Islamic marriage advice and family advice

I can’t live without him


I am an 18 year old female living in Canada and am going through some tough times in my life right now. I have been for a few years ever since my family started having big issues. A few years back I used to be on the deen and strictly practising Islam. After the issues with my family started to arise, instead of turning to Allah I turned away from him. I felt like after constant dua and cries nothing was changing in my life. I became a very different person to who I was, and people began to view me in a different way. I also started rebelling against my parents and at school, whilst also self harming. I was experiencing not only emotional pain, but also physical. I was becoming suicidal and was going to attempt it several times. Through all this I was still conscious of Allah but I just felt empty, like I didn't care about anything.

This was going on for a long period of time. After a while I met a guy the same age as me. He helped me get through my troubles and get closer to Allah once again. We helped each other through difficult times and bought each other to love the religion. When we started talking we always had the right intentions to inshallah eventually make things halal and tell our parents, which we did. My mum found out and his parents also found out. A few months before his parents found out about us his older brother passed away, may Allah grant him the highest level of Jannah. This obviously had a massive toll on his parents and family, and his dad kept telling us to wait to make it halal because he still was in shock from the incident.

A few months ago though his sister got engaged, and it was so easy for her to. There was no fuss or waiting, it just happened. This has had a massive effect on me as his dad is still telling us to wait and to be patient but allowed her in an instant. I feel like his dragging it on without knowing the damage and emotional pain his putting us through because of it.

I don't want to stay talking in a haram relationship but his dad is making it so hard for us to just make it halal and I can't deal with that anymore. I want to stop talking to him and I'm trying so hard to but I can't. And he can't either. I love him dearly. He bought me out of my darkness and without him in my life I know I'll end up the same as before, depressed and alone. I'm scared that without him I'm going to become lost in my deen once again, and start to self harm and completely lose track of my iman. I know yous are gonna tell me to stop talking and just rely on Allah but I know in the end I'll begin to fall out of the religion. Is there any other options? I honestly don't know what to do, should I just wait like his dad is telling us to? I told him I will wait for him without us talking so no haram is commited and they can come when his dad is ready, but I honestly can't live without him. His never done me wrong in any way and Alhamdulillah he is the man any girl would be proud of having. Please help me.


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3 Responses »

  1. Asslaamualaykum el,

    I wish for his dad's consent as soon as possible, as you have taken the right step in saying you'll wait for it without further communication with your love interest, but I also want to point out something that might help you, if I may:

    You write: I'm scared that without him I'm going to become lost in my deen once again"

    You want to try to avoid thinking this way. Your connection with Allah is something that is between you and Allah and should really not be dependant on anyone else at the most basic level. We lose so many people, pets, "things," in our lives but our connection with Allah remains and is what gets us through those tough times. I want you to continue to have that, sister.



  2. as salaamu alaykum sister el123

    I see your problem sister; you feel alone and Vulnerable, without the comfort of you friend's Verbal support, not knowing when that might be returned to you. It appears your Imaan is infirm still and, without your friend to lean on, you're afraid of losing it and your connection to Allaah swt.
    As Muslims our duty is first and foremost to our Creator, but when left with two Bad options, we must opt for the Lesser evil. For instance, if starving, we're even allowed to eat Pork, if that's the only "food" available. Pork then becomes the lesser evil, as compared to dying of starvation.
    In your situation, I'd say, the lesser evil is to stay in Minimal contact with your friend, for the time being, to secure your Imaan, but Allaah swt knows best.
    You should pray istikhara, asking for His guidance. Perhaps the Omniscient (all-knowing) will put an idea (solution) into your mind that you would Never have thought of yourself.
    May He guide you to what is Best! aamiyn!

  3. Bismillah
    please just do nikah, you dont have to get married just do a simple nikah so you can make it halal. and if you rely on him to live up to your deen you doubt Allah, that Allah cannot help you stay on your deen but he can. so be careful with that kind of thinking may Allah help you in your situation

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