Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Suicide in Islam: Temporary or Permanent hell?

Salam IslamicAnswers,

First of all I want to say thank you for having this wonderful site where Muslims can post questions and seek answers. Looking at previous posts I've noticed that many people have benefited from this site and your work. I have a question for you regarding how Islam sees suicide. Before I begin, I would like to say that I am well aware that suicide is a forbidden act in Islam that will take a human to jahannam (hell). I am not asking whether it is permissible or not because every Muslim knows it is forbidden... so please don't see me as wasting time asking silly questions.

It's just that, I have read a hadith that says that Allah will bring out of jahannam any individual who has even an atom's worth of imaan in him/her. This hadith seems to contradict what I read on your Suicide in Islam page (, where it says "My servant has precipitated My will with regard to himself! Therefore, I am forbidding him entry into heaven."...which seems to imply that an individual who commits suicide will eternally, forever dwell in jahannam.

So my main question to you is this:  Will an individual who commits suicide dwell eternally in jahannam (like the kuffar, mushrikeen,  and munafiqeen), or will they be allowed out of jahannam one day (if they have imaan in their heart before taking their life). From what I understand of Islam, any individual who says that there is no one worthy of worship but Allah alone will not enter jahannam forever....and I don't see suicide as contradicting this. If someone says la ilaha illa allah and commits suicide, will they be in jahannam temporarily or permanantly?

Thank you for your time.

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131 Responses »

  1. Salaam Adef,

    I urge caution in dealing with topics such as suicide as stand-alone event, unconnected to the human, the state of their life and everything which has led them to a point. There is a danger in simplifying a life into a sentence for academic debate, when the truth is none of us are 100% sure of the weight and value of our deeds in Allah's eyes.

    Therefore, I would start my response with saying that there what we are sure of are the many hadith which relate to us that our Prophet (pbuh) relates that suicide is an unforgivable act, and there are also many Quranic verses which both forbid the taking of human life and also relate to us constant messages of forgiveness according to Allah's will. Because none of us can speak on behalf of Allah, all we can say is that it's up to Allah what happens, and suicide is most certainly forbidden in Islam.

    I shall now move onto suicide, the process:

    Suicide is not simply a random and unpredictable act of taking one's own life. It is the culmination of a series of events which leads to the conclusion of suicide. Suicide is the point of giving up on everything, recovery, God, your family and it can also by the symptom of a mental illness such as depression, bi polar, schizophrenia and many others. So it is not really accurate to speak of suicide as a stand alone thing that randomly happens and is judged accordingly.

    The urge to commit suicide is an internal voice that bullies a person with taunts, telling them constantly that there is no hope, that they are worthless, that there is nothing for them to live for, that Allah hates them: pumping their body with hormones and feelings that are too difficult to handle until the individual gives in to it and commits suicide.

    The Quran references mental illness as the result of being touched by the evil one, and mentions in the Surah Baqara when he compares those who practice usury to being the same as "the Evil One by his touch hath driven to madness."2.275 So there is such a thing as being driven to madness from the touch of an evil on. Instead of giving in to this internal voice, one should intervene with help: doctors, therapists, and so on.

    Most commonly some event, situation or series of events which lead one to lose a level of faith, instead of remaining steadfast as we are advised to:

    And surely We shall try you with something of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and lives and crops; but give glad tidings to the steadfast, who say, when a misfortune striketh them: Lo! To Allah we belong and unto Him we are returning.” (Al-Baqarah: 155-56)

    A person may then starts to feel that Allah hates him, that he has no future, that his sin is unforgivable when a faithful person would know that

    “He forgiveth (all) save that to whom He will. Whoso ascribeth partners to Allah, he hath indeed invented a tremendous sin.” (An-Nisaa': 48)

    The person then loses hope, and falls into despair or (in today's more common term for the same thing) depression, yet we know:

    “The remedy is hope. Allah made hopelessness unlawful by saying, “Do not despair of Allah's mercy.” (Yusuf: 87)

    When we must never lose hope, and conclude that we can predict our afterlife - we can't:

    “Whoever works righteousness — whether male or female — while he (or she) is a true believer (verily, to him We will give a good life, and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do” al-Nahl 16:97

    By the last stages of the thought process the person has lost everything to cling on to, and commits the final act of disbelief and kills themselves.

    “… And do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another). Surely, Allaah is Most Merciful to you"[al-Nisa’ 4:29]

    So relating this all back to your question, and Iman in the heart I would say that suicide is indicative of an an illness which erodes Iman - a thought process, or madness that stems from evil and overtakes a person entirely, and an evil which we have a great deal of assistance and help to deal with.

    In truth, as believers we follow the guidelines set out for us according to the Quran and authentic Sunna which both forbid suicide.

    And the greater truth is that only Allah knows what he forgives and what he does not forgive when judging us in our entirety and knowing everything that there is to know about our hearts, minds and actions.


    Editor, Islamic Answers

    • Salam Leyla

      I have come to a point in my life where I am considering suicide. I am tired of life and angry with myself for being stupid.

      I was being slandered really badly by evil people who practise sihr ( and some were related to me) and targeted by people who practise sihr repeatedly but Allah was kind to me and felt sorry for me as I was oppressed and I used to have dreams of angels and that Allah wanted to place me in a high position in life and give me a position of power to help other oppressed people.... but I messed up. Each time Allah provided with me a chance to expose the truth, I worried about the safety of other people and didn't do anything and then, I began to break down. At this point, I was also affected by sihr and I started to do stupid things like phoning a psychic. Following this, I reacted in a very strange manner and started speaking out of character and behaving in a funny way and I hurt the feelings of a lot of people and may have even placed some people in danger because I was breaking down from stress.

      I can't forgive myself and I keep dreaming that my future has changed. I am going to be an outcast and destitute and retarded instead of healthy and beautiful and happy with a family as I used to dream.

      I am having horrible dreams that I will be slandered in the most disgusting manner and physically tortured and I can't take it any more. I really want to end my life.

      I am sorry that I have disappointed Allah. I know that he is a good and loving God and I love him dearly. I know that he is a GOOD God but I don't want to live my life being called a prostitute ( I am not and never have been) or to be accused of working in a brothel. This is what has been happening to me. The truth could have come out at one point but I saw that someone would be hurt so I sacrificed myself and I have been regretting it ever since.

      I developed psychic abilities and began to see things ( precognitive dreams) that I could not know rationally and people suspected me of being involved in these things. I also reacted very strangely after my encounter with the psychic and this made people hate me and destroyed my confidence.

      Allah gave me opportunities to bring out the truth about the people who lied. Five times, he worked miracles for me but I botched them each time worrying about others four times and doing something stupid on one occasion. Allah was incredibly kind and patient towards me and the mistakes were all mine. I cannot believe how, stupid I was to pass up all the opportunities he gave me to clear my name.

      I hate myself for being so stupid. An intelligent person would have behaved very differently to me and would have been successful. It is this self-hate that is leading me to want to end my life. I really hate myself as I have hurt people's feelings with harsh words and I feel as I have failed.

      I don't want to live any more with my mistakes. I wish God would forgive me and let me end my life as I cannot take the regrets any more. I am tired.

      • aslamu alekum sister. clear your mind of every guilt that you have and repent to Allah swt sincerely and Allah swt will forgive your sins inshallah no matter how great they may be. you left 5 chances that Allah swt gave you, no problem your human we all are weak and fighting our selves daily go ahead repent and ask again for Allah swt's help and believe me Allah swt will provide you the chance a million time even if you do not avail it each time but still keep asking for it for Allah swt is not human who keeps grudges or leaves us he is our lord the most merciful whose mercy is infinite. you say about suicide i have wanted to do it a million times but alhumdulilah Allah swt saved me from this sin and every time there was one thing i learned that in the depths of my heart i still knew there was hope, a way out, every time i knew that Allah swt would forgive me but satan suppressed this thought only making me think that there is no hope. sister let tell you about an event that i heard i donot know in which time but listen. there was once a man named tifal he was a drunk, had done zina many times and was a person of such a character that if he died no one would had prayed his funeral. one day he bought a girl for himself and took her to his camp when tiffal came in the girl was crying. he asked why are you crying i have bought you with your own consent, she replied that tiffal i am not a prostitute but for some reason i am forced to do this. tears came to tiffal's eyes and he asked her to leave with the money he had bought her with which was i remember 10000 dirham and told her that she is her sister now. tiffal did not know that today was the day of his death which came to him after the girl left. now as i mentioned there was no one who would pray his funeral see Allah swt's mercy. after a life full of sins only due to this one good deed Allah swt wrote on the outside of tiffal's tent that he has become a friend to me go and pray his funeral. now who are you or me to deapair of his mercy. Allah swt says if you place one sin on the earth's floor and than cover the whole earth doing sins and then make layer upon them till they reach the sky Allah swt would forgive them if you once ask for forgiveness and Allah swt knows best. so sister give up this lame excuse that satan has build up in heart to take you to hell and turn to Allah swt. you donot need to be perfect to gain Allah swt love you jus need to have a manageable strive leading towards him as none of us are perfect so fall as much as you want and Allah swt will pick you up again inshallah every time. now have a smile and let it go 🙂 aslamu alekum wa rehmut u llahi wa barakatahu

      • Asalamualaykum Sister, I'll be honest with you Sister. Hope is always there. There are people in worse conditions than us . Just remember one thing as our Deen says .. when suicide is committed then they will be doing that act to themselves foever or for a very long time in Jahanam. So imagine , u want to get away from this problem in life but are heading to even a worse problem in the next life. It won't make sense, shaythan will whisper to us yes but always remember if I do this I'll end up in putting myself in Jahanam. Ponder over that that ur not actually leaving ur worries by committing suicide but putting urself in more problems... turn to Allah fully and give ur life to him you'll see the Peace u gives u. Pray 2 rakat every night before u go to bed and ask Allah for guidance. I promise if ur sincere ull see his help.

