Islamic marriage advice and family advice

I am being sexually molested and harassed.

Sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment is unacceptable and unlawful.


When I go overseas to visit my extended family, I have a cousin who looks at me in the wrong way and who touches me inappropriately.

What do I do? Please help.


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5 Responses »

  1. OP: When I go overseas to visit my extended family, I have a cousin who looks at me in the wrong way and who touches me inappropriately.

    How does he manage to touch you? If you don't say any thing, he is going to think it is OK with you. How many times this has happened? How do you react to his touching?

  2. What do you do?

    Don't go..... Simple

  3. Simpl: avoid him, and go back to your parents or leave living with them.

  4. Tell your father or brother

  5. The first thing that I wanted to say is that I am sorry this happened to you and it is not your fault. I suggest that you share this information with your mother. If you are nervous about telling her you can write it down and practice saying it beforehand. Something like- "Mom when we go to _________ please don't leave me alone with______ because he ____ and I am scared of him." Hopefully, your parents will not require that you visit this relative. Also, if he is doing this to you he is probably doing this to other girls, therefore, he should be stopped before more damage is done. May Allah protect you always. Salams

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