Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Is This Relationship Halal or Haram?

Pre-marital/extra-marital relationships are haram in Islam

Halaal and Haraam of Relationships

Asalam walikum brothers and sisters,

We love eachother very much in every way, and we are both trying to find ways to become more and more Halal, such as praying and trying to read Quran sharif and going to masjid on jumas, ect.

The problem is that we have such a strong physical attraction to eachother...and we've been together for a year now. The only thing stopping us from getting married is the fact that his parents hate me for not being Pakistani like them. So even though we do everything else Halal, I have this terrible feeling about being with him now because we are not married.

Is it Halal to be with him even if we both consider eachother to be husband/wife already? He has proposed to me, and I wear his engagment ring, but we are not married yet...

Please tell me the right thing to do inshalla.


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5 Responses »

  1. Sister Sheerpera, Assalamualaikum,

    The simple answer to your question is "no".

    Your relationship won't bd halaal until you do Nikah in a legal way.

    He can not become your "husband" just by consideration. A proper Nikah is necessary, which includes the consent of your Wali (your father or any othe Male Mahram)

    You can NOT be together without any relation, as this as Haraam.

    You said: "praying and trying to read Quran sharif and going to masjid on jumas"

    You can not do any of this together. He is to you, just like any other man. You should cut all contact with him in order to avoid a greater evil, or he should come to your father with a proposal and ensure your happiness with him.
    Without this, it is not Halaal in any way for you to be with him.

    I pray that Allah Helps you

    Muhammad Waseem Editor

  2. Wa'alaykumsalam,

    Being with a " non mahram " is by itself HARAAM, so no matter if you guys do all the Islamic acts together, it will never be accepted of you both as basically, the base is HARAAM. Mere engagement is not the Islamic legal way of wedding and every second you are near him is HARAAM and your sins keeps on increasing.

    Your only simple solution to make it HALAL is by marrying him Islamically. But for now stay far away from him as ' LOVE ' without Allah's blessing will cause distress, death to the heart, loss of hope etc, and this happens by being in love before wedding which is a sin in your case.

    Do tawbah and lots of them. Do isthikara too and all the best. Pray regularly.

  3. Salam sister,
    Are you really asking is it Halal or not? I'm not being mean but we all know that it is haraam. If your going to do wrong at least don't act like you don't know it is wrong. I'm talking in general not just bout you. You said you guys are doing everything Halal so just tell him to talk with his family more. They seem like an old tradition family. Are your parents ok with this? I know temptations are hard but just let him get everything situated with his parents. Salam

  4. I think you should pray istiqara before doing anything. You dont know how someone is until u live with them. Allah knows best.

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