        Wasalamualaykum Sister. Keep me in ur duas . DANISH.

      • Sister I am going through this too. Half story is same, and let me tell you this is a disease to us called sizopheria. Don't worry you will be granted jannah. I am with you and I am in pain similar to you will try to make dua for you.
        Just dont worry, I am with you all the time trust me. If you want my no or want to contact me with with Facebook then reply me. I may come late but inshallah I'll come. Even if I won’t then remember I am always with you. And you need to change your place of living. Come to myou country, india, we will inshallah make serve you with the best we will and if allah wills you will be cured.

        • azhar, your entire comment is bizarre. 1. There is no such disease as sizopheria. 2. You cannot assure anyone of Jannah. 3. What do you mean, "I am with you all the time trust me"? It is Allah who is with us all the time, and Allah we trust. 4. You want her to move to India to meet a stranger who leaves a comment on a website?



          • the disease is schizophrenia most people commit suicide due to this mental illness. my cousin jumped off the bridge in London but was saved , his neck was badly injured

        • I'm in the same situation I want to end my life

    • we all know suicide is haram in islam. but some time life becomes too much burden on such situation we can only ask for death. iam going through a toughest time of my life. from last 5 years my life has not changed at all and iam not getting what i want in my life. i have tried all the methods to get rid of my problems but iam not getting any relief from it . even i have went for hajj and prayed a lot there for my better life. but after coming from hajj iam feeling more distress. only one thought is wondering in my mind that how can allah sent me empty handed from his house.

      • Hello brothers and sisters, Muslims and non Muslims. The only reason why you, Jamina Naaz, feels that life is a burden because you do not embrace the Quran and Islam enough. Allah and prophet Mohamed say that whenever you are depressed go and read Quran. Also the reason why you went to hajj and don't feel better or (allah forgive me) sent empty handed as you say because your intention, nawaya, was not to go and pray for forgiveness but to go and pray so that Allah can take away your problems. Let's face the truth no one in this world lives without having problems, think of it as an accessory to life; however this does not mean that you should commit suicide. The human should man up and face his problems as Allah the almighty says, in maa el osri yosra, that means when life becomes so hard to live Allah sobhanaho wa taala makes it once again a happy and interesting life.

        At the end, I urge all people not to take their lives because of some problem, be patient and Allah be with you always.

        • Brother,
          Admornishing people for NOT being close enough to ALLAH is burdening THEM with GUILT. Empathy is always the key to understanding and resolving key isssues of human sensitivity . Allah knows best.

          • This. Exactly This @ Sister of Truth.

            When will people realize that by telling people it is their fault because they are not close enough to Allah is actually sending them FURTHER away from Allah... usually because of the guilt they feel, or self-loathing, and so on... or to say someone should "man up"... ya Allah. Do people really believe it is just THAT easy?!

            We have no idea what people do to strive to do to be close to Allah. They could read the Qur'an every day, do tahajjud, do hajj, all of this and more. It is not fair to say their problems are because of a lack of closeness. Maybe they have these issues because they ARE close to Allah and He is testing them. Only Allah knows.

            Please people, be careful what you say and how you say something to someone suicidal/depressed/etc.. you don't want your words to be the thing that puts them over the edge.

      • The same thing is bothering me ... How can i be left with nothing when i cried screamingly to Allah ...

      • Don't go for success too much. Because if you are not getting it after all your hardwork, and praying that means allah is giving you something else on judgement day with something more better.

    • asalamolaikum .. can i have your email? your articles are helpful , i need some help

    • I didn't like the way you described mental illness.. Touched by evil one... Do u really have sense what are u talking about... Mental illness could be result of family environment or surroundings some hormonal imbalance etc... Please be sensible

    • U have made rude comments abt mental illness... Allah will punish those who hurt feelings of others by harsh words

  2. I agree with Leyla's answer maashAllah.

    Sister Adef, Asalaamualaikum,

    You asked, will an individual who commits suicide dwell eternally in jahannam (like the kuffar, mushrikeen, and munafiqeen), or will they be allowed out of jahannam one day (if they have imaan in their heart before taking their life).

    "...If they have imaan..." That is ironic, because to have imaan would mean believing in what Allah(swt) and His Rasool(saw) say. What do They say regarding suicide?

    Allaah (swt) says “And do not throw (yourselves) with your own hands to destruction; but work (deeds of) excellence for verily Allah loves the people of excellence.” [Surah Baqarah 2:195] Thus we are ordered to not destroy ourselves, rather to direct the mind and energies to doing good deeds that please Allah.

    In another verse, “And do not kill yourselves. Surely, Allaah is Most merciful to you.” [Surah Nisaa 4:29]

    The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) also prohibited taking one's life as per the following hadith. "Whoever throws himself down from a mountain and kills himself, he will be in the Fire of Hell throwing himself down for ever and ever. Whoever drinks poison and kills himself will have the poison in his hand, drinking it in the Fire of Hell for ever and ever. Whoever kills himself with a piece of iron (i.e. a weapon) will have that piece of iron in his hand, stabbing himself in the stomach with it in the Fire of Hell forever and ever." (Compiled in Sahih Bukhari).

    Further, The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "Indeed, whoever [intentionally] kills himself, then certainly he will be punished in the Fire of Hell, wherein he shall dwell forever", [Bukhaaree (5778) and Muslim (109 and 110)].

    Allah has also reminded us: “Or did you think that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) that came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty and ailments and were so shaken that even the Messenger and those who believed along with him said, ‘When will come the help of Allah?’ Yes! Certainly, the help of Allah is near!” [Surah Baqarah 2:214].

    So, as per your question, if someone had Imaan, they would know that suicide is forbidden and also that Allah's help will most definfitely come, so why would they even consider committing suicide?


    For someone to take one's own life, the person must surely be completely desperate for some reason or be insane. Furthermore, Allah knows whether the person who has committed suicide was in full possession of his mind or not. Whatever the reasons, only Allah knows what goes on in our hearts, He knows our intentions, weaknesses and reasoning - however complex. Only He can be the Judge of such matters and we will never know matters of the unseen. Only Allah knows under which conditions and exceptions He will forgive anyone.

    Hence, we cannot answer such a question conclusively and it is better to avoid dwelling on such matters. We should instead focus on doing as Allah says, believe in His commandments, doing good according to the Quran and Sunnah, avoiding all things that are doubtful and bringing others to the truth.


    Al Quran, Surah Al-Asr:

    In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

    1. By time,
    2. Verily, man is in loss,
    3. Except those who believe and do righteous deeds and exhort one another to Truth and exhort one another to patience.

    SisterZ Editor

    • Salam

      I believe in Allah and for 11 years of my life, I was very devout. I was very strong in my faith and felt very much loved by Allah.

      However, I have come to a point in my life where I am considering suicide. I am tired of life and angry with myself for being stupid.

      I was being slandered really badly by evil people who practise sihr ( and some were related to me) and targeted by people who practise sihr repeatedly but Allah was kind to me and felt sorry for me as I was oppressed and I used to have dreams of angels and that Allah wanted to place me in a high position in life and give me a position of power to help other oppressed people.... but I messed up.

      Each time Allah provided with me a chance to expose the truth, I worried about the safety of other people and didn't do anything and then, I began to break down.

      At this point, I was also affected by sihr and I started to do stupid things like phoning a psychic. Following this, I reacted in a very strange manner and started speaking out of character and behaving in a funny way and I hurt the feelings of a lot of people and may have even placed some people in danger because I was breaking down from stress.

      I can't forgive myself and I keep dreaming that my future has changed. I am going to be an outcast and destitute and retarded instead of healthy and beautiful and happy with a family as I used to dream.

      I am having horrible dreams that I will be slandered in the most disgusting manner and physically tortured and I can't take it any more. I really want to end my life.

      I am sorry that I have disappointed Allah. I know that he is a good and loving God and I love him dearly. I know that he is a GOOD God but I don't want to live my life being called a prostitute ( I am not and never have been) or to be accused of working in a brothel. This is what has been happening to me and because I broke down, people have been taking advantage and saying that their sick lies are the truth. The truth could have come out at one point but I saw that someone would be hurt so I sacrificed myself and I have been regretting it ever since. Each time there was help from Allah and hope for me, I saw that others could be hurt and I couldn't hurt those people.

      I developed psychic abilities and began to see things ( precognitive dreams) that I could not know rationally and people suspected me of being involved in these things. My home was bugged because of lies and people were reacting to things I was saying in my own home and lying about me if they didn't like what I said.

      I also reacted very strangely after my encounter with the psychic and this made people hate me and destroyed my confidence.

      Allah gave me opportunities to bring out the truth about the people who lied. Five times, he worked miracles for me but I botched them each time worrying about others four times and doing something stupid on one occasion. Allah was incredibly kind and patient towards me and the mistakes were all mine. I cannot believe how, stupid I was to pass up all the opportunities he gave me to clear my name. I am a stupid person and I hate myself. I love Allah because he tried again and again to save me but I was not saveable. It is this self hate that is leading me to want to end my life.

