Islamic marriage advice and family advice

My wife cheats on me


My wife is cheating me and sleeping with office man. She enjoys them and does not give me love time. She has secret friends.

I am not sleeping. I told her many times to leave chatting males. She doesn't even listen me. Others enjoy her and I do not sleep with my wife. My daughter is suffering. She doesn't care of my small baby. I even cannot sleep well and every time I am in depression.

I want ask her but I don’t want break my relation with my wife.

She tell me she work in office. She is cheating, hurting me. I have so many trouble in my life coz her love and sex for others. This trouble is so painful and I have fear only coz of her. She have fun out so give no right to me.

I want baby. I'll never forgive her. I am still bearing her relationship with every man in past. She cross the limit. I don't know what she want from other people. People call me from old city just tell the story that she sleep with him .

I just also keep dua and telling my wife that please don't do things like this, it is not a good thing. I ask her be away from mindless. She is too sick, coz she is trying to leave one person and she has new relationship. For what reason ? I don't know . She enjoy other and happy on me that I cry. I work and no sleep. She has boyfriends and sleeps with them, gives them love. She is not understanding the feeling, she needs only enjoyment. But I keep moving and struggling so inshallah will reach my destiny. So what I do?

May ALLAH give all of us lots of happiness.

Ahmad Dada

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6 Responses »

  1. Salam,

    Try asking her whether you are doing something wrong, and how you could make her happy. Then explain to her gently the seriousness of her actions, and tell her that she should repent for her sins. Perhaps there is something regarding sex that she wants from you that you don't give?

    But if she does not listen to any of your kind words and is spiteful, and remains that way, then you must either suffer or divorce her. I am not sure whether your marriage is even valid right now after she has committed adultery; somebody else can clarify that here.
    You might want to read this article:
    But I cannot guarantee that it will cover all the Islamic perspectives, and some of what it says might be considered extreme. Allahu a'lam.

    I know it is difficult to divorce when you have children, but you must decide whether she really is worth being your wife, especially if you are doing everything you can. It is harsh to say this, but this does not seem like a marriage worth being in.

  2. Oh my goodness, why are you still married to this woman? This is disgusting behaviour. She's committing sins and has no shame. She has no respect for you and it seems as though she doesn't care much for her child either. Tell her to stop and if she doesn't divorce her and InshaAllah find someone who is pious and of good morals !!!

  3. Assalam alaikum,

    We often hold onto people but the reasons can vary quite a bit. If she is treating you so horribly and has zero respect for you and this marriage, what makes you hold onto her? What does she represent that you are afraid to shatter that?

    If she doesn't want help and it doesn't appear so from your post, then you need to think about letting go of the emotional attachment that is playing a bigger role than what this marriage is serving you. This is no way to live.

    May Allah swt help you during this very difficult time, Ameen.

  4. Divorce her simply...Divorce is a hilall way ...Speak to her clearly if she does not agree divorce immediately and marry a pious wife .

  5. Assalam-o-Alaikum Brother,
    I went through the same situation and i also have one baby. My wife also was cheating with me but when i talk with her about this. She simple denied to me and trying to show me she has nothing done wrong. But when i show her the chatting proves than she was very embarassing in front of me . I just said to her, i can simply divorce you but because of my son i dont want to ruin his life and i am giving you one chance to prove me you are still loyal and honest to me. She is totally change now and she dont have any secret chat or phone calls anymore whenever i can check her phone and emails. And i found she is not lying me anymore. In your case i am feeling you still have some problems (visa matters) thats why she is not hesitating to do these kinds of things. Allah bless you

  6. Give her Divorce ...If she is sleeping with other men then you are sinfull if you keep her under nikah and tolerates her affairs ..Cuckold husband you will be called ..

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