Islamic marriage advice and family advice

No Muslim man will marry me; can I marry a non Muslim?

Who to marry?

Who should you marry?

I am a Muslim and a believer, but was unable to get a truth believing muslim, due to sickness I had before and the one presently

if I jus tell a muslim man what am passing through he will ran away,

Here come this non Muslim that is ready to marry me with any ailment, now am 31yrs with Fibroid,

can't a muslim man want to stay with me?

Or should I go on with the non believer since he said he will not disturb me from worshiping Allah.

- Sister B

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6 Responses »

  1. Whoa sis back up your given up to easily who says this guys so genuine do you know why women are supposed to mary Muslim men. It because they carry the father religion. Keep trying Sis there going to
    Be someone out there don't give up your hope so easy .

  2. You can't marry non Muslim man it is forbidden in Islam unless he convert to Islam then you may marry him otherwise your marriage will be invalid according to Islam. 

    Be patient Allah has plan for everyone's future. You have to have full trust in Allah. Make dua ask for forgiveness and keep looking for Muslim husband. 

  3. Asslamu alykum sister,

    please do not marry a non believer as a muslim woman we are only allowed to marry a muslim not worry inshAllah you will find a muslim not give up hope, you are still young sister just pray to Allah swt to give you a muslim husband and be patient ,inshAllah you will find a muslim man soon.

  4. Sister B.,

    What do you mean when you say you have an ailment of "fibroid"? Are you speaking of uterine fibroids, fibroid cystic breast disease, ovarian fibroids...? There are many fibroid conditions which can be controlled by medication or taken care of via sugery. Do you have a particular condition which negates your ability to have children? Is that why you think no muslim man will marry you? I don't mean to put you on the spot, so if you are uncomfortable in answering the questions, then by all means please disregard them.

    I just want to point out that many men do look for a wife and desire to have children. Yet, there are older men, perhaps divorced or widowers whom also desire a wife, but may already have children. They are looking for a good and pious wife for companionship, and more children may not be a make or break requirement for marriage. Is there a way for you to meet muslim men who might fall into such a category? I bring this up because a very good friend of mine went through premature ovarian failure when she was in her early 20's. It was very hard for her to meet men who desired to marry her as many wanted children and that would never be something she could do. She was alone until her mid-thirties when she was introduced to a man whose wife died of cancer. He had four children, was older (in his 40's) and had no desire for more children. They married and have been very happy for the past 14 years. So, as they say...sometimes good things come to those who wait. Be patient, do not compromise your deen, and know that Allah (swt) has a plan for you. Take care.

  5. Will he agree to convert?

    I agree that at age 31 and with an illness, you may have a hard time finding a Muslim man. It is hard enough once you reach your 30s, as unfortunately most Muslim girls are considered "past their prime". I wish I could sugarcoat things for you and say "don't worry, there is a great Muslim man waiting for you around the corner"...but I won't do that. It is hard for Muslim women to marry; harder if you are over 30, have a medical condition, or not conventionally attractive.

    What if you tried to obtain treatment for your illness as soon as possible?

    If your "illness" is fibroids, then that condition is very treatable. Usually surgery can zap them off. The only problem is, if you have never had intercourse, the surgeon will be unable to insert the probe. Once you are married then you can pursue this treatment. It really is not complicated at all.

    If your "illness" is more complicated than that, then I'm sorry, I can't offer you any suggestions. But I do feel for you sister. If your illness is complicated, then you do face a difficult choice, between living alone and marrying outside your religion. For what it's worth, it is possible to live alone and be independent. You can focus on your career, volunteer your time in charitable activities, participate in hobbies and sports. You can still live a life, even if it is lonely at times.

    I am not going to tell you what to choose -- only to say that being single and childless despite its drawbacks IS a viable alternative.


    “Do not marry women who associate others with Allah [mushrikat] until they believe. A slave woman who believes is better than one who associates others with Allah [mushrika] even though she allures you. Nor marry men who associate others with Allah [mushrikeen] until they believe: A male slave who believes is better than one who associates others with Allah [mushrik] even though he allures you. They [associaters] beckon you to the Fire but Allah beckons by His Grace to the Garden [of Bliss] and forgiveness, and makes His Signs clear to mankind that they may receive admonition.” [2:221]

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