will call you to account for your deliberate oaths..."
    Surah Al-Ma'idah 5:89

    Please take Sister Amy's advice and inshaAllaah you'll be able to stop smoking. It is very detrimental to your health and im sure you wouldnt want to take your health (a blessing from Allaah (swt)) for granted.
    Not only smoking is bad for you but it is also expensive. You could spend the money, you pay for cigarettes, to give to charity and get Ajar (blessings) from doing so.

    "Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the rememberance of Allaah, and from prayer: will you not then abstain?"
    Surah Al-Ma'idah 5:91

    SubhanAllaah! This is all in the Qur'an Alhamdulillah for our guidance.
    Strenghten your relationship with Allaah (swt), keepur 5 daily prayers, read the Qur'an and be kind to your patents and inshaAllaah you'll be rewarded.
    Btw your mom wants the best for you and your health. So even though her "method" wasnt so good she had good intentions and you should say Alhamdulillah for such careing parent. Talk to her and tell her you are quitting inshaAllaah and you thank her for her love and care.

    Allaah knows best!

    Sister Hafsah

  3. Take the above advice,

    in regards to smoking, you want a reason to quit then its children, smoke and you reduce your chances of having children.

    Imagine dying alone, no-one to carry your legacy just you at the end of the chain.. its sad and its where smoking will take you, this is not a uncharacteristic statement, this is not a opinion, this is the TRUTH.

    Save your life, save your legacy, quit smoking.

    may Allah guide you on the right path, and help you quit insha'Allah.

  4. salamualaikum,

    Brother, additionally, smoking is considered to be haraam by majority of the Ulama because it causes diseases leading to death. So, take it very seriously and try to get rid of it as soon as possible. I know it is difficult to control when one is addicted, but if you intend to abstain from it, Allah Will Do something to make it happen.

    May Allah Help you, me and all the Muslims in distress

  5. download and read 'Allen Carl' book,audio anything.. it makes it very easy..believe me!!!
    regards from pakistan

  6. Moi mon cas est délicat, je suis marié et j'ai trébuché, c'est à dire que j'aivais des probème avec mon mari et je suis sorti avec un autre pour pouvoir oublié mes problème, après 9 ans de mariage en 2007, avant que je fasse tout ça il me traitait de pute alors que j'étais pueuse, après quelque temps j'ai arreté, j'ai contunuer de gerer ma souffrance parceque je ne voulais pas laissés mes 2 ans dans la souffrance, c'est un mari violent et très vulgaire mm avec ses propre enfants, ils sont mm traumatisé a cause de nos disputes. hier il m'a dit qu'il a été informé que je sortai avec un autre et il m'a dit de juré sur le coran que si c'es vrai que Dieu me maudits alors qu'il ne prie pas et ne jeûne mm pas il avais de l'argent il n'a pas pensé à aller à la mecque et il m'a dit que si je ne jure pas sur le coran qu'il vas me tuer ainsi que mes enfants. Dc sans hésité j'ai mis ma main et j'ai juré avec ma bouche mais pas avec mon coeur parceque c'est quelque chose que j'ai fait. J'ai demander à Dieu de m'aider a ne pas faire de l'adultère et que je ne vais plus le repeter je demande à Dieu nuit et jour PARDON. c'est Lui le pardonnateur et c'est LUI seul qui peut me jugé. Mais j'ai trop peur des chatîment du Tout puissans, je suis une très bonne croyante. Et dès fois il ya quelque chose qui me dis que Dieu m'a pardonné. parceque c'était invonlontaire.

    • Kadette,

      If you post your question as a separate post in English, insha Allah, we'll reply to it as soon as possible insha Allah. I tried to translate your post and understood that your husband intended to kill you and your child. If you post it in English, we'll be able to advise you better, and your post will be helpful for people in a similar situation.


      Muhammad Waseem Editor

      • From what I understood, she has been married to an abusive husband for nine years. Finally she cheated on her husband one time with another man to "forget her problems". Her husband was suspicious of her and demanded that she swear her innocence, or he would kill her and the children. So she swore her innocence, though it was not true. Now she prays day and night for Allah's forgiveness, and wants to know what she can say or do to be forgiven.

        Sister Kadette, as brother Waseem said, please log in and write your question as a separate post. My short answer to you is to keep on praying for forgiveness, and trust that Allah the Most Merciful will forgive you. Also, if your husband is truly abusive then try to find a way to take the children and leave him.

        Wael Editor

  7. Hmmm....a question came to mind while reading this thread: A close friend of mine really wanted to marry this guy. She then placed her hand on the Quran and asked Allah that if Allah brings this man to be her husband and makes him good for her in this life and the next life, she would read the whole Quran atleast once. Is this oath correct? Allah does not NEED her to read the Quran, but she has put the matter in His hands and left it b/w her and this OK to do?

    • Salaams,

      I don't think this is the approach to take with Allah. He is not One we should be bargaining with, or trying to exchange favors for. In truth, she could've asked Allah for a good partner without making any promises or swearing on Quran. When we believe Allah really does want what's good for us, we can ask Him for the things we think will benefit us without having to offer something in exchange.

      That being said, Allah has rights upon us no matter what He chooses to give or withhold from us. Our acts of ibadah are to be freely given to Him out of love and gratitude, not as a currency to get something back in return. When we approach Islam and Allah that way, we are only shortchanging ourselves and misunderstanding the true relationship we have with our Creator.

      This existence isn't an economy and Allah is not a barterer. We ask, and He gives freely what we can never repay, and we give with sincerity what Allah will never need. That's as simple as it will ever be, and no one should try to make it more convoluted than that.

      -Amy Editor

      • Thanks Sr. Amy...that is what I had exactly said to her, but she replied that her sister keeps making these "mannats" ( an Indo-Pak type of cultural oath - she is Kashmiri) all the time like almost all woemn in their family.....she says she will to herself that if Allah grants such and such to her, she will fast....her sister's son was in a very severe car crash afew years ago and almost died and her gave away almost all her jewelry and made a "mannat" then, that if he came out of the coma unharmed she would fast on Fridays for the rest of her life - that is exactly what happened - he is now in med school, is very handsome and well liked by all and his mother fasts every Fri. So that is why my friend made this "promise" to Allah. She says atleast she is not asking another being/idol.

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