Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Would I be stoned to death for marrying secretly?

secret nikah

Salam, I just got married without my parents permission and it's my first time getting married. I wanted to know if it is Haram for a virgin girl to get married without parents permission. Is this considered Zina? Will Allah forgive me for this mistake even though I didn't knew about this?

I had a big wedding party my husband wasted over $7,000 on the wedding and there was an Imam that read the wedding ayat. Then my husband & his family told me if that ayat is read to you that means you are husband & wife then I accepted that idea and spent the night with my husband.

Please answer me did I commit Zina? if so I really need to be punished for that I need to be stoned to death please my dear brothers and sisters help me...

- faride

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5 Responses »

  1. Salaams,

    Of the things that validate an Islamic marriage, having "parental permission" is not listed as an obligation. There are many reasons and aspects that one should get parental blessing before marrying, but it is not considered a requirement according to sharia. So even if you did marry without your parents knowing, as long as all the Islamic conditions for the wedding were met (mahr, wali, consent to marry, etc), then the marriage stands valid.

    However sister, zina is not punishable by shariah law via stoning. I think you might be getting that confused with the punishment for adultery, which is a different offense altogether. I'm not sure of the exact details, but the traditional shariah punishment for zina is lashes. Like I said before, if you truly met the conditions for marriage at your nikah, then zina would not apply to your situation. If by chance one of them was overlooked but you didn't know it, then the best thing for you is to make tawbah and remove yourself from your husband until the ceremony is conducted correctly.

    I think another issue you should give attention to is the reason you went against your parents and married in secret. Do you really want to put a barrier between you and your family by starting your new life this way? I think that there are some areas that you might want to mend with your parents as well, unless you had a strong reason to act on your own as you did (for instance, if your parents were abusive or immoral unbelievers etc). Go to them and apologize for being insensitive, and ask for their forgiveness for any ways you hurt them. It just may be that the pain you caused them is weighing more against you in the eyes of Allah than a technicality about your wedding.

    -Amy Editor

    • In Islamic Sharia,

      01. If an unmarried man or or an unmarried woman commits zina, the punishment is 100 lashes.

      02. If a married man or a married woman commits zina, the punishment is death by stoning.

      In the Quran, you only find the verse that talks about punishment of lashes. However, it is authentically reported that the Messenger of Allah himself administered the punishment of stoning and there is simply no way of denying that death by stoning is part of our sharia.

      In fact, there was a verse revealed earlier in the Quran which specifically talked about the punishment of stoning. Later however, the verse was abrogated from recitation at the direction of Allah through Arch Angel Gabriel but its ruling was preserved. That is why Amirul Mumineed Omar (R) said,

      'Umar said, "I am afraid that after a long time has passed, people may say, ‘We do not find the Verses of the Rajam (stoning to death) in the Holy Book,' and consequently they may go astray by leaving an obligation that Allah has revealed. Lo! I confirm that the penalty of Rajam be inflicted on him who commits illegal sexual intercourse, if he is already married and the crime is proved by witnesses or pregnancy or confession." Sufyan added, "I have memorized this narration in this way." 'Umar added, "Surely Allah's Apostle carried out the penalty of Rajam, and so did we after him."

  2. Assalamualkium
    As far as i a aware a woman is unable to get married without the wali's consent, and a womans first wali is her father, if a wali was present may i ask who carried the duty?

    Q. Is it permissible for a man and woman to get married without parental consent?

    Answer: Upon a proposal coming for one’s child, parents are responsible for the selection of the spouse for their children with the consent of the child. One aspect deals with the compatibility between the intended couples. The other deals with parental consent so as to give the couple their blessings. Having this in the midst of your mental reservoirs, take note of what Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) mentioned: ‘a nikah without the consent of the wali is batil‘ (void, not having any religious weight.)

  3. Her parents are not d only wali that can stand for her. If her parents are not present or ready to be involved, her relations (from d fathers or d mothers side or her brothers) may be considered as d wali. Then if they are not present, a responsible and a reasonable beleiver (muslim) may serve as her gaudian and stand as d wali. . . Allah knows best. . .

  4. It's difficult to look at these cases in isolation.

    If you went against your parents will and they had a good reason (ie the brother is not good in his belief and practice of Islam, can't provide etc...) Then you will be answerable on the Day of Judgement

    I think it would be considerable if your parents denied you for no good reason. They usually come around so try and keep good akhlaq with them.

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