Islamic marriage advice and family advice

How we can do marriage?

I love with Islam girl when my marriage near divorced. I am Christian religion and I am marry with same religion girl and get a baby. But my marriage is not have any happiness I get a problem with my wife every single day. Because she never accepted my ideas and my support.

I get marry with that girl becoz the drunk night and sleep with her. And then I accept my faults and marry to her. After marry 5 month later she is a big a problem in my life. I try to fix every problem between she and me but it’s not complete. When a time I have many problems she get baby with me. Lastly I say do you want to continue our relationship in this situation. She say no and then I decided to divorce with her after my baby born.

After my baby born and get 2 month old I get fall in love with Islam girl who really love on me. That time she also don’t know about me everything becoz I don’t tell to her. I decided to tell her after my divorce finished everything. But time is so fast she know it I have a wife already. And I explain to her about my situation in my family. She understands at all and she can accept everything. I also love in her so much more than everyone. When she talk with her mom I also introduced my self to her family. That time her family also don’t know about my problem. And my girlfriend also say don’t want to talk right now.

Everything is fine in that time after near the month of I need to sign at agreement of divorced. My old wife start to do big problem. She go to post me and my girlfriend photo at my gf sister Facebook and say ( This woman take my husband and take my husband own from me) . The bigger problem is come in here my gf sister call to her home and talk about this to all family members. My gf mom call to me and asked about this.( but first time I talk with  my gf mom about marry she answered everything is fine and can marry if I love her daughter) but now is changing her mom say me to stay away from her daughter and her mom say they will take their daughter to marry with the other guy.

My girlfriend and me cry every day about this her family give me zero percent in this situation answer is no we can’t accept on you becoz you are not Islam religion and have a wife already. Lastly my gf lie to her mom about she will stop love with me . But we are still love behind of this problem. Many problems are come in our relationship. But both of us can’t separate each other becoz we love each other too much. We never get fight each other we understand, explain, going and eating together. We know we can’t go together but we also don’t want to say goodbye each other without any reason.

I decided to learn about Islam religion at Islam school in every Sunday. After I know about religion and I trust in Allah in my mind. I start to pray every single day of my life. After I accept Islam religion is the best one for me I convert my religion to Islam . But now I want to marry with my gf in Islam law, but she also don’t know how to talk her family again about we still love each other and how we can marry in the permission of her parents. Becoz she scared her parents say No need to marry with him. I also can’t talk anymore to her family. If possible to marry in Islam way without her parents permission I know it’s a sin, but if we not marry we also don’t want to stay like this forever we want to have a good future and a good day. Please how we can do in this problem.


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1 Responses »

  1. Salaam, I would advise to be patient and wait. Try and solve your problems with future inlaws first and then proceed with marriage talk.
    If they don’t accept, leave her alone and move on with your life. InshaAllah Allah will replace what you have lost ten folds.

    Marry in haste, repent in leisure.

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