Islamic marriage advice and family advice

My Sister has been Suffering the Ignorance of her Husband; Please Advise

woman worried about her husband's behaviour

woman worried about her husband's behaviour

Salam Aleikum,

I am not really someone that likes to discuss ongoing problems but with what is going on now I would like to believe that a problem shared is a problem half solved.

We are a family of five children and we lost our mum six years ago. Its been hard without her i must say because I sometimes think maybe things would have turned out differently if she was alive. My Dad is alive and tries his best to be a good father but I believe his upbringing did not help him much as he wasn't raised in a steady home and was tossed from one family to another.

(His father died when he was young and the mother remarried but the step-dad refused to accept him). But somehow, I think he finds it difficult to handle the emotional aspect of things and gets very panicky and tosses blame when things go wrong.

My eldest sister is a beautiful person, inside and out but has been through so much pain in life that I feel so terrible for her about it. She has sacrificed so much for us, her siblings and immediately took up the role of mother for us when our mother passed on. However, she found it difficult to get a husband. She relocated from the United Kingdom to our home country after our mum passed after a lot of hassle from family and friends that she should come back home to find a husband and a job but for a very long time, she didn't get either.

She was always so depressed then that she would cry every time on the loss of our mum and the fact that she wasn't moving forward in life. Eventually, she got a job and at that job, met a man who she eventually married. Before she got married to this man, she realised from the behaviour of her mother-in-law that she did not exactly like the idea of them getting married but when she told the man she was no longer interested in getting married to him since it seemed his parents, especially his mother did not like the idea, the man went to discuss with the mother who later called my sister and more or less approved of the union.

Upon her marriage to this man, she got pregnant with their first child, but she ended up losing that child after about 7 months of being pregnant because she became hypertensive due to the problems form the marriage. ( Her husband resigned abruptly from work because he could not get along with his boss, which required her to work harder at work and made her think a lot about how they would cope after the baby came. Her in laws also did not make things easy for her and are always in their business).

It eventually got to the point that they had to operate on my sister and take the baby out prematurely or risk losing her if she continued with the pregnancy. Upon receiving information about the proposed cesarean section, my brother in law vanished and refused to sign the papers for the operation (He eventually told my sister that it was his mother that told him not to sign them). My sister had to sign the papers by herself and unfortunately lost the baby because it was premature and adequate medical care was lacking.

After that happened, they kept having money problems and it was my sister that was providing for the family. Eventually, my brother-in-law got another job that was paying less than what he was earning before and did not even provide any form of job security. My sister got pregnant again and because of her history with the previous pregnancy, decided to use her money to fund her travel and health expenses outside the country so she could get access to better healthcare, she however had to resign from her job to do this, because they were unwilling to give her the job promotion she was promised and refused to give her the requisite time off to manage her health during the second pregnancy.

She eventually traveled out of the country but before she did, submitted her husband's cv to a better company than he was at. My bro-in-law got called for an interview at this new company and didn't have money to go because it was far from where they lived so she gave him the money to go for the interview. Eventually he got the job at the new place before the new baby was born and it seemed everything would work out, but immediately my sister got back, her in-laws started butting in again. Showing up at their house without invitation or even informing them and even condemning my sister's way of doing things.

Even the sister-in-laws seemed to hold a grudge and never for once even took water at my sister's place whenever they visited. In my tradition, it is considered a sign that there is good heartedness where when a person visits and is offered something to eat or drink, even if its water, that the person takes something to show that there are no ill feelings. My sister's in-laws never took a sip of water talk less of food whenever they visited their home.

My sister put to bed and had a beautiful baby girl. (My sister stayed with our youngest sister for the duration of her pregnancy). After the birth of the child, her in-laws visited more often and always had something crude to say. At some point her mother-in-law told her that once the daughter stops breastfeeding, she would come and take her from my sister, which my sister and her husband never allowed.

The new job my brother-in-law got required him to relocate to another state and he came home weekends or every other weekend. Whenever he came home or his parents heard that he was coming home, they would complain that he was coming home too often and that he should stop coming home as much and save the flight money for the future. When all the drama got too much for my sister, and even though her chances of getting a job would be slimmer in the other state, she opted to move there to be with her husband. When she got there, things got a little bit better, and even though the family interference was still there, it was reduced.

A year after my sister moved, the security situation in that part of the country worsened and with that getting more and more brutal with the loss of many lives, she and her husband discussed and they decided that they would relocate back to the state they moved from (which is where the in-laws stay). Their agreement was that my sister would move first and try and get a job and that my bro-in-law would stay back in that state till he gets a transfer in the job he is in or get a new job. (This agreement was put in writing as they both discussed the pros and cons of moving and the pros outweighed the cons).

My bro-in-law said he was so sure about the decision they had made and asked my sister to start house hunting immediately, which my sister came down to do. (as it turned out, my bro-in-law was so sure about the decision only because his job was threatened at that time). My sister after going through a lot of stress, (i know, because we searched together) eventually found a flat for them. All that time, her husband refused to tell his parents about the plans to move and kept saying it was none of their business.