      I hate myself for being so stupid. An intelligent person would have behaved very differently to me and would have been successful. It is this self-hate that is leading me to want to end my life. I really hate myself as I have hurt people's feelings with harsh words and I feel as I have failed.

      I don't want to live any more with my mistakes. I wish God would forgive me and let me end my life as I cannot take the regrets any more. I am tired. I just want to end my life. I'm sorry sister. I wish I could be like you. You sound as if you have had a normal life with a normal family and no horrible slanders being aimed at you and no people involved in sihr targeting you. I wish I could have a normal life too but it has not been like that for me and I am tired of all the weird things that have been happening in my life. I feel as if I am cursed.

      • Walaikum Salam wrwb,
        Sister! Sorry to hear the way you are feeling. May Allah (swt) have mercy upon you and pick you up once again from depth of darkness as HE has always done before iA. First and foremost of all; I urge you to please do not think of suicide. You will commit this heinous act until the day of judgement and it is the most hated sin in the eyes of Allah (swt). You honestly don't think that committing suicide (which is forbidden and is sinful/haram) an expect Allah (swt) to forgive you?

        Sister, you have on several occasions said that Allah (swt) sent help and showed the truth to the people when these people slandered you. These people are really do not have a good character for they accuse you of Zina which they don't have any proof. Only if they would know the severe punishment of accusing someone of this major sin.

        Glorious Quran says;
        And those who launch a charge against chaste women and produce not four witnesses (to support their allegation), flog them with eighty stripes: and reject their evidence ever after: for such men are wicked transgressors. (Chapter 24 Surah Noor verse 4).

        If you read Quran than you will know how much agony and trials different Prophets had to face. These were the people who were guaranteed Jannah, yet they had to face test as well. Similarly, earning Jannah isn't easy; we must go through tests as well to claim Jannah. In fact the reason these Prophets had to go through all those hardships was for us follower to understand that we will face several trials in our life time as well. And just as they always begged and pleaded with Allah (swt), we must do the same because we know that there is none who can relieve us of our pain and sorrows except Allah (swt).

        Try to move away from these people if possible or get yourself busy with study, work or charity work to distract from their gossiping, slandering and backbiting. One important thing I would like to say is to not react at all to their claims; you don't need whole world to approve that you are a good human beings, a chaste Muslim woman Alhamdullilah. As long as you have the trust and respect of your close family and friends; else don't matter.

        Read the stories of Prophets Job, Joseph, Jesus and Holy Prophet (PBUH) and learn to be patient iA.

        Read this article and I hope this will help you calm down and be patient.

        May Allah (swt) ease your pain and help you get through this as HE has always. Amin

        Muhammad1982, Editor.

  3. SisterZ and Leyla have answered beautifully. I just want to add one more thing.

    It is appalling to see that people take Jahannam in jest. At least this is what the title conveyed to me. Temporary or permanent Hell? WTH? The fire of Hell and its other forms of punishment are so severe that a thousandth of a second in it is enough punishment for any human being. The Messenger of Allah, whom Allah had forgiven all his sins, would cry bitterly whenever he recited verses from the Quran that talked about Jahannam. Despite knowing that Allah had forgiven him, he used to weep so much that his beard would be soaked in his tears. The noble companions at mention of Jahannam would sometimes faint immediately. Such was their fear of Jahannam. How many times our eyes became teary when we mentioned Hell?

    Just put your finger in the fire of this world and count the number of seconds you can take it. If you cannot take it for couple of seconds, what led you think that you can temporary withstand the Fire that Allah specifically created to punish His slaves who transgressed His boundary? And even if it is temporary stay (I am talking about other sins here, excluding suicide), do you know the duration of this temporary stay? It can be million of years. No one knows except Allah. And how many times the Messenger of Allah said that a day in the hereafter is equivalent of thousand days of this world?

    So my brothers and sisters! Fear Allah as He should be feared. Fear His punishment. How many times in the Quran Allah said that He is indeed severe in retribution? May Allah forgive all of us. May Allah forgive our sins. May Allah preserve our skins from the fire of Hell. Oh Allah! Being mere your slaves, being mere mortal humans, we do not have the ability to withstand Your punishment. Allah! Shower us with your mercy and save us from Hell. Admit us in Jannat without taking account of our deeds. Ameen.

    • Good point Stranger,

      We should not take solace in knowing that anyone with even an atoms weight of imaan will eventually be taken out of Hell and put into Jannah. Doing something purposely because we think that we'll get out of hell anyway, is completely wrong; and one second of being hell will feel like eternity.

      Ya Allah, save us all from the evil of this life and the next and grant us with only the good of this life and the next - Aameen.


      • QUOTE[We should not take solace in knowing that anyone with even an atoms weight of imaan will eventually be taken out of Hell and put into Jannah. Doing something purposely because we think that we'll get out of hell anyway, is completely wrong;]UNQUOTE

        This is another good point. Yes, the hadeeth that said that anyone with an atom's weight of imaan would eventually be admitted to Jannah is true. However, if someone takes this hadeeth and then willfully indulges in sin, he or she is actually is taking only a part of the prophetic sayings (sunnah) and abandoning the rest of the sunnah and the Quran altogether, where numerous warnings have been given about transgressing the boundary of Allah. In a nutshell, taking this hadeeth as solace and then doing forbidden things are like taking only a single part of the deen and then abandoning the rest. Only Allah can decide if salvation is possible with such attitude.

  4. asalamu alaikum,

    im short on time so il get to the point. you will be in hell fire eternally. if you have imaan in your heart then you wouldnt be commiting suicide, but instead prayin for allahs forgiveness. also sayin la ilaha illa allah and commits suicide wont benefit you, you aint gonna fool no one.

    ma salama

    • Ahmed, I don't know what's going on with your comments lately. You have been very unkind with the questioners. And in this case you are wrong. As the questioner pointed out, Allah forgives all sins except shirk. Even someone who commits suicide would eventually enter Paradise as long as he/she believes in the Oneness of Allah, worshiping nothing beside Him.

      However, as others have pointed out, no one should think that even one second in Hell is acceptable or tolerable. It is not. A short stay in Hell is not a goal to strive for, astaghfirullah. We are not put here on this earth to settle for sin and disobedience, but to strive for Allah's pleasure.

      Ahmed, I don't know if you are having a difficult time lately in your own life and maybe that's coming out in your comments... you need to take a step back and ask yourself what is the purpose of replying to these people? Is it to put them in their place? Or to enlighten them and educate others at the same time?

      Wael Editor

    • but what about the hadith then? what is the islamic ruling in this case?

    • Ahmed you need to wake up an smell the coffee,not much to describe your taughts ul depress people even further

  5. wael it was my mistake, allah forgives anythin below shirk , its his will to punish or not. it was a type error. but apart from that i dont see it offensive. im not here to point at anyone nor am i judging anyone. but how could a muslim with imaan say such a thing bout suicide?

    no one wants to go hell but by doin suicide thats like you deliberatelly askin for it. by jus sayin allah will forgive anythin below shirk(which is true), we shouldnt make it seem like its ok to do so. as muslim we should help them get that sickness out of thier minds. otherwise they will think this is the easy way out and eventually i will go jannah.

    also im not havin any problems in my life.


  6. Salaam,

    I think that muslims should show compassion when they comment on the subject of suicide. There are persons who might read your comments and have had a relative die through suicide - as in my case. And as usual there are people that are appalled that we don't take hell seriously enough and like to emphasis how horrible it is going to be (see above comment) - i believe Allah is more love and light than punisher. He only punishers those that deserve it and that is all we need to know. We dont have to all turn into psycho mouth foaming idiots and preach that all is over and you are doomed! And these people are always screaming the loudest and love to to be so sure that eveyone else is going to hell but them. I am certain of Allahs compassion and I see this is in the beauty he has created for us on earth, as opposed to the hell that man has created. In the case of suicide. I very close relative of mine died this way not too long ago. I and everyone that has ever known her have nothing but nice words to say about her she was one of the nicest, most sincere kindest and God fearing people I have ever met. Unfortunately this person suffered from a mental condition brought on by years of abuse, violence and fear. The person I know eventually drifted in and out of insanity, until they could not take it any more. So before anyone applies a sentence read in a hadith to mean 'hell for sure'. Why don't you apply the scenario of loosing your mind to yourselves. Imagine waking up one morning and feeling your reality slipping away and knowing that you are going mad, and that you may loose everything and on top of that have no one to turn to that you can trust, because you now see everyone as evil and out to get you! Imagine this hell and imagine what you may do in this circumstance. It is very easy to say pray, or read the Quaran but when your mind goes, you stop reasoning and you stop having senses i.e you can't even eat or sleep.
    Unfortunately Muslims have still not gotten over the idea that mental illness is like any other illness and on top of this they are frightening the person half to death about being touched by evil, they also shun the person as being Godless. Where is the compassion!
    Please comment with the idea that what you write can also affect a person who has suffered a tragedy of suicide of a loved one. Writing that a suicide victim is for certain destined for hell, even though you have never met the person (for all you know they could have been a charitable person, loving and generous to the poor and needy but very sensitive and shy because of past abuses as a child, they could have been a better muslim than yourselves in the years when the were sane!)
    In matters like this it is always best to refrain from saying 'Hell is your destination' with backed up little one word phrases quoted or translated out of context from the Quran. The Quran is supposed to be read as a whole and every passage feeds into the other and compliments to give us a divine order. One word phrases can always be translated out of context - especially when you are ignorant of an illness.

