Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Need my istikhara dream interpretation

Dream interpretation, dream symbols


I did istikhara for my marriage purpose. My cousin and i want to marry but our family issues are swear. For taking decision to be with him or not i did istikhara. i recite istikhara dua for three days and third night i saw a dream.

DREAM: he said me to get ready. i wear a neat and tidy dress of blue color with white dupatta. he took me to an old office specifically government office. he said me to wait for him for a while. i sat on bench outside officer's office infront of the PA table. PA offer me a tea but the peon bring milk. i rudly asked for a tea but he didnot bring tea for me. well i wait for so long. while waiting i was reading paper and using phone. when i was using phone i observed that my dress is so unexpectable (deep neck). people walking by my side was looking at me but i ignored. the i got call from the officer. i entered and he was preparing papers for me then he asked me to sign. i said whats this so he said dont worry and just sign. i signed. then i again went out and sit on bench and wait for so long. office closing time came, everyone leaves but i didnt. after some time he came in so hurry with white file and said me that he was in trouble. after that we went out together happily (both were wearing white suits).

i was relaxed in morning after this dream.

please tell me the interpretation. as it is my first istikhara of life so i am confused.


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1 Responses »

  1. Dreaming has nothing to do with this. The most likely reason you saw that dream was because its all your mind has been indulged in lately. If anyone claims to be able to interpret the dream for you , they are liars.

    - Read this article on what istikhara is really about:

    -If you have further questions , refer to the tab at the top of this website where its titled "Istikhara questions and answers"

    -Also don't rely on dreams to find your answer , rely on the situation and events that are happening right in front of you, in reality.

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