Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Bullying at School


Assalam Alaykoum,

I need help. I'm getting bullied at school by a mexican guy who's a grade older than me. He always cusses at me when he sees me, but I didn't do anything to him.  I feel like he is talking about me with his friends, but I don't understand why.

Is there a duaa I can recite that protects me and stops someone from hurting me mentally?


-Sister Nadia

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9 Responses »

  1. Assalam alaikum,

    Most schools have some sort of program against bullying--speak to a counsellor or a teacher at school that can help you with what to do.

    I do suggest that you record when and where the bullying has occurred in a journal. Also, make a audio or video recording of the bullying so that you have proof.

    Do not suffer in silence, tell the authorities at your school until this is dealt with. Depending on where you live, there be a toll free hotline that you can call to get help and they may even suggest to you to involve the police if this is getting out of hand.

    May Allah make it easier for you.

  2. prophet muhammad s.a.w says that if a person recites Ayatul qursiyu "LA haula wala quuwata illa billahil aliyul azeem" is such a great medicine it cures every disease and the most minor disease it cures is sorrow.

  3. Aslaamualaykhum

    Sister, tell your teacher about this. Bullying is an abhorrent act and you shoud tell your teacher and get him in trouble for it. Also don't let that person get to you with what they say - in through one ear and out through the other.

    Inshallah all will be ok my sister 🙂

  4. Assalaamualaikam

    Bullying is a horrible act, often carried out by people who are very insecure and hurting - they target other people and lash out to make themselves feel a bit better. There is no excuse for bullying, though, and this boy needs to learn that. Try to speak to one of your teachers, or if your school has a counsellor you could speak to them. Most schools have an anti-bullying policy that helps ensure students are listened to when they report bullying.

    You could also tell your parents what is happening, so that they can support you at home. You wouldn't necessarily need to go into all the details, but could start by telling them that a boy at school has been calling you horrible names and you have had to tell a teacher about it. If the school aren't dealing with things quickly enough, your parents may be able to speak with them and speed things up.

    It's never a nice feeling to feel that someone is being horrible to you. When I feel that someone is being mean to me or treating me unfairly, I find that it helps for me to read and think about Surah Al-Ankaboot (which was revealed to The Prophet (peace be upon him) at a time when Muslims were experiencing horrific persecution) and Ayatul Kursi.

    Midnightmoon editor

  5. salaam sister bullying is a terible act. This boy must learn that bullying is not right. do you live in the uk? If you do there is a special hotline called childline that deal with issues such as yours. you can contact childline at 08001111 or you can go to there website to see what it is like to talk to a counsler. The counselers at childline are trained. May allah ease your pain ameen If you are not confidant talking to a childline counsler over the phone, they have a feature on there website called 1 to 1 chat sessions which allow you to chat to a counsler using your keyboard. you may choose if you want to give the counseler that you are talking to your real name or not

  6. Assalamwalaikum,
    I understand that you may feel humiliated, scared and you don't understand why someone has to bully when you have done nothing wrong to them. Basically, your question is "what have I done to deserve this treatment?" and simply answered "you have done nothing wrong to him! but this is life, you don't always get what you deserve but you will be recompensated for the wrong treatment on Judgment Day". The sooner you accept this reality of life, the more easily you will get over such difficulties. You should know that whilst you have done nothing wrong, there is someone in the life of the bully that has done something wrong which causes his behavior and it is not your responsibility to tame him. Think about this... even if all the people of the world would come together to harm you, they will never be able to harm you, except that it would be the will of Allah subhana wa ta'ala. And even if all the people of the world would come together to benefit you, they will never be able to benefit you, except that it would be the will of Allah subhana wa ta'ala.

    Think of this as a lesson in humility from Allah subhana wa'tala. Embrace this experience. So that you will not behave like this mexican boy, when you are strong, when you have the upper hand or when you may be wronged by some other person.

    As for him cussing at you for no apparent reason, let him be and never give him any attention for it because that will only encourage him to bully you even more. I am not saying that you should be blind, but if it hurts you, ignore him as though he does not exist. His existence should not matter, because what he says of disrespect about you has no value. His cussing is of no value, he is not fooling anyone by his words but himself. Those who are smart and wise will recognize his flaws and leave him sooner or later. Those who are like him, will come closer to him and we don't want to be associate with such character.

    In addition to the advice mentioned in above comments to seek help from someone in authority, such as a teacher, counselor, headmaster, or principal, you should also find supporters, make friends with those who respect and understand you. This is very important as you need to surround yourself with people who build your esteem, confidence, and character. This forms a barrier from the bully's negative remarks, criticisms and cussing.

    There are some beautiful dua's you can find on that you could read, understand and memorize.

    I hope this helps, Insha-Allah! 🙂

  7. Salaam sister, May Allah bless you and keep you strong, you can make any dua 2 Allah, he will surely answer in-sha-allah!, I used to get bullied as well, I know how low it can make you feel but you don't worry sister Allah is with us, this time will surely pass. One dua that I just found on the internet is: Inni maghlubun fan-tassir
    O Allah! I am oppressed, therefore come to my help.
    The above advice is really good, hope I helped xxx

  8. well the best thing is that you should ignor and be patient... as respect is the precious thing which can be loose by qurrels specialy in these type of matters As Allah knows and looking everything HE will definitely punish him when same act wiil be done by another boys towards their sisters and it is obvious because it is a rule of nature everyone have to pay for their acts wether it is good or bad

  9. Sister,

    Bullying is a horrible thing, and especially if your the victim. You need to take action now. As others have advise speak to the teachers, speak to other elders family members etc. do not rest until it stops.

    Bullies usually pick on someone weaker then them. They are usually the ones who have some kind of insecurity in their life and they lash out at others who seem unable to defend themselves. He may also be jealous of you. I was bullied in school for getting good grades as others started getting jealous and picking on me. This made me feel worthless and demotivated me from studying.

    Whatever the reason you also need to make yourselves emotionally stronger. Do not let their words get to you. They will keep doing it as long as they know they are succeeding in upsetting you. Keep ignoring them. Laugh it off. Walk away. Act like you didn't hear them. They are the ones with the problem.

    To increase self confidence go to islamic groups, join clubs, take up kickboxing or karate, self defence classes. This will boost up your confidence.

    But take action now.

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