How we can marry here in Saudi Arabia?
Salam Alaikom
we are having a relationship before he took his vacation in India and his parents marry him to indian lady. we love each other so much that we like to marry here in saudi arabia when he come back. am a converted muslim filipina and he is indian muslim. we dont like to commit sin because of our relationship. how can we marry here in saudi arabia and it is possible? thank you for comment
hanan cha cha
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Look Islam is simple you just need witness
1 male 2 females or 2 males 1 female and there's more just go to play store and get the heavenly ornaments app. These are the rules pertaining to the Islamic way of life.There is ali a site call askimam.Com or mufti MENK on Facebook. Also know this you are sunni muslim who follows the teachings of the hanifi school of thought because most likely your Indian friend is a sunni Muslim.Learn and learn everything because that's going to make you .et opions from different scholor.The majority of Saudis follow a salafi or wahabi sect be careful it will confuse you.They are very extreme in there beliefs although they use quran and sunnah as there drfence .They do not follow any of the 4 major school of thoughts.The best way is to Google everything and ask why why why until you see the big picture.I am also a revert we say . For the marriage it shouldn't be a problem but just be careful he is a man of faith or else you will not advance!
There is nothing extreme about the salafi da'wah, though of course there are individuals who are extreme in anything. It is simply a call to understand and practice Islam as it was practiced by the salaf, i.e. the early generations of Islam. Salafis do not dismiss the 4 schools of thought. Rather, they respect them all, and seek to follow the strongest or most correct opinion from any school.
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