Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Khula before rukhsati?

wedding ring

I have nikkah few months ago but I did not have my rukhsati yet because I am young and studying. My husband tried to touch me but we did not had intercourse and I don't think he is right person for me so if I ask for khula'h is iddah necessary or not? What should I do?


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4 Responses »

  1. You are married, it's normal for your husband to want to touch you. From my understanding, rukhsati is not mandatory. If you did nikah you're married.

    I don't understand

    . But I don't think I can answer ur question. From what I've heard, if there was no intercourse then you don't need to have an iddah. But I'm not sure. Allahu alim

  2. No, You should not do this Pls don't do

  3. Why are you so worried about iddat? Do you have very urgent plans for after your khula?

    I think you should think two and three times before you take a step like getting divorced.

  4. Sit down and Think back to how you met and how you came into marrying one another do you want that

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