Eventually after they had paid for the flat, her husband revealed their plans to my dad and the in-laws,and all my dad told them was to think carefully before making a move back and pray about it. However, the in-laws were totally against it. Their reasons were that my sister would be out of a job and that it was not worth them moving back when she would not have a job and that their son would have to travel down weekends to see his family like he did before they moved. They called my dad and reported them to him and my dad told them that they are adults and should be left alone to make decisions for themselves.

While all this drama was ongoing, my sister found out that she was pregnant. At first she was worried about it because it meant she would not be able to get a new job like she had expected and discussed with her husband about it, that they could sublet the flat they had paid for and they would stay back where they were. But my brother-in-law refused and told her that that would make him work harder to move back and that the reasons they made the decision to move had not changed (His job was still at stake at this time.) (The reasons to move back were: 1. Better security 2. Better and cheaper schools for the kids 3. Better job prospects and job security)

After all said and done, my sister moved back with their daughter and enrolled her in school. Herself and her husband decided not to tell the in-laws about the pregnancy because they would only say things that would make her feel bad and would worsen her health condition. I was planning my own wedding around this period and my sister was helping me with it. She did not want her in-laws to know she was pregnant so she did not see them until my wedding day and planned t travel the next day. She however had a fight with her husband some days before my wedding.

On my wedding day, the in-laws saw her and were very angry. It also turned out that my bro-in-law had gone to tell them about their fight so immediately after the wedding, he told her that his parents wanted to see her and talk to her and out of respect she went there. Immediately they saw her, they told her to get on her knees (even though she was heavily pregnant) that she is a spoiled and proud. They then told their son that he's stupid for allowing his wife control him and went on and on to humiliate her. (they also said things about us, her siblings that they were not in any place to say)

That night, my sister was so upset that she told her husband that she wanted a divorce. He however begged her and when my dad heard, he said no child of his is getting divorced (I think he cares more about public image than how we feel). My sister forgave her husband and thought they could make it work. She traveled the next day with their daughter since she is too young to be left alone with any of us and she was scared of leaving her with the in-laws. After my sister traveled the relationship between her and her husband has gotten worse.

I am not trying to be biased or anything, I know my sister has her faults, but my bro-in-law is a difficult and egoistic man,and I think he has surrounded himself with people that fuel his ego. He hardly ever calls my sister even though she is pregnant with his child and is taking care of his other child. My niece developed some form of eye infection and he hardly ever called to check up on her even when they operated on her eyes, he didnt call. My sister had to call him. My sister is presently staiyng with our brother now and last week, shee stopped feeling the baby kick.

She ended up going to the hospital and was told that there was no heartbeat for the baby and that she had suffered from IUFD. She has been in the hospital since then, waiting to have a virginal delivery which the doctors have said is better. I know that Allah is merciful and my prayer for her is that she finds ease soonest. The Qur'an says "Verily after hardship comes ease" and I hope and pray that she gets through this and remains strong.

Since this happened, my brother in law hardly ever calls her and even when she asked him to come over to help with their daughter because my brother has to work and my sister has to go back to school in the US, he said he could not that he was waiting for approval at work. After sometime now, his new excuse is that he does not have the money, when my sister offered to pay for his ticket he told her he could not come that our younger sister that is schooling in the US should take their daughter with her.

I sincerely do not understand what is going on with this man and I do not want to bealive that any reasonable man would do this to his wife and child but now with all that's happened, my sister has decided to divorce him. To tell the truth, I am in support of the divorce becusse they have not even been married for 4 years and it seems the problems are endless. My sister believes that there is some black magic involved and she does exactly trust her in-laws.

All i just want is for her to survive this and live a long and happy life henceforth. My heart is breaking seeing her go thru all this and I wish I could take her pain away. She feels so miserable and alone and I am trying my best to pray and be there for her, so please your advice and prayers on this situation would be very much appreciated.

Thank u.

~ Ruq

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6 Responses »

  1. Ruq,

    I am very sorry to hear that you lost your mum...may Allah grant her Jenna Inshallah. It sounds like your sister has been through a lot in her young life and I believe she is making a smart decision to end this marriage. May Allah be with her and her child and I pray that she will find peace and happiness.


  2. Assalamualaikum,

    Sister, hardships are a part of life. One who does not face hardships then he should know that there is something wrong. It is completely normal that one faces difficulties in life, faces situations as mentioned. But one mistake from our side could prove to be a disaster.

    What your sister should do is sit down with him and discuss all the matters, in order to clarify whatever she thinks matters. This would mot only help her understand the problems but also to solve them, as more than half the solution lies in the knowledge of what the problem is.

    It would also help her strengthen the relationship between herself and her husband, thus reducing the impact of external events. Nothing much can be done concerning the mother in law except that she can try and win her confidence in some way. This also includes suppressing her discomfort and smiling before them and asking them how she can serve them.