    Allah knows best.

    • I agree with you Latifa, one can only be judged on his/her actions if he is in his right mind and sane.

      Allah knows best what your relative was going through, may He(swt) have Mercy upon us all, aameen.

      SisterZ Editor

    • Well said sister.Who are we to give up on one another.Alaah is all forgiving.

  7. Thank you sister for your kind words.

    • Salaams to all,such a sad society we live in,in short 2yrs ago my fiance hung himself due to depression, I am still struggling to accept his gone forever to make matters worse my family never has given me moral support because he was a revert,since his death I have been diagnosed with depression,I'm undergoing councilling sessions and taking meds,as I read comments on here it angers me to read how many of you has already taken allahs position to judge suicidal victims,less talking an more action is needed from our muslim communities,find ways to assist a suicidal person an families who have lost loved ones an quit being judges cause allah is thee only judge..wasalaams

      • I'm very sorry to hear about your loss, sister Fathima. I can think of few things more difficult than what you experienced. As far as helping suicidal people, you are absolutely right. I do believe that our website has played a role in that regard, Insha'Allah.

        Wael Editor

  8. As a point, should we open the debate up to how ridiculously poor the services are in Muslim countries for people with mental health issues or depression or suicide thoughts.

    I understand taking your life is not permitted, but I think that the majority of the people who do so are more likely to be completely insane. Death is scary and it goes against every natural law. As Muslims we should be doing more as a community to reach these people and help, instead of condemning them. Suicide rates, are rising around the world and unfortunately the Muslim community has the worst record of sweeping these incidents (mental health issues and the like) under the table. It is considered by many ‘Muslim’ countries as an evil brought on by the persons lack of faith and in some cases Imams refuse to read prayers for that person or government bodies don’t feel the need to hold statistics.
    I'll give you an example, in the UAE there are many Muslims suffering from mental issues, drug abuse or alcohol problems. Much of these problems can be resolved through medication and community support linked to a Mosque. Instead you will find that mental health hospitals, or drug and alcohol rehabilitation units are hidden from public view in remote locations. Additionally to make the matter worse they are often given innocent sounding names like 'children’s hospital' because of the shame associated with these clinics. So they are quite hard to track down if you need to find them in the yellow pages. I remember going to one such 'children’s hospital' and finding many adults with mental issues. The very nice Psychiatrist that met me stated that he wouldn't wouldn’t wish the place on his worst enemy. Unfortunately these poorly managed clinics exists in a lot of Muslim countries, people with problems such a mental illness can just about dig their own graves, support is nonexistent! It is a shame on the Muslim Ummah as a whole.
    And for every Muslim that commits suicide out of desperation, may the blame be on all Muslims for this sin. as the services out there to help people in desperation are very poor and inhumane! We are still in the stone ages when it comes to understanding and helping people with this condition.

    No one wants to kill themselves, but when I see what people with depression or mental conditions have to deal with, I am certain that even a 'sane' person would crack, especially when faced with the notion that they may be strapped down and forced medication against their will. In some cases, they feel like they are being tortured and believe that the doctors are trying to kill, (why else would they be strapping a person to a bed!) seen from their point of view - it makes sense because they dont know their ill! In such cases some people decide they want the dignity of leaving the world on their own terms. Until we create institutions which help people, with compassion and respect, many more people are going to be frightened to ask for help or decide that they have no option but to commit suicide.

    Ma salam.

  9. Thank you latifa for your lovely comments. i have a cousin that commit suicide and tonights his first night in the grave. so your words were very comforting. i hope Allah forgives him for his sin and grants him a place in heaven. he was only in his youth, he had his whole life ahead of him. and im sure he had so much faith in Allah but maybe his mental state got the better of him. May God Forgive You My Brother.


    • Salaam Sima,

      I will pray for him and may Allah bless him and help him on his journey in the hereafter and forgive him his sins and grant him peace.


  10. My dear sister Latifa, after reading your comment on showing compassion for suicide victims, I was left with tears in my eyes. The thought of terminating my life had been swimming in my head for a few years, and the sensation was made worse knowing that the community would simply reject the act as a cowardly way out, and that Allah (SWT) would never forgive me for it. Your thoughtful and compassionate comment reminded me of Allah's infinite compassion and mercy, and has relieved a good bit of stress inside of me.

    Naturally I will not commit this act out of fear ... but more importantly ... out of love of Allah, but your display of kindness and thoughtful consideration on this topic has really touched my soul. Jazak`Allah Khairan, and I sincerely pray that Allah infinitely blesses you and your loved ones (Ameen).

    • Salaam Sadiq,
      Thank you for your kindness.
      Your life is a marvellous gift Brother Sadiq, the fact you feel at odds in this world i think is normal, many people feel this - absolutely nothing wrong with your sadness - it is a sign that you are on a journey. Have trust in Allah (SWT) he loves you more than you can ever understand. All the prophets (PBUH) suffered immensely in this life and they were also loved greatly by Allah (SWT) so your suffering can't be a bad thing and Inshallah all will become clear soon for you.
      Reading your message meant a great deal to me,
      I thank Allah (SWT) for your being safe with us. You are unique –, no one like you will ever come this way again. That is the gift that Allah (SWT) bestows on you, your family and friends and now me.
      You are in my prayers Brother. My Allah(SWT) give you Noor.

      “Two Wings of Love: God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches by means of opposites, so that you have two wings to fly, not one”.

  11. Assalamu'alaikum.

    Another point to think about it the torture and despair that those left behind will feel if their loved one ends their life. Parents, siblings, other relatives, close friends..... they will be very hurt if you commit suicide.

    That said, there are some people who are very mentally ill and they may or may not be held accountable, Allahu'alam.

    If you have thoughts of suicide you should see your Imam or talk to a counselor.. anyone who will listen and can help you. You should also consider consulting a physician or psychiatrist. There are medications these days that help with depression and Allah Ta'ala sent down every disease with its cure (or treatment).

    I have struggled with depression for 20 years but I would consider medication if it got to the point of contemplating suicide insha'Allah.

  12. Assalamu'alaikum.

    my abbu committed sucide. will he enter heaven or hell? will he be forgiven and enter heaven and when. please let me know.

  13. SUICIDE, Those who commit suicide in my opinion are selfish and donnot respect themselves and there loved ones. They donnot realise the pain and suffering they put every one through. Brothers and sisters donnot look for excuses the cover up such a vile act. The Quraan is clear on it and you will be given Jahannam. Donnot change the meaning of the Quraan you will be committing KUFR. Quraan is a cure for all illness so if we were to read it everyday and pray our salaah 5 times a day and make Zikrullah we will not be thinking along those lines. Allah save us all from thinking of commiting such a vile act.

  14. Slm. My uncle just committed suicide 3days ago. I still feel like I'm stuck in a bad dream and I'm going to wake up. Its all too painful and surreal. I just wanted to say that we can comment as much as we want but ultimately Allah swt is the best and only judge of all.only he knows everything and his mercy is abundant. Don't give up hope and feel that ur loved one is doomed forever. Even thought this act is forbiden and they will be severly punished. U have to have hope in dua. Make lots of dua for ur loved ones that have committed suicide. And read quraan for them. It is something that is very powerful and can help them in the afterlife. We are their loved ones left on this earth. If we could not help protect them in this world..then try for the hereafter and never stop asking allah to shower them and us all for mercy. Dua will also help us feel better and ease our pain and guilt.

  15. Salaam,

    After reading all these comments makes me feel that there really is a lot of sadness, and things that aren't jn out control. I feel very bad reading this but all we can do is ask Allah to be the judge for these ppl who hve passed.
    Just yesterday, I was very sad and disheartened. After 10 yrs of suffering, being a divorced grl as well, constantly meeting he wrong ppl, being hurt, and at times I feel cursed or the victim of sum sihr... I told my mom that I'm tired of my life, I dnt wanna live! I'm sick and tired of being tested. Y does Allah bring ppl in this world to be tested so much? I'm not a mother, but I dnt even wanna kno wut my mom went thru seeing her daughter crying and feeling hopeless. I've thought abt not wanting to live anymore but I know I'm not that brave. At times wen ur life's so unfair u just don't know anymore. I told my mother that all I've given her & my father were problems, I feel llke a burden. I don't want false hope that ill ever meet sumone cuz I feel so unlucky and alone.
    Plz pray for me brothers and sisters. I dnt want to hurt my parents or family but sumtimes I just can't take anymore. I dnt know Allah is stopping me, and If He is can't He make our lives better and turn them around?

  16. A person who commits sucide if he is mentally ill will he enter paradise His brain is weakened he cant think or make decisions properly have been masturbating for 19 years he is 40 years now old cant think or make decisions on his own brain is all dead . need help please

    • Assalaamualaikam

      If you feel you may have a mental health problem, it would be worth speaking to your doctor about it to see if you can get some help. There are many options available for conventional medicine, herbal remedies, talking therapies, etc. so inshaAllah you'll find at least one that helps relieve your distress. Remember to turn to Allah and beg Him for strength; keep up your prayers and practice.

