Islamic marriage advice and family advice

How to get rid of porn and masturbation

Man feeling sad, unhappy man

In a Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), a comparison is given of the believer and the unbeliever who commits a sin. For the believer, the sin towers over him like a tall building ready to collapse; whereas, for the unbeliever, the sin is like a fly that he slaps away but it keeps coming back. For the believer, the sin committed may not be a grave sin, but he ponders over the crime day and night, regretting it. For the unbeliever, it does not matter whether the sin committed was grave or not, because the sinner does not care of the consequences.

My name is AbduL and I am 18.

Four years back I had sex with a couple of a guys and I had sex with a woman also, but now I am feeling ashamed of myself and I do tuba to Allah but I am Telling my heart from now on I will not do this.

But after to or three days I am watching porn or doing masturbation.

I am feeling bad for myself if Allah will punish me or not.

Plz help me my brothers and sisters...


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6 Responses »

  1. Kool, you have committed some great sins and you must make a sincere and earnest tawbah to Allah.

    With regards to the zinaa, please see our series on zinaa:

    The Sin of Fornication and Adultery – Part 1

    As far as the porn, we have answered questions from people with this problem many times. Please see some of these:

    My husband is addicted to online porn

    I am a girl addicted to sex websites, I feel guilty

    Questions about love, sex and pornography

    Religious father has turned to porn and prostitutes

    My father views pornography on the internet – what can I do about it?

    Wael Editor

  2. Assalam oalykum. believe me brother Wael since i have started replying and the moment i was aware of this websites i came to acquainted that these kind of things happen in our own Muslim community especially in west (UK, America ).I get boggled, angry , i cant explain the state of amalgamation of emotions i have !

    May allah swt protect these people.. ameen . And we need more and more dawah ,islah for our own people living back there.. May allah erect people for this cause vigorously ameen

  3. Salam my friend,
    Regarding your situation all i can say is that it is absolutely normal for you to have sexual desires ,because you are 18 at this point of time ( because it is puberty ) a particular part of your barin ( not sure of the name ) produces an extra amount of hormones which lead to a hyper-active sex drive.This is a phse and will eventually go away but you have to keep yourself in check as boys are most likely to sin in this age,it might be difficult but you must stay strong.Praying is a good solution as it keeps your faith strong and keeps you aware that ALLAH is always watching you.

    • Assalamoualaikum everyone I need help it not a joke I'm a strait men married with two kids but I'm addicted to gay porn and I do hand job while watching these gay porn please help I got more attract by men I need help it been like this in my mine long time I make dua I say I won't do again promise to Allah but again I will fall in the trap I was watching normal porn but nowI fell more satisfy with the gay porn i never sleep with a men I still have sex with my wife but it something else in my brain plz plz I need to get this out my head it killing me it enough is enough had it to long now

      • Dear just think that Almight Allah watching us every time.
        Secondly you busy yourself and get rid from the sources which make sure you watch porn etc.
        If you watch it on mobile, then turn off it and turn on in the morning or switch off the WiFi or Internet. Or pass that time with family out off home. All these tips will work if you willing to get rid off. Other wise all prevention are just waste of time.
        May Allah give us right path.
        Also recite sora faitha daily.

  4. Pray everyday and if u masturbate pray an extra 2 rakkats because satanhates when you pray but he loves when you do a sin. But he hates you praying more then comitting sin

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