Islamic marriage advice and family advice


English Translation of the Dua for Istikhaarah

Dua for Istikhaarah

I love a man and he loves me a lot too. He proposed me of marriage and we performed istikhara from two different molvi's from each our side. The reply from both sides came very good and positive. The boy's parents were not ready to bring rishta at my house so early and all sisters also went against him but after convincing every family member and 7 months all of a sudden his parents were ready to came at my home. During this whole period I kept reciting istikhara dua(only dua) and make dua to Allah that if we are meant to be together please make our difficulties easier and Alhamduillah every time things became easier. After the two families met, my parents didn't like his family saying we don't find the people good but they approve the man saying he is perfect. They start giving illogical reasons saying they are not of our community also they start accusing me and themselves that what kind of daughter we get who is asking to maary a man who's family we are not approving. They started emotional blackmailing saying if you want to marry him go we will also forget we have a daughter. The man is perfect and loves me a lot and wants to marry me only, his family is also not bad too.

I have been reciting istikhara dua(only dua) and only pray to Allah the same dua that if we are meant together make our difficulties easier. Every time I recite and pray I get a positive wibe that this is the man for me and my parents will agree. I don't know if this is the answer to my istikhara?

I started doing the proper istikhara (praying nafal, then dua then sleep) but haven't get any signs yet.

Is the positive wibes an answer to my istikhara?


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2 Responses »

  1. assalaamu alaykum Believes

    Allaah swt replies in a Subtle way, perhaps in a dream, or with pos vibes, so yes I believe you've received a reply in the affirmative. Stay very Respectful to your parents and have Patience. If this was indeed the reply of the Omniscient your marriage Will Happen insha' Allaah.

  2. Sister,

    You belong to a man and a family who love you, appreciate you and value you.
    Nevermind, how amazing he is. His family are the ones you have to deal with later more than him. If they do not appreciate you now, how will they value you later?

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