      The issue of whether a person who has ended their own life is punished or granted Paradise is an often debated one, and scholars far more knowledgeable than I am spend years considering it. My advice would be: Why take the risk? Do everything you can to help yourself, trust in Allah, and know that your deeds and your struggles will be recompensed in the next life, inshaAllah.

      Masturbation in itself isn't classified as a mental illness. If you feel you are addicted to masturbation or that you wish to cut down/stop, I'd recommend looking at the posts already published on this website, as there is some good advice there.

      May Allah watch over you and help you keep to the straight path.

      Midnightmoon editor

      • Assalaamualaikam bro

        I need your help my whole face is being destroyed no girl wants to marry me, this disease has eaten me up from inside I cry almost all the time my career is being destroyed by this disease can you tell me is it my father or my mother fault or my fault. I am completely insane nobody hires me for a job not even a small job. Please tell me if I commit sucide will I be able to enter paradise
        one day I have a strong believe in Allah(swt) . I am suffering from a mental disorder. I have committed sucide but luckily got saved I am going to try one more time need your help please

        • Assalaamualaikam

          If you feel at risk of harming yourself, it's important to get yourself to a safe place - with people you trust, or go to your doctor or nearest hospital. It seems like you would benefit from seeking professional help for your problems.

          If you need advice specific to your personal situation, please write a new post and submit it for publication - if you provide details of what you are going through, inshaAllah we should be able to give more relevant advice.

          May Allah's strength and love sustain you.


          • Masturbating is my parents fault or my fault . because I had been masturbating since I was 14 years old and now I am 40 years old every body abuses me but I dont have a courage to say to them they beat me up but I can say a word have no power . nobody wants to marry me.
            My face has become ugly and distorted .Handpractice has destroyed my career as my whole life
            Anger is no part of my life have no sense people make a fool out of me . I am completely insane
            I am addicted to this disease.

        • Can you contact me bro?

          • Assalaamualaikam

            I'm sorry, we do not allow the exchange of personal contact information.


  17. My life is full of mistakes cannot correct them because of my mental disorder makes mistakes all times and take rubbish and can cause trouble to innocent people without knowing or thinking brain is abnormal and weak. Get hired for a job and gets fired in a month cant stay for long .need advice

  18. people tell me that I am fraud and very smart , but I myself is weak from inside If I am smart Iwould not end up taking like this I feel hatred in me I always hate myself because of abusing myself in form of handpractice . I know people at young age do it but they know the harmful effects of it. It destroyes you life after 35years of age
    you loose everything in this world and hereafter is destroyed in islam t is worst than commiting zina

  19. Is it worth committing sucide will I be able to go in paradise after serving my punishment in hell need your answer please

    • asalamu alaikum,

      Allah(swt) said, And do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another). Surely, Allâh is Most Merciful to you.}[4:29].

      Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said: "Whoever purposely throws himself from a mountain and kill, himself, will be in the Hell-Fire falling down into it and abiding therein perpetually forever; and whoever drinks poison and kills himself with it, he will be carrying his poison in his hand and drinking it in the Hell-Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever, and who ever kills himself with an iron weapon, will be carrying that weapon in his hand and stabbing his abdomen with it in the Hell-Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever" . [Reported by Imam al-Bukhari ].

      The above-stated Hadith indicates that killing oneself is one of the major sins that cause one to reside in the Hell-Fire forever.

      its not worth it. a temporary solution to a bigger problem. you cant even put your hand over a cooker for a few seconds, how you gonna bear it for years?

      we all gonna die, so don't rush towards your death.

      ma salama..

    • asad, presumably you want to commit suicide because you find your life unbearable. But what if your life was far worse than it is - what if you were in extreme physical pain every moment, without relief, and you had no pleasure, no good food to eat, no shelter over your head, and what if this torment continued day after day, year after year, far beyond a normal human lifespan - for 1,000 years, 10,000 years, 50,000?

      That is Hell. So do you see how crazy it is to trade a temporary life of difficulty for an unimaginably long life of absolute torment?

      It's much, much better to obey Allah SWT and do your best with this life, and thereby earn Allah's pleasure and reward.

      Wael Editor

      • Respected Sir

        I need an answer in view of quran a person is a muslim but he commits adultery all his life he knows that their is a severe punishment from Allah (swt) ,but he strongly belief in Allah(swt), after he is dead without any repentance from Allah (swt) will he enter paradise one day or he will remain in hell forever. Need your advice please

        • Allah knows best. But as I said, even one moment in Hell is a torment not worth risking. And there is no such thing as one moment in Hell. Do your best in this life and make tawbah. Whatever difficulty you are facing, there is a way out.


        • I just wanted to add, you said, he commits adultery all his life he knows that their is a severe punishment from Allah (swt)? the door to repentance is still open as long as you haven't seen the angel of death or the rising of the sun from the west.

          you still have time to make things right. the opportunity is right now, don't miss out..


          • but sir if he dies for example without any repentence will he be in hell forever I am talking about an person who has been committing adultery all his life ,he is an adulterer .but believes in Allah(swt

          • Assalaamualaikam

            Asad, it seems that you have a particular situation that is concerning you. If you require advice, please submit your questions as a new post for publication, so that they can be answered in turn, inshaAllah, rather than continuing to comment on this thread - that way you can explain your situation in detail and get more relevant responses.


          • As-salamu Alaykum,
            As Ahmed said, the door to repentance is always open, even for adulterers. Reading your posts above, though, I hope you are not confusing adultery with masturbation. It is not, as you stated, "worse than committing zina." In fact, masturbation can be acceptable in many cases, especially if it helps keep one away from actual fornication with a woman. In general, I feel that many people become obsessed with the fact they are masturbating, giving it a lot more thought and importance than it deserves. When you obsess over something like this, making it the focus of your life, it will cause you to be disgusted with yourself and in a constant state of fear. Having said that, if you are addicted to the practice, it can cause disruptions in your life. And if you are using pornography and stuff as aids, this is wrong in Islam. I think you should take it a bit easy and first of all understand that probably the majority of people on Earth have masturbated as it is a natural instinct that children/teenagers feel when their bodies start to mature. Understand that I am not actually recommending masturbation, even though it may seem that way from my words. I am just saying it is not the big deal you are making it into and it is certainly not at the same level of zina. So, once you understand this, you will Insha'Allah be in a better position to stop the habit because what it actually is for many people is a bad habit that turns into an addiction whereby they can't work or focus on other important things in life. Think about the things that cause you to do this and get rid of them. If it's pornography on the computer, for example, be strong and get rid of it. Go out to exercise and involve yourself in beneficial activities. A Muslim is not meant to sit at home wasting his time. Try to do something beneficial for others. If you can't work, volunteer for some cause, and see where that takes you. Maybe you will start making contacts with people who can help you find stable work. I will also say that mental illness is something that can often be treated but you might need a friend or family member to help you take the first steps and to make sure you take any needed medications on time. I have known many people who were mentally ill who were very resistant to medication but were totally normal once they started taking the recommended medications. In almost all cases, they had to be forced by their families. Try not to feel such despair. People understand and care about you.

        • the answer is there, The below-stated Hadith indicates that killing oneself is one of the major sins that cause one to reside in the Hell-Fire forever.

          Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said: "Whoever purposely throws himself from a mountain and kill, himself, will be in the Hell-Fire falling down into it and abiding therein perpetually forever; and whoever drinks poison and kills himself with it, he will be carrying his poison in his hand and drinking it in the Hell-Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever, and who ever kills himself with an iron weapon, will be carrying that weapon in his hand and stabbing his abdomen with it in the Hell-Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever" . [Reported by Imam al-Bukhari ].

      • Dear Mr Wael,

        It is true as we dont understand the reality of life as hereafter is eternal , what if the person bear the disease patiently, will he or she granted jannah if his or her aqidah is strong...

    • AsSalaamu Alaikum Brother Asad,

      When you commit suicide, you have killed a soul that Allah has created and made sacred, and therefore the punishment for you in hell will be permanently (May Allah forbid this to happen!)

      Allah (swt) says:

      “And those who do not implore besides God any other god, and do not kill the soul which God has made sacred—except in the pursuit of justice—and do not commit adultery. Whoever does that will face penalties. The punishment will be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will dwell therein in humiliation forever.” (Quran 25: 68 – 69)

      Also, by commiting suicide, you have rejected a revelation among the revelations of Allah, as Allah have said, “And do not kill the soul which God has made sacred, except in the course of justice. …”(Quran 17: 33) "Those who reject Our revelations—We will scorch them in a Fire. Every time their skins are cooked, We will replace them with other skins, so they will experience the suffering. God is Most Powerful, Most Wise." (Quran 4: 56

      Again, Allah says, "...whoever kills a person—unless it is for murder or corruption on earth—it is as if he killed the whole of mankind..." So imagine getting punished in hell forever like someone who have killed the whole mankind!

      Again Allah says, "Whoever kills a believer deliberately, the penalty for him is Hell, where he will remain forever. And God will be angry with him, and will curse him, and will prepare for him a terrible punishment." (Quran 4:93)

      • “And those who do not implore besides God any other god, and do not kill the soul which God has made sacred—except in the pursuit of justice—and do not commit adultery. Whoever does that will face penalties. The punishment will be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will dwell therein in humiliation forever.” (Quran 25: 68 – 69)

        Issah in view of quran an adulterer will remain in hell forever will he come out from there one day
        or remain in there forever. need advice Issah please

        • AsSalaamu Alaikum Brother Asad,

          Actually, I posted my comment and then saw that you have changed your mind regarding the suicide, and I am glad you did, Alhamdulillah. May Allah continue to guide you and us all. Ameen!

