Islamic marriage advice and family advice

I did istikhara for my love

English Translation of the Dua for Istikhaarah

Dua for Istikhaarah

As salam alikum , Brothers and sisters
May Allah Almighty bless you with happiness for giving a time to my question.

I am 17 years old and a good muslim i actually love one girl who is also Muslim and a good practicing Muslims. i was in love with her from almost years because she was neighbor before and i liked her very much.

One day i proposed her and asked her to be my future wife. and then she said that she is my best friend but she is in love with another person and after that day i did not forced her for my love proposals or i did not even talked about loving her after that day but i was in a true love with her so i always seek her from Allah to make her my future wife in my dua.

Now recently in night i did istikhara for my love that is she good for me or not then i saw a good dream in which i saw " i am with my father entering into the Holy Mosque of Mecca and then i saw complete Holy Mosque from inside and then me and my father enetered into and saw Holy Kabaa and we me and my father offered prayer " and then my eyes were opened.

I just want to know what is the meaning of that dream and i love her alot i cant imagine to forget her may Allah make her mine future wife please tell me the meaning of my dream and also tell me what should i do now.


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7 Responses »

  1. bro, you seem like a good guy, but she already said no to you. So, i don't what the istikhara going to do for you, because ultimately she declined your offer. I say you move on from her, i share you my experience, there was a girl i liked since i was little and i grew up liking her all my life and would think about her all the time. But in the end i found out she had no feelings for me, so i realized how much time i wasted.

    Either after some times, you can ask her again, and tell her how much you love and all the good qualities you have, maybe she would she her mind!

  2. Assalaamualaikam

    Istikhara isn't just about dreams. When we pray istikhara, we are asking Allah to guide us to something if it is best for us and to guide us away from something if it would be bad for us. Placing too much weight on dreams can be a bad idea, as a dream may mean something or nothing, and clinging too tightly to our own interpretation (which may be flawed) of a dream may mean we don't see the reality of a situation.

    In this case, the girl has declined your proposal due to having feelings for another person, and you have respected her wishes and not pressed the issue. It may be that in time, the situation changes, but that's how it is at the moment. If you want to, you could raise the issue again at some point in the future, by speaking with her wali, but until then, it's important to observe Islamic boundaries.

    Although it will be hard, try to find other ways to fill your time - why not study more about Islam, get involved in a community project, take up a new hobby, make plans for an Umrah or Hajj...?

    May Allah grant you a pious and loving wife when the time is right for you.

    Midnightmoon editor

  3. OP: Are you willing to accept her even if she is itimate relationship with another man?

  4. Asalam O Alaikum,
    My mom wants to get the istikhara done by a "Molvi" I told her she can't get it done by some kinda molvi. She said molvi's are allowed to do the istikharas and my other sister agreed with her. I wanted to know does it matter if a molvi tells you that he has seen negative dreams and stuff?

  5. can we do istakhara for that she will love you or not.

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