    Her husband maybe feels something which he is unable to express. Once your sister finds out what it is, half the problem will be solved insha Allah.

    Hope for the best from Allah. I know the behavior of this man has been unusual and is unacceptable. But there maybe a reason to this which needs to be discovered and then d result with. Insha Allah, the Help of Allah is near. TRUST in Him ask your sister to Trust in Him, then move ahead.

    I pray that Allah Helps her attain happiness

    Muhammad Waseem Editor

    • i agree. and sister Ruq may be before letting ur sister go for a divorce tell her to just give it one last chance, tell her to be extra extra loving and STOP working, she is not the bread winner, its the husband who should deal with the finances! let him take that burden, its HIS responsibility!! i know its a difficult time, but may be give one last go. as the brother has said, it is important to find out what is going on and why. if its a case of black magic, then solve it! if its some other issue, then talk through it, communication is key!!

      What is the Best Way to Talk About Problems?

      When problems arise in a relationship, couples are often told they need to "communicate" - or talk to each other.

      In many cases, however, couples do not know how to talk about problems and communication only makes the situation worse.

      For the most part, there are two basic ways of talking about problems: Direct Accusation versus Problem Identifica
      tion (described below). Unfortunately, most couples use Direct Accusation rather than Problem Identification when trying to resolve conflict.

      The idea that Problem Identification is a better way of solving problems draws upon Gibb's work on defensive communication and Cupach and Canary's work on conflict management. Cupach and Canary's book is a great resource for dealing with conflict management.

      Direct Accusation – Focus on Partner’s Behavior

      When upset or angry, many people confront their spouses by focusing on their partner’s behavior. These accusations can be made directly “I am upset because you…” or even in the form of a question “why did you…?”

      The motivation behind making such accusations is typically to change a spouse’s or partner’s behavior. People believe that if they get upset and point out their partner’s mistakes, things will change. This rarely works.

      If you accuse a partner of wrongdoing, partners typically:

      •get defensive – fight back or withdraw (stop listening)
      •offer an (insincere) apology designed to stop your attack
      •hide and conceal similar behavior in the future
      The long term outcome of directly confronting a partner is:

      •increased distance
      •less understanding and greater dissatisfaction
      •the lack of a genuine resolution
      •increased future conflict
      A more effective approach involves focusing on one’s feelings, not a partner’s behavior.

      Problem Identification – Focus on One’s Feelings

      A better way to resolve relationship problems involves focusing on one’s feelings, rather than blaming a partner for what happened (even if, your partner deserves blame).

      It is easier for a partner or spouse to hear what you have to say when you focus on your own feelings and not dwell on his or her mistakes. For example, if your spouse has a habit of coming home late – rather than make a direct accusation – “I hate when you're so late – why do you do that?” – it helps if you can focus on your feelings instead “I am feeling sad and a little frustrated. I sometimes feel lonely when you are not home.”

      When trying to discuss a problem - it's important not to assign blame. Even saying something as simple as "It makes me feel uncomfortable..." can come across as an accusation - leading to a defensive response. Phrasing a concern as "I feel" rather than "It makes..." is a more effective way of solving problems.

      Your motivation for dealing with problems this way should be to get your partner to hear what you have to say. If you can get your partner to understand your point of view, you are much more likely to create a meaningful and lasting resolution.

      By focusing on your feelings instead of your spouse’s behavior, partners are more likely to:

      •listen to what you have to say
      •empathize with your position
      •discuss the problem in a constructive manner
      And there are many benefits of approaching relationship problems with this way:

      •increased closeness, satisfaction and understanding
      •greater potential for resolution and change
      •less future conflict
      Simply put, directly confronting a partner often leads to greater resistance, more conflict and deception. Of course, it is easier to get angry and make accusations, but doing so rarely leads positive, long term outcomes.

      tell her to be more loving through her words and actions too with her hubby, that might change things around in shaa Allaah.

  3. Asalamoalaikum Ruq,

    I am sorry to read about your sister’s difficult marital life. I do think though that she is taking the right decision of wanting to seek divorce.

    Her husband’s behaviour is unacceptable and inexcusable. If his parents aren’t willing to cooperate or be kind, then at least he needs to do his part to compensate for their lack of kindness. I don’t think things are going to change any time soon, rather, they will just escalate and your sister will be left taking care of her children on her own with his absence (even though he may physically present) in their lives. This is no way to live.

    Divorce is given to us to use in extreme situations and I believe your sister has made genuine efforts to make this marriage work. It’s about time she thinks about herself and her children.

    I pray that Allah swt makes it easy for your sister to make the right decision for her children and herself, ameen.

    -Helping Sister

  4. I'm sorry to hear that you lost your mother, that is the saddest thing ever is to lose a mother insallah she is in a better place in heaven. I pray tonallah everything work out for your sister too she seems like a wonderful person.

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