          As to your question regarding the adulterer, when you continue reading the same surah, you will see that Allah (swt) exempts those who have sincerely repented in Dunya before their death, and did good deeds, and then died as believers. I will quote the complete Ayah below inshaAllah.

          68. And those who do not implore besides Allah any other god, and do not kill the soul which Allah has made sacred—except in the pursuit of justice—and do not commit adultery. Whoever does that will face penalties.

          69. The punishment will be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will dwell therein in humiliation forever.

          70. Except for those who repent, and believe, and do good deeds. These—Allah will replace their bad deeds with good deeds. Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.
          (Quran 25: 68 – 70)

          • 68. And those who do not implore besides Allah any other god, and do not kill the soul which Allah has made sacred—except in the pursuit of justice—and do not commit adultery. Whoever does that will face penalties.

            69. The punishment will be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will dwell therein in humiliation forever.

            70. Except for those who repent, and believe, and do good deeds. These—Allah will replace their bad deeds with good deeds. Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.

            71. Whoever repents and acts righteously—has inclined towards Allah with repentance.
            (Quran 25: 68 – 71)

  20. killing oneself is not a solution I think a person should fight against depression life is given by Allah(swt) we cannot just take it is Allah(swt) he his the owner of the life we have no control over us. I have to stand up and show myself that I am something worth an ant would not give up but why should I give up my life I have 30more year to live I am 40 now. Killing would not help me

    • Yes! Thank you brother. You are 100% right. Your life has worth, and it belongs to Allah, and as you said, life is short anyway, so why make it shorter?

      Wael Editor

      • And those who do not implore besides God any other god, and do not kill the soul which God has made sacred—except in the pursuit of justice—and do not commit adultery. Whoever does that will face penalties. The punishment will be doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will dwell therein in humiliation forever.” (Quran 25: 68 – 69)

        Wael in view of quran an adulterer will remain in hell forever or will he come out from there one day or remain in there forever. need advice please

  21. I posted a post but its still showing pending. Please guide me how to make it visible for others to comment.

    • Salaams,

      I was unable to locate your post on a brief search for it, but right now we are still working on posts from the beginning of december. I would say it will take about 6-8 weeks from the time you submitted it for it to be published in shaa Allah.

      -Amy Editor

  22. my beautiful brother committed suicide 7 weeks ago. He was only 25. I struggle to understand why so many muslims rule it as conclusive that he will be admitted to hell. We all know that everything is a matter between ourselves alone and our Creator. Most of our close Muslim families completely isolated us, speaking candidly on the day of his janaza on a social site like facebook. This is a life. Memories. and there people I looked up to as being "better Muslims" did this to us. We were only left with a select few families to support us. My brother was a gentleman, he was so so giving. He would give you his sandwich if you looked at it. He might have been one of those people who couldn't say no. He worked hard and sent money every month for my parents. If my parents needed something he wouldn't buy something for himself just to give it to them. In fact if I cried, he'd even cook a meal and give me a plate of food in my hand. He was a beautiful person and I have to believe in Allah (swt) mercy which is mentioned throughout the Quraan despite his final sin and despite my own sins. Because if I cant turn to Allah and continuously make dua and better my life as well, then what do I have???Nothing. I too will have no hope of being forgiven for my own sins. Allah reminds us of his mercy and I do not deny my brothers sin but I do not deny my own too. And that's what Muslims should remember before they caste the judgement in stone. Because I keep reading that I can still turn to Allah and I will continue to beg for his pardon especially over my brother. Just like others have said, Suicide is one act, the person has also committed many other acts throughout their life up until that point. And why do we forget how the every day sins like "gossiping", "jealousy" "pride" and "arrogance" are viewed. We look at everything else but forget how much of this we commit. The Moulana gave a very apt speech on my brothers 40th day esaale sawaab. He asked all of us how sure were we that we were given jannat. Help families in need. Allah tests us even with our enemies so that we can show humility and kindness. May Allah pak forgive all marhooms who have died in this unfortunate way for surely he knows their hearts best.

    Also, please don't recommend any tablets to those suffering with depression. I didn't know until recently that my brother had been given some anxiety tablets for a competition he participated in for being nervous about sweating. He abruptly stopped the tablets thinking he only needed it for a two weeks. Turns out it was anti-epilepsy medication and we should not unnecessarily take in chemicals that affect the balance in our brain. I am very suspicious after seeing many articles about people being affected terribly by this medications. For me, it falls into intoxication as well. If not worse. Do not recommend it to people unless its really critical and only a very experienced professional should do this

  23. I am feel mentally ill all the time due to masturbation for past 15 years also I am in the condition of insanity
    where I cannot think or use my mind . My face is distorted i am impotent no girl wants to marry me because I am a mad person . I dont have a brain it is all depeled .I am going to commit sucide tonight by cutting my right hand wrist with a knife . Please forgive me i want to cry for hrlp cannot do any thing please pray for me ..

  24. Please give me a advice how should I kill myself Please

  25. Need help I am mentally ill due to heavy masturbation addict I fell alone and dispair all the time makes mistake all the time . My brain is dead cannot think or make decisions no girl want to marry me I want to commit sucide tonight want to cut my wrist with a knife . please need help pray for me may allah forgive for this act.

  26. will I be able to come in heaven or paradise

    • No. If you kill yourself, you will go straight to the Hell-Fire with no delay (we have no knowledge to guaranty you of Allah's mercy in this regards).

      The Hell-Fire is very hot. It is even hotter than the fire you see or the heat you feel in this world, and you are going to stay in it forever, and you will endure a severe punishment therein forever.

      1- Is that what you want???
      2- Do you want to go to the Hell-Fire???
      3- Are you ready to feel the heat of the Hell-Fire???
      4- Are you ready to endure the severe punishment in the Hell-Fire???
      5- Do you think the Hell-Fire is much better than the troubles you are facing in this world???

      The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) says:

      "Whoever purposely throws himself from a mountain and kills himself, will be in the (Hell) Fire falling down into it and abiding therein perpetually forever; and whoever drinks poison and kills himself with it, he will be carrying his poison in his hand and drinking it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever; and whoever kills himself with an iron weapon, will be carrying that weapon in his hand and stabbing his abdomen with it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever"

      . [Bukhari and Muslim].


    • Assalaamualaikam

      I would urge you to read the other comments regarding the importance of not committing such an act - no matter how difficult things are in this life, they are not permanent, and if we live our lives in accordance with Islamic principles, and try hard, inshaAllah we can one day enter Jannah. But killing oneself means we cannot complete our tests in this life, and means we are committing a major sin - one for which we cannot even repent, as we would not be alive to do so.

      Speak to someone about how you are feeling - if you feel unable to speak with your family, there are crisis services in many communities, which inshaAllah should be able to give you some support and advice - if you are in the UK, for example, you could speak to Breathing Space or ask NHS 24 to put you through to your local NHS support services. If you feel you might act on your thoughts, or have harmed yourself, please contact the emergency medical services (eg. 999, 911) and ask for help.

      You are not alone. We are your brothers and sisters in Islam, and above all else, you have your faith in Allah and His love.

      Don't give up.

      Midnightmoon editor

    • AsSalaamu Alaikum Brother Numair,

      If a Muslim kills himself after knowing that suicide is haram (as you know now), his punishment in the hell-fire will be forever, according to evidences from the Holy Quran and Hadiths.

      A true Muslim will enter paradise someday inshaAllah, but a true Muslim does not commit suicide either. If you kill yourself after knowing that it is haram to do so, then you are not a true Muslim, and therefore you will have a severe punishment in the hell-fire forever, for rejecting Allah's revelations.

      "Those who reject Our revelations—We will scorch them in a Fire. Every time their skins are cooked, We will replace them with other skins, so they will experience the suffering. Allah is Most Powerful, Most Wise."

      (Quran 4: 56

      "The believers (or the true Muslims) are those whose hearts tremble when Allah is mentioned, and when His revelations are recited to them, they strengthen them in faith, and upon their Lord they rely. (They are) those who perform the prayer (salah five times daily); and from Our provisions to them, they spend. These are the true believers (true Muslims). They have high standing with their Lord, and forgiveness, and a generous provision."

      (Quran 8: 2-4)

      "Whoever purposely throws himself from a mountain and kills himself, will be in the (Hell) Fire falling down into it and abiding therein perpetually forever; and whoever drinks poison and kills himself with it, he will be carrying his poison in his hand and drinking it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever; and whoever kills himself with an iron weapon, will be carrying that weapon in his hand and stabbing his abdomen with it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever"

      [Bukhari and Muslim]

  28. My father never told me to pray nor he scold me of doing bad habit . he was happy that I dont use to pray rather I use to look bad womens . I started masturbating at the age of 14 years I never knew about this that it is a bad habit and will destroy my world and the hereafter . I use to do hand practice four times a week now I am
    35years old with alll full of dirt in my mind I am ugly and also I am completely insane from mind. I talk rubbish
    things all the time . He used to be happy when i am like this but now I am destroyed he is happy . When at young age I used to pray he used to scold me that why I am praying and beat me up and want me to see porn movies make me dirty person . No decent women want to marry me because I masturbate all my life. My father
    told me it is a good thing but now I know that it is worst than commit zina there is no forgives for a person who masturbatesa all his life in islam . I am ugly and insane my mind is dead from inside tell me whose fault is this is this my fault or my parents fault please need help

    • AsSalaamu Alaikum Brother Numair,

      I am so sorry to know what your father has done to your life. However, I would like you to know that there are many people out there who never had Islamic guidance all their life, because they were not born Muslims. They were born and raised in societies where engaging in bad habits were easier, yet they grew up and used their intellect to search for the right path. They were able to change their bad habits to good habits, which made them to live a better and happier life. Some of them may be older than you, so it's not impossible for you at 35 to be able to use the intellect that Allah Has given you to start doing the right thing now.

