Trapped between the risk of zina and usury
Assalam wa Alikum
I am working in an unstable job (no guaranty regular hours) but I have an interest based student loan which I haven't paid off. I have paid less then quarter of it so far.
I don't know if it is best to use the money I earn to pay off some of the interest loan as soon as possible or use it to get married as I fear committing zina.
I don’t have relationships with males however I did commit zina in the past several times and have stopped as I regretted it but I am always scared of what would happen if I don’t get married.
I think Riba "Usury" is a bigger sin but think I should get married then start paying off loan, what do you think is best?
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Asalaamu alaikum, why cant you do both sis? I did, from my understanding you can choose how much to pay back. I used to pay a small amount in my unstable job and more in my stable ones. Also, I understand that fear that fear motivated me to marry the first person i remotely liked. Take your time, if you fear comitting zina then go ahead and look for proposals but take your time to get to know them properly and find someone you truly care about. I'm learning that the harder way. Stay chaste and Allah will provide for you. It happened to so many sisters around me, my sister, her friends, lots of young muslimahs the moment they became better muslimahs not long after Allah provided them with spouses. Make a wise decision. All the best,
marriage is half of iman so get married and Allah will make it easy for you.You have tobe confident and believe
OP: I don't know if it is best to use the money I earn to pay off some of the interest loan as soon as possible or use it to get married as I fear committing zina..............I don’t have relationships with males however I did commit zina in the past several times and have stopped as I regretted it but I am always scared of what would happen if I don’t get married.I think Riba "Usury" is a bigger sin but think I should get married then start paying off loan, what do you think is best?
You knew Riba is a bigger sin, why did you take student loan then. Paying interest ASAP may save you interest.
Is there a man who is willing to marry you? Take your time to find a good man. You have already committed Zina several times. Did you expect to marry the men you committed Zina with? Did you commit Zina because of student loans?
If you make good money, you can pay student loan and save money to get married too.
Marry the same person you commited zina after repentance.
Asalam alaikum,
Sister, instead of looking for a man, look for a full time job.paying off that loan is key before you accumulate any more riba in your life.
If you are having trouble holding back from a certain boy, then tell your parents and see what happens. Remeber that to get married it does not have to be big and pretty, and the man has most of the financial responsibility. But that said, also be careful to read the signs of good character in a man: 1) is he a practicing muslim, 2) does he treat his mother kindly and with respect, and 3) can he support you? If these three principals are met then go for it and get married in a modest fashion to avoid zina.
All the best,
P.s. Sister you are not obligated to share your sins with the world, for them to judge you.
the simple answer is GET MARRIED, and make lots of prayers and istigfar (repent and ask forgiveness) because it has direct impact on your income. , search on the results of istigfar and you will understand what i mean
the long answer is the answer of star101
May Allah make your task easy
Biggest sin is shirkh and then zina. I am not judging you but you should ask for forgiveness for the past mistakes. If you fever you will fornicate then get married asap but not to any random guy make sure he is good person (responsible and sensible). Try to clear loan as quickly as possible.
Why not work on both my dear,
Look for a full time job or a job that you feel comfortable and does not go against your islamic value and at the same time look for a husband.
There is time for both. Ask family and friends if they know anyone and make lots of dua.
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Get married, because you will have help inshallah to pay off your loan. Allah knows best. But zina is a big sin! May Allah make it easy amen
Get married and both of you can ward of the evil of Interest.