Islamic marriage advice and family advice

My Muslim Love Left Me

I lost my love and I want him back

The man I love is Muslim. I love him and he left me. I don't know anything about him, but I want him back.

What is the best way of going about this?

- damdoom

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7 Responses »

  1. Peace!!!

    My first question to you would be, how can you love someone and you don't know anything about him. How can he leave you if you don't know him. Did you see him from a distance and fall in love with his looks?

    Is he someone you work with, or go to school with? Have you ever had a conversation with him? Maybe I'm missing something but I think you should give us more information.

    If there are some sister's reading this post please help me. It's possible by me being a man that I am missing something that she is feeling.

    Abdul Wali Editor

  2. Dear Damdoom,

    Clearly you are quite distressed by your situation but you have given very little detail. Am I correct in understanding that you love a man but he has left you and you want him back? 'Damdoom' - It is very difficult to give any specific advice on a post with such little information but I will try to say something general.

    Sometimes we love something/someone that is not good for us and sometimes we dislike something/someone that is good for us. If we love for the sake of Allah, we will find peace in our hearts. If this man makes no attempt to make contact with you, there is little you can do. You cannot force him to come back to you. Losing someone is very difficult, I understand you are hurt; it takes time and faith to heal. Ask Allah to replace your loss with something better and to give you sabr/patience to heal.

    Best Wishes,

    SisterZ, Editor

  3. Brother Carter, Asalaamualaikum,

    I just read your reply now. Yes, I am somewhat puzzled by this post too as it gives very little information. I think maybe what the sister means by saying 'I dont know anything about him', is that she doesnt know if he wants her back. I could be completely wrong!!

    *Sister DamDoom, it would be much easier if you just wrote in with more information as we are clearly struggling to de-code/interpret your post here!!! :O)


  4. I have emailed the sister and asked her to please comment here to explain her situation further.

    Wael Editor

  5. Salam alaykum sister

    I clearly understand you pain. I am currently going through something similar. In my case we were about to get married, I knew him well. I thought everything was well until he disappeared, never called, or left any trace. I have seen him walking around my neighborhood but he has not seen me. He acts happy,while he broke, shattered my heart. My friend told me that "we should love the one that loves us., not the one we love."
    honestly, at this time i trust no one. Yet I have faith in Allah that this happened for a reason. Allahum Alim.

    Maybe he was not the proper one for you. He was not the one to take care of your heart and faith. All I can think of telling you is to pray and lay your trust in Allah. Cry if you have too and let him go. He was not worthy of your heart and love.

  6. salam...
    im maricar,and i got married with muslim jordanian citizen last december 21, but after he left last january 4 i just recieved a mail from him that he cannot longer stay with me as husband coz his parents wants another person for now i just left records are nnow married...but my husband left me..i just wanted to know how i can make separation with him with this reason,,he is no longer answering my call...i just want to be free from the marriage..pls help me..thanks

    • maricar, please log in and write your question as a separate post, thank you. If you want a very short answer I can tell you that if no one can contact your husband to request a talaq, then if you are in a Muslim country you must go to the local Qadi or judge and ask for khula' or a divorce pronouncement. If you are not in a Muslim country then you can file for divorce with the local court.


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