      Your father is at fault for leading you astray, but you will also be at fault for not using your intellect to do the right thing when you became an adult, and Allah blessed you with an intellect to reason and make decisions for yourself. You can do so by learning much about Islam and starting to practice well. When you do so, Allah will make you a better person, and make you live a happier life, and then make decent women to marry you, inshaAllah.

      Stop watching porn, since that is what led you to masturbation. If you can't stop it right-away, do it gradually. Allah will forgive you when He sees your efforts, inshaAllah. But when you kill yourself, we can't guarantee you of Allah's forgiveness.

      • My intellectual power is all gone . I am completely dump cant think . I dont have common sense at all

        • It was the power of your intellect that led you to understand that you have a problem. You can use the same power of intellect to get the solution to your problem, inshaAllah.

  29. Is masturbation or hand practice my father's or my mother fault or my fault . Thinking of nude womens and having sex going into ones mind and doing hand practice since the age of 14 till 35 now I am . It is my fault or my father's fault now no women want to marry me

    • Your problem is not from masturbation. It is due to your lack of practicing your deen, which makes you feel hopeless and depressed. You need to start practicing your deen NOW before it becomes too late for you!

      May Allah guide you and help you. Ameen.

  30. now I want ot commit sucide because my brain is all dead from inside it is all depleted . will I be forgiven by Allah .This addiction has eaten me up my who life is destoryed please help me I dont want to die

  31. I am going to commit sucide tonight by cutting my wrist with a knife .because my mental condition is not okay
    I have been touch by evil forces masturbation for the past 15 years my brain has damage and face has become ugly .I have been deceived by lots of people . Do you think Allah will forgive me for killing myself
    or will I be punished in this world and will I enter paradise one day

    • The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, "...whoever kills himself with an iron weapon (like a knife), will be carrying that weapon (i.e. the knife) in his hand and stabbing his abdomen with it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever"

      [Bukhari and Muslim]

      You problem is not from masturbation. It is due to your lack of practicing your deen, which makes you hopeless and depressed. You need to start practicing NOW!

  32. tonight is my last night I am tried of been tortured by mentally

    • The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said,

      "Whoever purposely throws himself from a mountain and kills himself, will be in the (Hell) Fire falling down into it and abiding therein perpetually forever; and whoever drinks poison and kills himself with it, he will be carrying his poison in his hand and drinking it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever; and whoever kills himself with an iron weapon (like a knife), will be carrying that weapon (i.e. the knife) in his hand and stabbing his abdomen with it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever"

      [Bukhari and Muslim]

    • Assalam alaikum,

      Most likely you are being tormented by whispers from shayateen and they will mercilessly repeat things in your own voice to you and take advantage of your weakness in efforts to quell your existence.

      You need to hold fast to reading verses of the Quran and fight back with the Remembrance of Allah swt. Allah swt's Mercy is ever greater than them and Allah is there, if you decide to turn to Him.

      It is all your decision and you can escape all this if you FIRST believe in Allah, believe that you can be better and deny acting on the whispers you are experiencing.

      Get some professional help and I pray that Allah eases your pain, Ameen.

  33. If a person is INSANE his mind is not working properly and he commits sucide how will god judge him
    His mentally is insane

    • A person insane does not know that he is insane, let alone for him to know that Allah does not punish the insane. It was the power of your intellect that led you to understand that you have a problem. You can use the same power of intellect to get the solution to your problem, inshaAllah.

  34. Salam,

    I am a 29 years old guy, I've always loved life,I am a very charismatic intelligent and a good looking guy.i am happy to be me...
    The problem is for the past nine years I became sick. In the begining It was one thing but with time let's say I became in a total destruction phase...
    Since 2010 I had endured unimaginable phisical pain, bones and muscles, on the outside I look okay el hamdulelah but the inside is a total reck. Did 7 operations already... None helped... Traveled to the best doctors in the world I even read all the books and articles that could be related to my situation. I went to the best physiotherapists , osteopaths , water therapists , shiatsu... Did everything that you could possibly try... Nothing worked... I've been fighting through the pain doing stuff that even my doctors couldn't believe I could achieve.
    Just so that you know what is up with me:
    -both my shoulders are broken can't operate em anymore
    - the neck
    - the whole spine
    -the Lower back
    -the hip
    -both my knees
    I haven't slept for more than 3 hours for the past 4 years, there is not one position that makes me comfortable...
    I am in pain for 24 hours,7 days a week.

    I have committed lots of sins in my life, most of them let's say zina,i was a kind of player who had lots of women...
    So I say to myself maybe god loves me more than I deserve,so that's why I am suffering to pay here all my debts before I move to the next world.
    Every night I pray:" plz god forgive me and take me to you"
    I love life but lately I can't live like that anymore the pain is increasing.i am thinking of committing suicide after Ramadan is done, hoping that god will forgive me, because it is said in the Quran that god can forgive anything except ishrak fi el Allah...

    What do you think?
    Ps:I am not a desperate person who gave up, I am just a realistic, my case will only get worse and not better.


    • Brother Salam, have you tried Islamic healing? In the Quran Allah Says there is shafa or cure in honey. Drink honey and recite Allah's Name 'ya Allah ya Shaafi'. Get pure honey,not sugar dissolved in honey. Many people adulterate honey for profit even big companies. I live in Pakistan and mashaAllah I got pure honey from a hakeem. However long I leave it in my cupboard, for months or whatever, it does not solidify with sugar precipitating out of it. According to the hadith the Prophet Sm recommended honey for diseases. Moreover, recite Surah Fatihah which is the surah of Shifa after prayer, blow into your hands and rub your hands over the painful areas of your body. This is how it is done in he hadith. Prayer is a must brother. Without prayer there is no acceptance of any good deed or dua according to he hadith, though rest lies to the Will of Allah. Do this and inshAllah you will get Shifa. I just used to run after doctors and not get well. Now I pray to Allah and take the medicine Allah prescribed in the Quran, honey and surah fatihah and alhamdulillah Allah Gave me Shifa. May Allah Mercy you, me and everyone. amen.

  35. I love a musilm girl and she also loves me alot but she is scared of her parents and im ready to convert also and even then after few days she is started avioding me and i want to kill my self . what will happen to her if i die cause of her any sin for her ?

    • Salaams,

      First of all, if you want to convert, do it because you sincerely believe in Islam. Not for marriage or for a woman.

      Second of all, committing suicide is a sin for Muslims. Even if you did convert, committing suicide would cause you to go to Hell in the hereafter. If you die a non Muslim, chances are you would be going to Hell for disbelief as well.

      She will not be punished for anything you do- whether you convert or not, convert and sin or not, or commit suicide. She is only accountable for her own actions. You are accountable for yours.

      -Amy Editor

  36. Sir
    I fell very alone n lonley though i have faith in allaha that always gud wil come my way but i never hapnd one whom i luv cant dare to tell his family an my parents cant understand me i just wana sucide bcoz rather that give 1000 pain to my family its better to make a one sin n finish of the problem

  37. Salam everyone I have a question I've commited zina when I was 16 now I'm 20 I really really regret it but I want to know if I can commit suicide

    • alina, there is no need for suicide and you must put such thoughts out of your head altogether. Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Everyone makes mistakes in this life. Read our articles on Tawbah in Islam (see the links at the top of the page).

      Wael Editor

  38. I read all reviews,comments,hadith and Quran verdicts not I know it's a gunnah e kabira(the greatest sin), the reason I want to die on 23rd April is that m at the age of 29 n failed to complete my Mba only because my 1 course was left n I got time barred.on bachelor'sdegree u won't b able to find a good job so I am jobless plus drugs mom often says to me that it would b much betta if u born dead neither alive, or why u don't get died I wanna get rid ov u,y don't u die,get lost I dun wanna c ur bloody face,I'll b glad to see you dead or with broken leg so that I got a reason to sit idol n jobless.I want to fulfill my mom's wish that's y I took this decision.may God forbid me for my sins (AMEEN).

    • Brother Bilal, your mother has poisoned your mind. I'm sorry to say this, because our mothers are supposed to love us and be kind, but your mother's words are cruel and damaging.

      Instead of killing yourself, get some distance between you and your mom. Move out of her house (if you still live with her). Go to a treatment program and get off the drugs. Even if you don't get the career you would have liked, you can still get any job. You can work, get married and have a happy life. Even very poor people are often happy. And who knows, maybe one day you can complete the MBA.

      The key is to get away from your mom, because her poisonous words are killing your soul.

      Please read my article: If You Have an Abusive Parent, Learn to Value Yourself

      And stop these thoughts of suicide. It is not a solution to anything and will only open you to Allah's punishment in the aakhirah.

