Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Married and Pregnant with my Ex’s Child


I really need some help.  

Please, the problem is that I  have been in relationship for 6 years and I  have married  someone else but I truly don't understand  how could I said yes to get married when I was in love with someone else.

I have done nothing sexually with my husband and I am pregnant and I really want this baby and I love my partner.

Can you please help?



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3 Responses »

  1. Salam-Alekum,
    Sister you have written the solution yourself in the question. I'll just rephrase it.

    You somehow became wife of someone you don't love. I'll suggest that you don't consume your marriage. Tell the whole situation to your husband, including that you still love your Ex and you accidentally got married. Get divorce from your husband. And go back to the father of the child and the man you love. I think its not fair to you and your husband to live a life of lie.

    And for Allah's sake, do not further destroy the life of your husband, by consuming the marriage or by being his wife since you love someone else. It will be extremely unfair to your husband to raise some else's child while thinking its his. I hope you realize what you have done to this man, and May Allah help your husband and you in figuring out this problem. I beg you not to let your husband live a life of lie it will be difficult for him to trust others but its much less difficult than him knowing down the road when he has wasted few years of his life with someone who does not even love him.


  2. I think I'm a little confused about the question, but from my understanding you have not consumated the marriage but you are married. Though you are pregnant with another man's baby?.... I suggest you annul your marriage, which can be done with ease since it has not be consumated. If not then you need to have a serious sit down with your huband and the father of your child. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and hope you didn't know you were pregnant when you married. It is a sticky situation; man does wrong himself!!

    Use the lessons in life to get close to Allah subhanhu wa tala before you meet your death. I think you should also take time to seriously contempate life and what it is you seek from this world. Most women if not all change after a child is born, life is seen through different eyes, they some how suddenly mature. Realize this, you carry a life within you that has rights over you. See yourself as a mother....though not yet one..and sincerely THINK .... think very hard!

    Umm Abdullah Editor

  3. Assalaam sister.

    I agree with the above advice - get your marriage annulled and marry your partner. I just wanted to add that zina is a major sin (I assume it was zina as you cant be married to 2 men!). Dont despair though - Allah is the Most Merciful so make sincere tawbah. The father of the baby should also make tawbah. I am not saying this to look down on you, but repentance is extremely important after a sin. Do some good deeds to help. Bring up the child as a good Muslim

    Sara Editor

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