Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Suicidal because of gay sexual activities


I am 25 years old boy. I am indulge in gay sexual activities from my childhood. I have done everything to stop myself but I can't. I have visit doctors and done every possible thing but I can't stop it. I am in a relationship from last 8 years with a boy. Now I am thinking about suicide because I have no other choice. I can't live with it and can't go without it. What I do to stop from it and live a peaceful life? Please help me .


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6 Responses »

  1. Assalaamualaikam

    Brother outlaw, I've noticed that your comments can be quite harsh and judgemental. There is no need to be so unpleasant towards a fellow Muslim who is in need.

    If you can't say things in a kind way, I'd ask that maybe you consider whether you need to say them at all. Further comments of this nature are very likely to result in your comments being placed on moderated status.

    Midnightmoon editor

    • Assalaamualaikam (I'm a sister, by the way)

      If someone's suicidal, it's important to post in a supportive way. Please bear this in mind.

      Midnightmoon editor

  2. Assalaamualaikam

    Brother, suicide is never the answer. So long as we are alive, we can inshaAllah strive to repent and follow Islam. If we kill ourselves, we can't do this. Read our articles on suicide and tawbah, as they may inshaAllah have some comfort and advice for you.

    I don't wish to cause offence, but as you say you were involved in homosexual activities from childhood, did anyone force you or manipulate you to do this? If so, it may help you to seek counselling, as people who have been in this situation can find themselves psychologically trapped and reliving the trauma (even if it doesn't feel that way) even into adulthood.

    Remember that this life is a test. If a test were easy, there'd be no challenge, no room to grow and develop. It may be that your sexuality is part of your test - we can't always control what we feel or what we think, but we can control what we do about those.

    Firstly, avoid being in haram relationships. If you feel your sexual urges are a risk to going back to haram activities, try fasting and (not at the same time!) exercise, to lower your urges and to channel your energy into something more positive. Don't spend time with people who tempt you towards haram things. Instead, spend time in the mosque, take part in charity projects, make new friends who are pious brothers, and help your family. If you have things like pornography or inappropriate DVDs, etc., then get rid of them. If they aren't there, they can't tempt you. And make sure that you are praying and reading Quran regularly.

    I'm not saying this is easy. It won't be. But if you are alive then inshaAllah you can find happiness and peace in Islam. Don't give up.

    Midnightmoon editor

  3. Salam alaikum brother Amirali,

    Sometimes its a hard path towards Allah, but its worth it. Dont give up, Allah has put this challenge in your life because He knows you are strong enough for it. He chose you for this and if you can get through it then inshAllah your spot in Jannat is waiting! Dont give up bro.


  4. Salaam Brother,

    I would suggest you watch a video on youtube by Shaykh Hasan Ali titled " From Addiction and Sin to devotion within ", Inshallah it will help you to come out of your problems.

    May Allah keep you steadfast on Islam.

  5. First of all this relationship is not natural, it is a major sin where the shaytan has tricked you.
    Try avoidind to be alone with this person as for Islam, Allah says do not go near to zina. So you have to stop yourself from the first step, delete his contact, avoid meeting him, do not wait and think that you will be able to stop after meeting him and being alone with him.

    Secondly, try getting married and once you are married inshaallah you will move away from the dirty habbit.
    It is a challenge for you which require strong Will from your Rooh which is still alive and telling you the right path , that is why you feel to repent.
    Repent with allah and never do it again.
    May Allah make you strong to overcome and lead your path as a good muslim.

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