      Please also read my article on Suicide in Islam

      Best regards,

      Wael Editor

  39. Asalaam Waalaykum

    I love my Allah and make tawbah every day for the mistake I committed 5yrs ago- I had an online friendship with a man, nothing sexual or emotional on my part but it became more for him. When my husband found out, he accused me of having an affair and refused to believe anything I said, he only believed what that man told him.
    Five almost six yrs have past and Alhumdullillah my husband and I are still married...
    But he is unhappy with me. When he is in a good mood he says he loves me but when I make a mistake or forget to do something he tells me he hates me, that I make his life miserable, that I want him to get sick and die, that I am the reason he is not happy because I worry about everybody else but him. He hits me when he gets angry like this, at first I use to submissively take the hiding, but I now hit back. Our relationship has come to a point where it feels like I am the only reason for unhappiness in our house. I do not want to be that. I beg Allah everyday to forgive my sins, to forgive me for hurting my husband, for hurting my family and make dua that Allah ends my life because even my husband makes dua that I die. I want to know if a person committs suicide because they believe that their death and non existence will bring ease and happiness to the people they love and if they do it on a Friday, will that person still go to hell?

    I cannot bare to see my children and husband so unhappy. He cannot forgive me but will not divorce me or let me take my children and leave so I feel the only way to bring happiness and peace into their lives is by taking my own

  40. Assalamualaikum,

    I have one younger sister who have committed suicide .i supposed that she was in heavy mental torture by her she was suppressed that is why she committed suicide so my question is that what would be her punishment as i know who do suicide he will never go to jannat. and is their any way for us that we can do for her from this world that she can get it and Allah will forgive her and reduce her punishment .please reply ass soon as possible

  41. ***
    Allah Hu Akbar

  42. ...I'm getting tired...

    • A.E., I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties. Please read my article, Suicide in Islam. Perhaps it will benefit you, Insha'Allah.

      Wael Editor

  43. I tried to commit suicide by eating shampoo but I spit it will I be forgiven

    • Zoe, certainly you will be forgiven if you make sincere tawbah (repentance) to Allah. Please read my article on Suicide in Islam. My best wishes to you.

      Wael Editor

      • Wael thank u but can I ask another question I was very small when I did this not on a very serious thing I have a small heart I take everything very deeply do u think Allah will forgive me because I was small and I was u know a child with no I don't know like brain mind I hope u understand I just can't explain....

  44. I have bipolar disorder and I'm a muslim. When I'm in a 'down' state, I have no idea what I'm doing. This illness makes you impulsive. So in 10 seconds I can think that suicide is the anwser or .. I start painting a flower. I'm trying to say that when I'm unstable I have no control over my mind and body. I pray and believe in Allah, but when I'm in a bad state i can't remember anything good about myself' my life etc and when I try to pray,.. I can't. I don't know why. I'm on my meds and do therapy, but with bipolar disorder you never know when it's coming. I've been hospitalized 7 times.. Now about suicide. I'm stable and love Allah and he's the one who gave me this illness and he always has his reasons so I accept, but maybe in an hour I will have an episode (I can never predict it) and do something stupid and kill myself. Is this my fault then? Something that I cannot control, something I work on to be better but never can predict, will I go to hell for an impulsive mistake during an episode? Truly, I don't believe it. There are so many bad people who murder innocent people, rape children etc. Will Allah put me in the same place with those people for an eternity? I don't know but I don't believe it. I didn't chose for this, Allah gave me this illness and I fight everyday to survive. Nobody can truly know the answer to your question, only Allah will decide. I just wanted to share my opinion. So my personal answer is that Allah (maybe) will forgive and open the gates to heaven for those with mental conditions. I can only speak about suicide with mental illness, but if someone kills himself to escape problems like debts or something, That's a different story.

    • Allah does not hold people to account if they are not fully sane, i.e. not in control of their mental faculties. This is a basic principle of Islam.

      Wael Editor

  45. You and Alaah SAW have your own relationship.If you are shackled and being raped everyday and take your own life...(this is what happened to 2 Muslim girls in Cambodia 15 and 19) who are we to say their imaan is weak or that they don't truly believe ? We don't know others circumstance ... imagine being killed bit by bit everyday on the inside? Still they asked the guard outside to not just throw their bodies in a pit but to recite quraan wherever their bodies will be dumped. This report hit me hard... I couldn't understand why they will go from one Hell to another Hell. I'm a proud Muslim but what really makes me angry is that as Muslims we always so quick to judge one another. ALAAH WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON YOU ,HE KNOWS YOUR HEART HE KNOWS YOUR STRUGGLES AND YOUR STORY HE IS THE AUTHOR OF THE QURAAN AND HE IS THE MOST FORGIVING.WHATEVER YOU DO FOR WHATEVER REASON ..... HE ALREADY KNOWS.

  46. My 13th year old boy commited suicide. He was raised well with Islamic faith. He had khatam Quran, he believed in Allah, a very smart and good responsible boy. He always kind to everybody, love us, his parents and brothers dearly. He ia an angel child. But he has mental illness that caused him depression in such a sort time due to his puberty, so short that we didn't know that he had depression (he always cheerful 24/7), so we didn't got a chance to take him to a therapist. Evil sound spoke in his head frequently, we found that in his writing after his death.
    Do I want to believe he will be punished and goes to jahanam? Of course no. No mother in the right mind want to think that.
    Do I believe Allah will forgive him, considering it is an illness? Of course I do.

    I have to have good trust in Allah.
    I have to believe Allah will judge him wholeheartedly, 100% of his good behaviour throughout his life, his Islam, his faith.

    This is the first time I read a response about suicide which considering iman islam and mental illness. Thank you for that.

  47. I strongly believe in Allah
    I also read Quran and find solution but my life is not changing and am able to do anything too
    I just don't want live anymore
    I am afraid of doing suicide too thinking the punishments of hereafter
    But i can't take anymore
    My bad memories follows me like shadow
    My health is not curing its more thn 4 years now
    There are so many problems too
    I am just 20 years old

    • Anika, please read my article, Suicide in Islam.

      You're still young. You can make a new life for yourself, and leave those bad memories behind. As for poor health, it is a trial from Allah. Be patient with it, and Allah will reward you more than you can imagine.

      Wael Editor

  48. Hi all. My boyfriend passed away a few days ago due to a heart condition. He went through at least ten surgeries and suffered greatly before passing. The thing is, he would've been fine if it wasn't for me. He was a really sensitive person, and he also was born with a weak heart, so every time he got hurt or depressed it affected his heart. I wasn't the best girlfriend I could be (only when we argued because I would never consider his feelings). His condition got worse because of our constant fighting. I know if I had just been kinder to him or learned to handle him gently during an argument he'd still be here. I want to end it all. I had nothing before he came along, yet I destroyed the very thing that gave me purpose in life. I cant live knowing that I killed him. He denied that I was the cause of his condition worsening and he even said I didn't kill him when I broke down and apologized for everything I did and for draining him of life. He forgave me for everything and never stopped loving me even after everything I put him through. It could've been avoided, I just cant live the rest of my life after taking his life. Would Allah forgive me if I commit suicide for this reason? I took away someone else's life in a way, I have no right to enjoy what my boyfriend cannot. Please help me. I don't know what to do. I want to be reunited with my love in the hereafter, but that can only be done if I'm not sent to the Hell-Fire. But he was only 17 years old. And if I live my life I'll be old and gray. Would we still be reunited? Sorry for all the questions, I just feel really lost.

    • Aun, I doubt VERY much if your boyfriend would have been fine if not for you. It sounds as though he had a very serious heart condition that would have threatened his life no matter what. You seem to believe that the stress of your fighting killed him. But all life has stress. If he had not been with you he would have experienced stress over something else.

      In Islam believe that the time and manner of our death is part of our Qadar - our destiny or predestination, determined by Allah. We cannot alter it. You are not responsible for his death in any way.

      So please stop these thoughts of suicide. Killing yourself will not benefit you or your boyfriend, and if you do so you will never be reunited because you will be in Hell while he - Insha'Allah - will be in Jannah.

      If you truly want to do something good for your boyfriend, pray for him. Make dua' for him. Donate sadaqah and dedicate it to him. Make Hajj and pray for him. In other words, live your life, do good deeds, and pray for this young man who died so soon.

      Wael Editor

  49. Pls can Allah help me I'm sucidal everyday I'm a Muslim but I have committed so much sin in my life now I'm mentally ill

    • Dearest Shazad,

      May Allah bless you and help you through this difficult time. If you are feeling so sad and in despair, first turn to Allah and the Quran, and second, remember that there is help out there for you. Allah blessed us with the knowledge of science and in turn with doctors, psychologists, and other mental health professionals who can give you help. I pray that you will speak with a doctor, a counselor, etc. as well as pray and seek Allah’s guidance. I know that it can be difficult to ask for help, even from a doctor, and that sometimes people thinking of suicide can feel embarrassed or feel like they are a burden on others, even though that is not true. Remember that it is ok to seek help, and that even if you have sinned, Allah always gives us a chance to begin again. He, in all His wisdom, never gives more than we can handle. I believe this because he has given us all ways to ask for help and get help. I pray that you are guided to the help that you need. Please take comfort in knowing that there are others who have been in similar situations and needed counceling, medicine, or whatever it takes to get them through it, and that they have overcome and survived. Only Allah knows your destiny, but as someone who has needed help and been blessed to receive it, I pray that you find it as well. Allah bless you and keep you.

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