Islamic marriage advice and family advice

I want to divorce my drug-dealing husband

Pregnant woman depressed

I have been in a relationship with my partner for a year unfortunately our iman wasn't strong and I got pregnant. I told my family and he told his family what has happened and agreed to get married. He said he loved me and wanted to marry me but before we had the nikkah and I asked will you stop all the haran habits that have happened in the past and repent with me and he said yes.

We had the nikkah. It has been 2 months now and he is still drinking smoking selling drugs etc. I would like to divorce him and get married to my second cousin who always loved me and is willing to take care of me but can I get remarried after I give birth and divorce him and is it haram if I keep my child away from my husband because I am worried that he will be a bad role model for me as a husband and my child inshallah as a father? Please give me advice


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2 Responses »

  1. It is not haraam to keep the child away from him, he needs to grow up and take responsibility. He will not change and you cant change someone if you met them like that in the first place. He needs to repent himself and go towards Allah. He will regret not being man enough when he had the chance. Do not give up on him for being part of the child's life but if you strongly feel chances after chances are not enough then let him know his responsibility and leave the rest in the hands of Allah.

    If you leave him and divorce once when you give birth you can remarry again after 3 months according to Islam.

  2. Assalam alaikum,

    I strongly advise you to speak to an Imam and involve your family in this matter. Hopefully they see and understand your situation given that you and your child would be in danger if your husband is deeply involved in drugs and drug-dealing. Do not delay the matter. If you need to speak to a counsellor, then do so.

    Please make sincere tawbah for the time that you were unlawfully involved with your husband prior to marriage.

    May Allah ease your problems, Ameen.

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